
During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” Hebrews 5:7-9

“God, the perfect Son – Jesus – didn’t start out perfect!” It came as a shock to me as I read Hebrews chapters 2-5! But there it was! And it didn’t surprise me that God was showing me this at Christmas time! The verses go on to say that Jesus BECAME perfect through OBEDIENCE! Which implies that he WASN’T before He was! Even for me, that was a very big pill to swallow!

Obviously Jesus, being begotten of the same substance as God, WAS perfect in Heaven. No sin, no temptation, no bent toward imperfection! He was one WITH His Father because He WAS, by nature, His Father! They had created angels then men. Then fallen angels had deceived and led disobedient man, to death! Man needed a SAVIOR from their divorce from God. Death came because MAN chose it!

It doesn’t take intelligence to know that imperfect and perfect cannot coexist. A perfect hog cannot act as a heart transplant donor to a needy man! They are not made from the same STUFF! If death was the penalty for Man’s choosing to disobey God, then their Savior, a substitute, must first become a man. THEN… He must be tested and tried as a man to ensure that he WAS perfect. That meant this substitute had to be tempted and tried, and LEARN to be obedient under the same rules the first Adam faced. And THAT, God was showing me, was the Boot Camp drill for Jesus!

Hebrews says Jesus offered up cries and petitions while learning obedience to become the perfect man! Cries and petitions implies that Jesus didn’t like the process! The difference was, THIS man was born to LEARN to be the perfect man, die, then serve as the perfect Priest to administer the sacrifice on behalf of the people He died for!! A TALL order indeed! But one He completed!

So this Christmas, as I think about the gifts, joy and wonder of the Holy-day… I think I’m going to focus on the reality of what Jesus REALLY came here to do and become. May God show me that MY obedience to Him is truly important… if I want to serve Him well!

DO YOU see what I see?


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

“Go back!” That is what ‘The Voice’ said! ‘It’ has a tendency to show up more frequently the older I get. Which is a good thing, though sometimes… annoying. ‘It,’ ‘The Voice,’ is God. The person I refer to as My Heavenly Father… or “DAD.” The pet name is NOT disrespectful, as seen by the capital letters! Driving by a situation, I heard Him, disregarded in angst, then heard “DAD” again. I turned around!

Born 67 years ago, my life really never started counting until my early teens. It was then that I met DAD under EXTREME circumstances. Being me, I was looking for mischief, and looking back, DAD had had about enough to work with. So He called, I heard, and ‘The Voice’ has never left me alone. He is Faithful to a fault! I wish I could say the same about me… but I’ve ignored Him far too MANY times!

“Go back and pick up that piece of paper. Take the further parking space so someone else can have the closer one. Get there early. Volunteer for the messiest job! Wake up and spend time with me!” They are only some of the things DAD like to say. And though He never shouts, I KNOW it’s Him. Because of the Authority in that still small voice I hear, I NEVER have an excuse to ignore Him.

It was a privilege to see the picture of Charlie Brown and his old bent Christmas Tree. I got to see that special when it first came out on TV and remember it well. Charlie’s eyes on that tree clearly show that he KNOWS that it is not up to par. He KNOWS that his attempt is not good enough in reflecting back the Glory and Honor due the birth of Christ. But KNOWING doesn’t help DOING!

There is an odd sensation that comes when I read this verse. Like looking into a mirror, I can clearly SEE what I look like. But seeing doesn’t bring Joy. I remember what I USED to look like. Time has changed my face and will eventually drop me into a grave. But knowing that SHOULD make me JoyFUL! Unless I’m looking at life through Charlie Brown’s eyes.

Being a new creature should be more intense, joy filled, louder, more insist and yes… even more patient. But not all of those character traits show up in me all the time. Thus ‘The Voice!’ He speaks when He has something to say. Usually when I have acted in the OLD way. Because, since I AM new… I should live and ACT new! “I didn’t know,” is not a valid excuse to DAD!

This verse reminded me that I was made to live and look FORWARD! Not back! So THIS Christmas I think I’m going to try to work a little harder on giving DAD the Gift He’s always wanted. More of the NEW me! And less of the old! After all, we BOTH already know… I KNOW better!

How about YOU?  


