
Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” Psalm 125:1

Apparently… I don’t trust God! ME!?! As I write this, I can hardly believe the words I read back to myself. But after the lousy night’s sleep I got last night, along with all the stuff that’s been rolling around in my head, I don’t know what other conclusion to make. After reading about David, I searched for a Psalm for some peace, and landed on this verse!

It would be easy for me to just blame it all on God! After all, Psalm 127:2 says that the LORD, “grants sleep to those He loves.” It would be a simple logical conclusion to say, “well I didn’t get any sleep last night… so God must not love me!” But that would be ridiculous! God DOES love me. So the problem of sleeplessness MUST lie in the weakest link… ME!

Not one to believe in coincidences, I am left to roll today’s verse around in my head and dig deeper for what He is trying to show me. I remembered the illustration of ‘The Chair’ I learned when trying to describe faith. I can actually look at a chair and believe that it can hold me. But I do not really ‘exercise’ that faith until I plant my butt down onto it! OOOOH!

If unshakable faith comes to those who ‘trust in the Lord,’ then the problem of a disturbed night of unrest MUST be the result of MY NOT trusting in the Lord! As I write those words, I can sense God giving me a pat on my back and saying… “that a boy!!! You’ve got it!” Which means, the only person who needs to make an adjustment in our relationship… is ME!

So excuse me for, once again, distrusting God in the middle of my night. I’m just going to throw this junk off onto God’s shoulders and let it go! Do YOU need to do the same thing? Thank GOD that back-steps are just another part of the Dance with my Savior.   


…you are not your own. For you were bought with a price…” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

It was Sunday morning and time to wake up the kids for church. Going to the door, I opened it… halfway! The door stopped when it hit something. Looking in, I saw my 2 grandsons lying just inside the door… on the floor! Looking at the blowup mattress, I immediately saw the problem. Half inflated, they must have rolled off of it in the middle of the night.

We have 2 mattresses, but the one we grabbed apparently was the one with the slow leak. Being late the first night, I tasked the oldest of the 2 with a job saying, “Duncan, put your finger here. This is the button that blows up the mattress. If it goes down in the middle of the night, just press this and it will inflate.” The first night he had it down. Saturday? Nada!

Finally, waking up, they both laughed. Apparently they had been in such a sound sleep, they hadn’t noticed the mattress collapsing. When they rolled onto the floor, they didn’t realize they had a problem and slept right through it. Had he noticed, it would have been a simple 15 second task to hit the switch and fix it. Now… this is just a funny story. But it’s not always!

Losing sleep and not even noticing doesn’t count as an oops. But there have been MANY times when, failure to take responsibility or perform a simple task, cost me plenty! It doesn’t take much for an oops to become a catastrophe. I remembered to drop my taxes in the mail yesterday. Had I missed today’s deadline, it would have cost me dearly! Life has lessons.

As I read Psalm 24:1 today, “The Earth is the LORD’s and everything in it,” I remembered the New Testament verse that I used for today. As I meditated on that verse, I was led to remember the First Commandment as well, “You shall have NO other Gods before Me.” It’s a rule that was handed down from God to me, with an expectation that I CHOOSE to KEEP it.

Putting Duncan’s finger on the switch and showing him how to take care of himself should his bed collapse, is not much different than today’s verses. The cost of NOT seeing God as my Creator and Master will result in MORE than just an oops or a night sleep. The decision to live life to the full, with God as My Master, is MINE. I can choose Him, or sleep right through Him.

Are YOU choosing to Choose Jesus?


Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” 1 Peter 1:17

Yesterday I had the honor of hanging out with people I don’t normally hang out with. They are a different breed of men who look into the face of danger every day, not giving a second’s thought about moving toward it. They are the Boatmen responsible for getting a Harbor Pilot to the front of a ship, so he can climb a rope ladder to guide that ship safely to port.

Having had the honor of meeting those men many times, they know me well enough that they do not pretend or play games. They act themselves around me, and say what is on their minds without restraint. Those men, who fear no storm and drive into the center of it, were at a loss for words at the news of what is going on in the world around us. They’re baffled!

As we headed out into the Gulf of Mexico, the weather was bleak. Winds were whipping up the warning that a storm was coming. Not even giving a second thought, they executed their duties with even MORE intensity. Going back, or not moving forward, weren’t even considered options because, to them, it was just another day’s work! So off we went!

I read the news. I get baffling news reports from fellow Christians about how bad it is getting out there. But I am not baffled. I already KNOW what The Book says is going to happen. And it is NOT going to go well for Believers any time soon! Today, as I read The Word, God didn’t need to shake me into an action I wasn’t already doing. In fact, they sharpened the details.

I looked up ‘ living in fear’ in my browser and found a LOT of responses… MOST of which commented that NO one should… or should HAVE to. Re-reading today’s verse, I noticed that His words were a command! Not a suggestion. “Live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” What is normally unheard of, has now become my “Command for the day!”

There’s a STORM coming! And we KNOW it! But we ALSO know The King. And He s=is NOT the kind that backs down or gets confused. His words to use TELL us that what is normally NOT normal, had BETTER be! So today I find myself in the same position I do every day. It’s time to put on the Full Uniform. God is calling me to duty! Are YOU hearing His voice?


Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!. . . Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” Psalm 150:2,6

I couldn’t describe it, other than a response. I was thinking and pondering some worldly issue that was being amplified by the news. I was in my truck driving in heavy traffic and, as usual, it seemed that every person who ever failed driver’s education had gotten in front of me. Scooting around one, I hit the intersection in perfect time… for a red light! Then I looked up!

As I looked out my windshield my eyes were simply drawn to UP! There, in a cloudless sky with the sun in a full on shine, I simply was forced to exhale… AHHHHHH! The verbal response was also natural. I simply said… “Thank you Jesus!” And then the light turned green! It was a moment of reverence… solemn, real and just between me and Jesus.

Even now as I relive it, I am reminded to relax and let Him simply ‘have me.’ I mean, there really isn’t a whole lot I can do about world conditions. My opinions, rarely shared by the world, wouldn’t go very far in fixing much anyway. But for some strange reason, Jesus loves for me to keep company with Him… and He with me. Whod’a figured?

So today I’m going to borrow one of David’s favorite slogans and try to start with simply focusing, loving and looking to Jesus for the balance I need to get through this crazy world. If that is called Praise… so be it! I hope you have a wonderful day in Him as well.


I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:27 BSB

It was 1 shreek too many and I’d hit my limit. The middle school guys were playing dodge-ball and a young 9 year old had joined in. Standing aside and watching the action, I was talking to my tough-guy, Sheriff friend when a horrid screech cut into my manhood. Whistling, I got attention and called everyone together… because THIS behavior had to stop… RIGHT NOW!

With everyone surrounding me, I made the 9 year old the focus of attention. “SON,” I said… “How old are you and are you a boy or a girl?” Glad he got those 2 questions right, I then asked him another logical question. “IF you are 9 years old and a man-child, WHY do you scream like a girl?” His dazed look confirmed I’d gotten my point across. I moved to step 2.

I asked all the men and boys on the playground to lay their hands on this young lad because we were going to PRAY for this young boy to receive full rights of manhood ‘as of today!’ The leader of the program, and father of another young boy added, “let me get MY kid in on this. And he joined in. Together we all prayed for the 2 young boys to realize that they were MEN!

It was a simple act really. But one that had Biblical precedent. The act of anointing has gone on since Adam was christened “Man-in-Charge” by God Himself. It was an exclamation point on the dawn of His-story, that set things in a God ordained order. The playground anointing was no less real or authoritative. Standing aside, the quiet mood of the young man stood out.

Today’s verse has a sneaky, but very sharp point to be made. Reading it proves it is VERY possible to be saved, in Christ and on my way to a heavenly home, and yet STILL be DISQUALIFIED! I CAN be IN… and yet OUT at the same time! Just like it is very possible for boys to play and sound like girls, men to behave like children, and Christians to act ungodly!

One thing I learned the hard way, is that Christianity is NOT an accident. It is an intentional, full on, never let up choice to walk and FOLLOW the Savior… or sidestep and slide into the world. Christianity is not difficult… it is IMPOSSIBLE! That is without the anointing and intentional decision to walk, fight and follow Christ like men and women were intended.