This article is FAR too wonderful and awesome to not share. It was sent to me by Randy after I wrote the Words of the Day yesterday, and shares the common theme.. “WHY?”  In the days where things happen, only to leave us questioning WHY?” and hearing no answer, it is WELL worth the reading.  enjoy!  I apologize in advance for the formatting.  spacing and paragraphs did not like my editor!

The Starving Eyes of Man – Why We Ache to See Glory

An article by Greg MorseStaff writer at desiringGod.org

The eyes of man were made for glory. His soul hungers for something worth seeing. This world is a war of spectacles.

Man is a watching creature, a born admirer, a natural worshiper. It is why he gazes at the stars, climbs to the top of mountains, explores underwater worlds, travels to new and untamed lands — he craves vistas. It explains why he pays good money to pack into sports arenas, stares for hours at television screens, pays homage to the flaming horizon, and sings with Adam at the naked frame of Eve — he was made to see wonders.

Human eyes have had an appetite from the beginning. Consider Eve’s fall: “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes . . . she took of its fruit and ate” (Genesis 3:6). Eyes delighted; sin committed. The pattern holds with her and Adam’s children. When man exchanges the glory of God, he does so for images (Romans 1:23) — for that which intrigues the eye, something seen, a glory exchanged.

Ravenous, then, are the eyes of man. Like the belly, they hunger. Like the throat, they thirst. Like the feet, they wander, searching after something — anything — worth beholding. But in a world of images, he still hasn’t found what he is looking for. One wonder will be replaced by another and another. “Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and never satisfied are the eyes of man” (Proverbs 27:20).

But oh, how often humanity conceives its happiness backward. We think to achieve, to be somebody celebrated and revered — this fills the golden chalice with lasting happiness. But man is no dog to live for pats on the head. Just the opposite. Man is a creature who looks out the window through the rain, searching for something to enthrall him. To first see, not be seen; to chiefly admire, not be admired; to fix one’s gaze beyond earth’s horizons — this is the happiness so few ever find.

Back of Glory

Scripture testifies that some famished eyes looked above and found the true object of their desire.

Such ones climbed mountains to exclaim at the heavens, “Please show me your glory!” (Exodus 33:18). Such souls, when surrounded by danger and violence, wrote, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after . . . to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord” (Psalm 27:4). These eyes faced east and begged to see what would soothe their reason for being — in this world and the next. “As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness,” sang David. “When I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness” (Psalm 17:15).

“Show me your glory! Satisfy me with your beauty! Show me your face — even beyond the grave — and it is well with me.”

But Old Testament saints, at best, viewed only the backside of divine glory. God tells Moses, “You cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live” (Exodus 33:20). The only glory that can satisfy man’s insatiable craving is the glory that would kill him to behold. So Moses hid in the cleft, seeing his back and hearing his name, but God’s face he did not see.

Face of Glory

Yet the story was not done. The glory that Moses could not see the face of, the beauty too fatal for fallen eyes, was born at Christmas. Wonder of wonders.

“The glory that Moses could not see the face of, the beauty too fatal for fallen eyes, was born at Christmas.”

To a little town named Bethlehem arrived the God no one had ever seen. The only God, who was eternally at the Father’s side — he has made him known (John 1:18). Christ — “the image of the invisible God,” the blinding light of God’s glory, “the exact imprint of his nature,” the very face of God’s beauty — became flesh and dwelt among us (Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3; 2 Corinthians 4:4–6). “And we have seen his glory,” the astonished apostle writes, “glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

Now, this all-Glorious One came down to us, as Moses came down from the mountain to Israel, veiled. His glory during his incarnation and humiliation was beheld not as much by sight as by faith. It stood as the marvel of angels that the thrice-holy one on the throne, possessor of all riches and glory, should grow up in the world of men “like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2). The King veiled his majesty in human flesh, disguised his splendor, hid his name, and dwelled among the poor, diseased, and condemned.

But the eyes of faith came to see more than just a Jewish man. “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!” Jesus exclaims after Peter identifies him as the Christ. “For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 16:17). Yet even his disciples were slow to see him. Philip requests of Jesus, “Show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” “Have I been with you so long,” Jesus replies, “and you still do not know me, Philip?” (John 14:8–9).   Then, with weight enough to break the world’s back, he utters, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” When Philip heard the words and saw the works and beheld the Person born in Bethlehem, he should have seen the face of the one who dwells in “unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see” (1 Timothy 6:16).

Seeing Heaven Himself

The sight of Jesus in all his glory alone can satisfy the eyes of men. Overhear Jesus’s prayer hours before the cross. He bends to ask that his disciples be given heaven’s crown jewel. What is that?

Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. (John 17:24)

The sight of Jesus in all his glory alone can satisfy the eyes of men.”

Jesus wants his people to enjoy the sight their soul was made to see: the glory of God, shining forth in his glory, forever. He desires it — so much so that nails through the hands, the feet, the soul will not stop him from obtaining it. Here is the ultimate something worth seeing. Here is glory beyond hyperbole, said Thomas Watson.

Here is why redeemed beings have eyes: to see and savor Jesus Christ in his uncloaked glory. This is why we have mouths: to sing back to him praise unending. In his presence, faith will flee at that face whose intensity retires the sun: “The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb” (Revelation 21:23).

Sight That Makes Us Happy

The ache of men’s eyes sends them many places. The eyes of man rove the beauties of this world, restless. Only here, beholding Jesus — now by faith, soon by sight — do we find the beatific vision, the sight that makes eternally happy. Where are you looking, this Christmas, to satisfy your soul?

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8) — can you imagine anything better? In the closing chapter, we read, “They will see his face” (Revelation 22:4) — is there a better happily-ever-after? This is not the only joy heaven holds, but it is the best. His kingly countenance, concealed no longer, is heaven’s consummation for both unfallen angel and redeemed man.

“Your eyes will behold the king in his beauty” (Isaiah 33:17). We will not see him as he was in Bethlehem or in the streets of Jerusalem; we will see him as he is in royal beauty (1 John 3:2).

There is a great deal of difference, Jeremiah Burroughs comments, “between seeing the King at an ordinary time, and seeing of him when he is in his Robes, with his Crown upon his head, and his Scepter in his hand, and set upon his Throne, with all his Nobles about him in all his glory” (Moses His Choice, with His Eye Fixed upon Heaven, 537).

And this sight of him transfigured will not merely satisfy but transform. “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2.) Burroughs again: “A deformed man may see a beautiful object, and that sight shall not make him like that beautiful object; but the sight of God shall make the soul glorious, as God is glorious” (581–82).

Seeing him as he is, we will join the seraphim in wonder, shouting holy! and worthy! until we threaten to burst with happiness. Available to us is the Face of glory, not the back; an eternal gaze at his beauty, not a passing glimpse. Now we may see in a mirror dimly, “but then face to face.” Now we know in part; then we shall know fully, even as we have been fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12).

This is the glory whispered at Christmas, sung at Easter, shouted in eternity — the glory profound enough to satiate our souls and make us happy forever.

Greg Morse is a staff writer for desiringGod.org and graduate of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He and his wife, Abigail, live in St. Paul with their son and daughter. 


For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope.” Romans 8:20

“UGHHHHHHHHH!” was my response when asked how I was doing. That went along with other sounds that don’t actually have any official spellings, but sounds everyone can appreciate! And why not? It’s Christmas! Why WOULDN’T the official day we celebrate the birth of the world’s Savior come with anything less than groaning frustration. Just read the real story behind HIS birth.

I know, I know! Christmas is supposed to be Merry and Bright! Bah-Humbug’s are not welcome to the Christmas party, and until Mr Scrooge changes his attitude, his story won’t be any less frustrating. “So learn this now,” I told myself, “you’d better get Merry and Bright together and Ho-Ho-Ho it, even if you have to fake it!” But the pep talk didn’t help. And it’s not because I’m blue!

There’s something “In the Air Tonight,” sang Phil Collins. And it isn’t just me and Scrooge who hear it! The Bible says that “ALL Creation groans.’” And includes God Himself (vs 26)! For some reason that verse, in a weird way, gives me some Peace! Having 2 surgical procedures this month smacked me. But it’s not my body that feels uneasy. Both my soul and spirit are groaning. For a reason!

I’m going to attribute my looking up the meaning behind Collins’ song to the Holy Spirit. I was surprised to discover that even HE didn’t know what the song meant, but wrote about what he felt. I call that a brave admission! Other than having a stuffy nose, I feel fine! Christmas is my favorite time of year and I have “The Spirit” going. But there’s just something haunting hanging in the air!