Are YOU walking like Jesus expects? 


Does a bird swoop down to a trap on the ground when no bait is there? Does a trap spring up from the ground if it has not caught anything?” Amos 3:5

I was at my son’s place doing some work when, over in the corner, I caught sight of his 3 fishing poles and a bag of gear. Having worked all day, I could hear him in my head saying, “Go on, take a break.. go fish!” The idea sunk deeper and sprouted into action as I thought, “Yea!!! Why not?” Looking through the fishing gear, I had to admit I knew little about using the artificial baits he had in the bag.

I’ve fished many times in my life, and used to be OK at it. But the plastic baits in his bag were the kind one needed to know HOW to throw and jig to attract a fish. My skill and energy level didn’t meet any of their criteria, so I mentally began to go through a list of possible baits I had in my cooler. Satisfied I had at least a possibility, I grabbed a pole and headed to the dock… with some beef jerky!

The stars were out and the night was beautiful. I felt like the luckiest man on earth. Being the only guy out there on the island, and sitting there alongside Jesus, I carefully stabbed the hook into a generous piece of jerky and lowered the line into the water. It didn’t take long for imagination to spring to life to give me hope! Soon, I was enjoying imagination FAR more than reality could offer!

“C’mon man! It’s BEEF JERKY!” I thought to myself. There is NO WAY some big sport fish is going to sneak up to that bait and think… ‘now would ya look at that… something different for dinner!’ But for a moment, Jesus and I had a laugh. And that in itself is enough for this story. Jesus and me… sitting on a dock together. Come to think about it, that is a WHOPPER of a tale.

Who could imagine? The God of the Universe wanting and loving ME SO MUCH, that He used His own Son as bait to catch me? And when at my worst, when I most needed to be caught and reeled in, He showed me something different than I deserved… and I bit! Are YOU magnificently caught by the Savior? Are you helping Him fish for others?


My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways.” Proverbs 23:26

Shooting is a hobby of mine, and it’s not because I’m scared. I go to the shooting range mostly because of who I will see… not because of what I will do. My friend, who is much better at shooting than I am, is usually there to guide and teach me how to shoot better. It’s been a LONG time since he has taught me ANYTHING NEW! It’s more about the reminders!

The other day I set up and obeyed his instruction to “just warm up.” That means to set up a target about 7 yards down range and shoot 10 or 20 shots to see where I am and what I need to work on. After the first round, his words were not even SEMI-automatic… “well THAT sucked!” he said. We laughed because he was right! I love Dan’s way with words!

“FOCUS,” he said. “TAKE YOUR TIME!” “SLOW DOWN!” Which was a little shocking, because the last time we met he’d told me to shoot FASTER! Confused, I reminded him of that. He un-confused me with the word ‘TIMING!’ Getting started, I need to work on fundamental basics, then when all of that is in order, a natural rhythm and pattern will produce efficient results.

The day ended early when I never really got better. The glasses I usually use I’d left at home so my focus was hard to find. My teacher said, “well dummy, what were you thinking?” And he was right. I hadn’t been. And while all this sounds like a topic on shooting, it is more about hitting any target. In my life, the Word of God is INSISTENT that I NOT be a dummy!

Jesus Christ PROMISED me abundant life! That may mean something different to each of us, but HE said the words. So if I am not FEELING or HITTING the bullseye in ‘abundant,’ it isn’t the TEACHER who has the problem. It’s the STUDENT! Meaning ‘I’ am DOING SOMETHING WRONG! His Book is there, along with His Spirit, to help me find and adjust to the target.

Are YOU seeing and focusing on what Jesus wants you to see and do? Are you adjusting your sights according to His instructions and guidance? Or are you ill-prepared, rebellious or target free? I have found Jesus even tougher and more persistent than my shooting teacher. He’s ALWAYS talking to me. And if I’m missing His point… it’s MY fault! FOCUS!


Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

The lamp in the cottage was old, reflecting the ‘Lighthouse’ theme of the previous owner. The first time I turned it on I saw a potential for future irritation. The switch was tricky. ‘On’ meant ‘kinda.’ ‘Off’ meant ‘maybe never again.’ Being the only light in the room, I coaxed it on. ‘Flicker’ flashed me a ‘don’t leave so soon!’ We’re just getting started,’ kind of attitude!

After toying with the switch gently, I finally got it to stay on. I was going to paint the room and needed to ‘see.’ Listening to music when I work is a joy, so I fiddled with my old IPOD to connect the power line and cable to get it going as well. Selecting ‘K.C.’s Favorites’ from the playlists, I hit ‘enter’ and my conditions for work were maximized. Until the ‘light’ flickered!

I did the same things I had done before, but ‘flicker’ was all I could get. Turning to walk away I bumped the shade, which caused a flicker. Finally, the ‘dummy’ light in my brain told me, ‘screw the light bulb tighter into the socket! ‘Flicker’ bailed from the room, leaving me to wonder, “why didn’t you try that before?” I really thought I had! But then, ‘Elvis’ came on!

God is so personal! I had been enjoying my time alone at the old place, and even talked to God and read His Word that morning. When Elvis sang ‘The Wonder of You,’ I felt a flicker from the Holy Spirit with an invitation to ask HIM to join me in painting the room. We did! I’d worked hard to create MY perfect work conditions, but intimacy with God IS the condition!

The gentle hand of the Spirit pointed me to a Book that was written by a selfish, entitled, spoiled but brilliant brat. After making one wise request for his age, God blessed him with wisdom and wealth beyond dreams. Along the way, wisdom flickered out and left the ‘Book of Ecclesiastes’ in it’s wake. It’s theme, ‘Life is meaningless,’ blinks out, ‘So Love God First!’

I don’t know WHY it’s so hard! I KNOW that ‘The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing!’ I really subconsciously believe that I have Him at the center of my life. I’d pass any test with a ‘YES!’ answer, every time. In REALITY, I must confess that believing I do, and DOING it… are 2 different things. God wants me with Him 24/7. It’s MY hand on the switch!

Are YOU WALKING in fellowship WITH the Lord in ALL your ways? Is your desire to let Jesus ‘in’ and be ‘over’ EVERYTHING in your life… including your handling your time, money and decisions? Is His Glory lighting up your whole world… inside and out? Why not give Him a try?


Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22

It was an old upright vacuum cleaner that nobody was using. Having a vacuuming need at another place, I threw it in my truck. Had I known the trouble it was going to give me, I’d have left it and used a broom instead. Turning it on gave me the first clue by the sound it made. The engine was straining, the roller wasn’t turning… and it didn’t suck either.

Investigation found that no maintenance had been done on the machine for a very long time. Hair and fabric had locked up the roller, the hose was filled with some kind of gloppy dirt, and both filters hadn’t been cleaned since the last time I cleaned out my old truck… BEFORE I bought the new one! For over half an hour, I cleaned every piece. Then hummed!

The vacuum cleaner brought back a teenage memory that was etched into my brain. Coming home from school, I found my father, as they say in Pittsburgh, ‘running the sweeper.’ “Hi Dad,” I hollered. He gave me a look that could melt nails. I didn’t know why, but KNEW I was in DEEP trouble. He just kept ‘sweeping’ with his head down… leaving me to figure out why!

It turns out he had asked me to do that job several times, days before, and I hadn’t. The mess on the floor paled in comparison to what was going on in his head. He must have thought I’d end up in prison for my irresponsibility. He gave me a simple job. I didn’t do it. The excuse, though I don’t remember what it was, was unacceptable. But I didn’t go to prison!

Dad and I BOTH had maintenance issues on this issue. I disregarded my father. He stewed on it. It was a life lesson on maintaining relationships AND Godly responsibilities. The incident of the vacuum calls to my attention that God indeed DOES have expectations of me on a daily basis. Ignoring Him and His will STILL get me ‘The Look’… in Spirit. Have YOU seen it? Have you been neglecting your heavenly Father’s expectations of you on a daily basis? I’ll bet you know what they are too!