I was looking for something to read last night when my eyes found the book, “Dark Nights of the Soul.” I’m not really sure why I grabbed it. I had tried to read it before and quit. Something drew me to it, so I started perusing the pages as it described man’s groaning using Psychology. After an hour, I threw it in the trash! Then God led me to discover this verse and, ‘groaning’ is to be expected!

I’m NOT trying to be a downer. In fact, I feel like I received a shiny new toy to play with! And it’s something that will last and never wear out on this Earth! There’s a REASON for my grumpiness, a WHY for my questionable attitude!  And it MAY help me to not be so crotchety! I AM this way because I’m SUPPOSE to be! That’s how God MADE me. SOMETHING is WRONG… and my GROANING proves it!

God’s story through Jesus is tragic! Perfect God volunteered to take on the form of fallen humanity, coming down here behind enemy lines, only to be targeted from birth. His horrific death was predictable… so says God. And so says my body, soul and spirit. That feeling in the air tonight verifies things are NOT what they were meant to be. But God reminds me, CHRIST is coming!  Only THEN will my groaning cease!

How are YOU feeling this Christmas?  Do you have occasions for being grumpy?  Does this verse help YOU to understand that it’s ok to not be ok… because things here are NOT ok… and that, for now, is OK!???


“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” Luke 2:29-32

“Did you remember this?” were the words Katie asked me as she held up a beautiful painting of Jesus being presented to Simeon in the Temple. Having JUST preached the sermon on that event just yesterday, I had to confess that I had not noticed it before. “Where did you get that?” I asked. Her response was both humbling and revealing. “Off the wall over there. Didn’t you remember?”

Being a ‘guy’ can be a rough experience, since men are COMPLETELY different than women. Which is both a good thing AND intentional. God made me different from my wife for a reason, which is OBVIOUS! That’s why I can’t even fathom the whole transgender phenomenon! Yesterday Katie spent about 2 hours decorating the front door! We’ve owned that ‘unnoticed’ print for 5+ years!

Had I ‘noticed’ the print, I could have taken it to Church and displayed it for the sermon. But hadn’t and didn’t! Katie’s artistic brain is on a whole different level than mine. Give her some crayons or markers and she can draw almost anything I ask and get a “WOW!” But that gift can easily become a burden as she likes to switch stuff around to appeal to her changing whims and tastes. Unlike me.

The story of Jesus in the arms of Simeon sheds light on God’s ultimate plan, which He has had from BEFORE the beginning of time. The term, “a Light to the Gentiles,” was actually a Title given to the promised Messiah from Isaiah 42:6 & 49:6. The word Gentile means ‘without God’ and describes the state of their non-notice of Him. When Jesus came, His objective was to turn that light ON!

When speaking to the Jews in John 8, Jesus said “I am the light of the world.” To many in His day, that description got Him noticed… in a bad way! But God, like my Katie, likes to switch things around! So in Matthew 5 Jesus went on to say “YOU are the Light of the world…” ‘YOU’ being ‘ME!’ A fact that MANY of us ‘Church-guys’ tend to forget or fail to notice, and/or DO! But Jesus never forgets!

I am SOOO glad that Katie doesn’t get tired of me enough to want to replace me. That is what Love does. Since God IS Love, His character is such that He will ALWAYS Love me, even when I fail to notice my own failures, or DO something about them when I do. But shouldn’t MY love for HIM be the same way! When I see that He wants something from me, should I not notice… then move to DO IT!

The ONLY Job of the Church in these years is to “Go into my world and tell the people WITHOUT Jesus… ABOUT Jesus! Do you and I know and love Him enough to notice the lost ones around us, and then share Him with them? That is really the ONLY external ‘print’ He wants others to notice about me.


A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” Proverbs 18:16

“Give this to your wife and do NOT mention me!” It’s a line I used to influence men on the importance of ‘loving their wives as Christ loves the Church’ (Eph. 5:25). Women love candles… and I have a connection. Being a man, I know first hand that men are pigs! Being sensitive and giving are not typical of ‘dudes.’ And part of my job is to teach people to do and become non-typical.

One of my favorite things to do is to wrap up a candle in a used plastic store bag, hand it to a guy and tell him to pass it on to his wife. I’ll say, “there are 2 gifts in the bag. 1 for your wife, and 1 for you. YOUR gift is the appreciation you will get from her when you tell her you came across this and was thinking about her. Just DON’T mention me!” Which often leads to a sad, piggish confession.

“When I give this to her, she’ll KNOW it wasn’t from me!” men will often say. When I ask, “why,” they’ll admit, “cuz I don’t never do nothin’ like dis!” As I said, men are pigs! But to get from the pig sty to the palace, one must do and be different from what pigs do. Teaching men to be bigger and better than they usually are is part of the job. Demonstration is a good God teaching method!

Everything on this Earth, especially at Christmas, is about Christ! And everything about Christ is about God’s Grace and Mercy… NOT getting what we deserve but receiving what we don’t! My connection to The Savior is a long established one. But one in which I have SO much more to learn. Spending time with Him and His Word teaches me all KINDS of things this pig really needs.

The principle of God sending His Son into the world to save it is unfathomable. Jesus Christ was born… to die! He knew in advance what kind of death He would suffer. Not being a pig but a Prince, he wanted all mankind to join Him in the palace. To get that done, God used the idea of a gift to gain interest, and to influence those who would want to join Him.

Spreading light is God’s thing. 1 candle can light another… and so on and so on. It is important for me to remember that I was called to spread His light. To work on NOT being a pig, but to be the gift to teach others about the wondrous, matchless love and light of our beautiful Savior. I can’t think of anything greater or more enjoyable.

Are YOU God’s great gift to your family and those in your world? Or are you an oink?  


…we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” Hebrews 10:10

“I think over here might be a good place to hide it,” I said. Katie said, “Eh.. they’ll find it in less than a second! They always do!” What we were talking about was the moving of the Elf on a Shelf in her classroom at school. We had stopped by in the evening so it would be moved for the morning. I was getting sucked in! As creativity flowed, ‘Truth’ kind of slipped out the window!

The Elf on a Shelf is a product from 2005 that has taken a permanent spot at Christmas. Written as a book, a ‘Scout Elf’ is sent to homes with children to watch behavior. Every Night the elf fly’s back to the North Pole to update Santa’s ‘Naughty or Nice’ list based on it’s findings. Upon return to the home, it takes a different location. Finding the Elf each morning is exciting and fun for children.

Having not been the Elf on the Shelf mover, I’d only HEARD stories as Katie came home and shared fun details about the kids and ‘The Elf.’ The Elf idea reminds kids that their behavior is being monitored during the Christmas Season. Kids are STRONGLY encouraged to BE GOOD so they will get presents! I laugh because Christianity has the same kind of silly tricks to get people to behave!

There are LOTS of articles that claim ‘The Elf’ is nothing more than a form of behavior control and can damage children’s psyche if misused. I can see how the threat of abuse from a controlling, insensitive parent might scar or distort reality for a child. If that is true, then ‘religion’ in the wrong hands can do even MORE damage to someone who doesn’t fully know the Grace of God.

There are lots of ideas out there that act like snitching Elves to God. Lines like, “You’d better repent, confess, and ask God for forgiveness, sin separates you from God, you could lose your salvation,” can easily damage a believer’s faith, as being ‘good or bad,’ becomes the measure of how much God really loves and approves of me. It takes a LOT of effort to overcome conscience.

Satan LOVES to mess with believers. And why not? He already HAS the unbelievers. If he can distort scripture and make a believer feel guilty enough to stop them from sharing the Good News of Christ, in his mind, he can win. So he lays it on thick with guilt and remorse! Then, adding elfish lies, I can make myself FEEL unworthy of ANYTHING good from God. That method WORKS!

Today’s Bible verse is just 1 of MANY that talk about Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on my behalf. It is clear. Jesus died once… FOR ALL! All people and all sin! PERIOD! But satan doesn’t want us to believe that truth. He wants to keep believers focused on SIN instead of the Savior! The Truth is, I don’t get to heaven by ‘being good,’ I get there by receiving His free Gift of Grace, which makes me HIS!

The Joy of Christmas, understood through to the purpose of Easter, shows me how much God loves and wants me. Faith comes by receiving His free gift of Grace through the Holy Spirit, not my behavior. In God’s opinion, He has no BAD KIDS, even though I will NEVER act perfect on this Earth. I have discovered that playing hide and seek for God’s approval is a waste of time! I’m already in!

Are YOU playing games with God’s grace? Do YOU allow guilt and remorse to drive you further from Christ because you haven’t met some perfect standard? Cheer up lil sheep! God has no reporting elves and doesn’t even keep lists of bad behavior!       Got Jesus?


“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” Hebrews 4:14

En route to the airport to pick up a couple of our church snowbirds, their flight got delayed. I had some time on my hands. I was driving Katie’s car and it was in need of a wash. Time, space and opportunity presented itself so I pulled into the first car wash I saw, paid my money and drove onto the track. Pulled into the spinning, foaming, loud, dark waters was cool. Then I wondered WHY?

For some reason my mind took me back to having kids in the car when we went through a car wash just like this. I remembered how excited they were. Yet my same kids, when first introduced to a swimming pool, were scared out of their minds! What was the difference? Having time in the whirring spinning thing, I think I figured it out. I was “WITH” them and they had faith in ME!

The first time my kids went into a swimming pool I was there. BUT… when a child puts their head UNDER the water, they do it ALONE! Since I could not breathe for them, the fear, danger and death became very personal. In the dark car with all the sounds, I was in there too. I guess they just knew that if I put MY faith in the machine and was WITH them, they could trust too! Like Jesus!

Unfortunately, death is one of those subjects that people like to avoid. When sharing the Gospel, I’ll bring up the question of where folks think they will go when they die. Usually, they make some kind of joke about it to avoid the subject, even though death has a 100% success rate. Sadly, until folks are faced with the cold hard reality they already know, they won’t put trust in someone else.

God has designed me with choice by HIS choice. He will not force Himself on me and MAKE me receive His free gift of salvation and eternal life. He has planted enough of Himself in me that I should KNOW to run to Him and trust Him with my life. When He sent Jesus here, Jesus had to CHOOSE to come to suffer and die! And He faced death ALONE! What He does NOW is BETTER!

When death grabbed hold of Jesus in the grave, it messed with the WRONG GUY! Jesus BEAT death to death! NOW He sits beside His Father in Heaven and talks to Him about ME! “See that?” He’ll say, “I died for that one!” As I ride this life I face darkness and fear every day. But I do not need to succumb to them! Because Jesus and I are in the same car going in the same direction!

Through the stormy fears of life, are you clean, riding with and holding on to, The Savior?


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“There’s a flag on the play… this one is coming back!” Katie and I were watching the NFL football game on TV when a successful pass play, which had moved the ball downfield for OUR team, suddenly wasn’t so successful! Someone had committed a foul and the ‘Ref’ threw a flag. Our famous quarterback suddenly had a meltdown!

The TV flashed a quote from the young opposing team’s quarterback, referring to OUR’s, which said, “He’s been an NFL Quarterback for longer than I’ve been alive!” At the break they showed OUR veteran’s reaction to several plays and players as he unhappily yelled and gestured his dissatisfaction. I knew EXACTLY how he felt!

As I pondered on what and why I do the things I do, I felt the same attitude and response ‘OUR’ Quarterback displayed. Watching NFL Football is just an example. Katie and I have watched it for so long, stopping watching it isn’t even discussed. I’m not a big fan and don’t even LIKE the NFL anymore! But there we were! Habit stuck!

The older I get the more trouble I seem to see. Rock solid truth that should be common knowledge, isn’t anymore! As society continues to fumble and fouls become more the norm, the ‘Flags’ are completely ignored. Gesturing in dissatisfaction only makes me appear like the grumpy old grandpa I’ve become in the youthful eyes of those who do not know what I know! Enter Jesus!

To the world, the Bible appears to be an old book written by grumpy old men. What ‘I’ know to be true is that The Word is more progressive than today’s news. The last book wraps up the 65 before it by throwing a Flag on the game of Life! The Book says things WILL get worse… that TROUBLE IS on the way! But Jesus sends in the pass play to ‘Peace.’ To ‘Take Heart’ and keep my eyes on HIM!

Are you keeping your eyes and heart on Jesus, trusting in HIS completed work and not your own? Have you ever considered that as the world gets farther from Jesus, even GOD gets grumpier?  ‘The Ref’ is watching, and according to what I know, there’s a big flag coming! Are YOU ready?