
Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” Ecclesiastes 5:2

We went out for dinner and were quite surprised when not 1, but 2 servers came to our table. It turned out that one was in training and the other was the trainer. Not wanting to delay or cut into their training and profit making time, and since we already knew everything we wanted, we quickly ordered. It didn’t take long to realize we weren’t really ‘cutting in’ on ANYTHING!

Looking back on the experience, I realize I should have figured service would take longer than normal, because if each step had to be explained, it would take time to do so. And since we weren’t in any real hurry, it really didn’t matter. Until it did!

After finishing the meal, we stacked all of our stuff together to make it easier to ‘bus’ the table. My wife and kids had all been restaurant servers, so the kind gesture simply became habit. Having been a ‘commission only’ salesperson most of my life, ‘my’ part, was coming up. All I needed was the bill… … … …!

After about 5 minutes I started looking for the servers. I finally saw them in the back of the restaurant… talking. Several minutes later, they were STILL talking. Me, being me, and being in ministry, I had to remind myself of this Bible verse because, having lost sight of ‘their’ goal, I HAD to stay focused on mine! I was irritate because they were facing us… with their backs!

French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Last night, I almost forgot that lesson. It is an easy one to forget when I lose focus of the ‘main thing.’ I have found that the length of my ‘forgetfulness’ is directly proportional to my own ‘selfishness.’

I have to laugh at the thought, that in Old Testament times, the sacrificial lamb had to be brought to the alter, slain and placed there to atone for sin. The lamb had NO say in the matter. Now, in New Testament times, and because of the ‘Lamb of God’s’ voluntary sacrifice, “I” am required to drag MYSELF to the alter and climb up on it! Anything LESS is a sign of losing focus! In an age of growing selfishness, I have to remind myself daily! I am trying to make it my goal to keep my life in check… and to NEVER keep my back ‘turned’ toward ‘The Savior! ‘  Please take this as a tip from a guy who knows how to blow it!


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22

What started off as a good idea really became one. I had something I wanted to give to someone else and needed a means of transport. Going to the garage, I opened the drawer where my wife keeps all the plastic grocery bags and pulled… nothin.’ I pulled again… only harder. As the drawer slowly opened, plastic bags belched forth like a clogged sewer! It was only THEN I realized… we have a problem.

It’s funny how time changes things. Growing up all we had was paper bags or boxes. One of the rituals of grocery shopping was folding the bags when we were done and sticking them beside the wall and refrigerator. That evolved into, “paper or plastic?” Apparently someone thought that lightweight plastic bags took up less room, and the game changed. Since then, another bright idea has come to pass. And now…it has become personal.

I wasn’t PLANNING a change. It was an issue that I cared nothing about. Honestly, until I discovered that ‘I’ am a ‘Bag Man’ with FAR too much wealth, I never gave it a thought. But now I realize I COULD have thought about it sooner. I used to find bags filled with bags in a corner of the garage. I would just throw them into the recycling bin. Now, THEY don’t want ‘em either!

People were created in God’s image for a reason. Animals do not have a spirit, and therefore do not face decisions about recycling, transportation, swimming pool maintenance… or Heaven! Humans do! But mankind generally doesn’t make positive changes in their lives until ‘inconveniently’ affected by negatives. The erupting ‘Bag Drawer’ is just an example.

The Word of God was NOT written by God to inconvenience us. He didn’t sit down and classify all the fun stuff as ‘prohibitive sin’ just to mess with us. He genuinely LOVES us and wants our BEST. Unfortunately, man thinks he is smarter and would rather fight. Only time and unwelcome consequences have a habit of forcing us to DEAL with our own ‘SCHTUFF!’

My wife was shocked when I told her, “I think I am going to work on making a change,” because being stubborn, I rarely do! I said, “I think I am going to take some of these reusable cloth grocery bags and put them in my truck,” yielded a shock of disbelief! But I KNOW it’s a good move! Even though I must continually WORK on it to make ‘the change’ effective! Reading and applying God’s Word to the areas in my life does the same thing, making the present more pleasant, to receiving an eternal reward. What unpleasant situation has God been using to try to teach YOU? Maybe it’s time to just make the change and ‘DO IT!’


For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

My wife has a birdbath…BUT! Over the years Katie has arranged, designed, planted and accessorized the side of the house to make it her own personal sanctuary. In the morning she spends her quiet God time listening to the fountain while looking at her plants and an occasional bird or squirrel. Yesterday morning, I sat in her chair and was seemingly chewed out…by a BIRD!

It was in the afternoon, as I walked by her chair, that I must have been drawn to the scenery, because I plopped down into it. Scattered movement immediately caught my eye as a bird, the type I do not know, landed in the birdbath, did a little dance, then hopped up on the bath’s edge and looked straight at me… again and again and again! I became shocked and offended!!

It took a little time but it seemed that the bird was trying to communicate its disgust with ME. The birdbath was dry as a bone and it SEEMED that the bird wanted a BATH! It looked at me AGAIN and shook it head as if to say… “WHERE’S the WATER, deadbeat!?“ Imagine MY surprised when I heard myself YELL at the bird… “it’s NOT MY JOB!” But bird was NOT deterred and… danced AGAIN!

My WIFE may have designed it, but ‘I’ set the bath and birdhouse and built the gazebo. SHE wanted it… I built it… because according to God’s marriage plan, we are ONE! If she wants it… supposedly so do ‘I.’ And the bird seemed to know that being FULLY committed to my wife meant that it was also MY job to FILL THE BIRDBATH! I finally got the message!

This morning I was shaken deep inside when this Bible verse came up in a devotional. When I forwarded it to Katie, she said out loud what ‘I’ had been thinking…”Oh.. that verse scares me! Is MY heart FULLY committed to Him EVERY MINUTE of EVERY DAY?” I could feel the Holy Spirit doing a dance in front of my eyes to get my attention! Because it’s a good question! And God already knows the answer!

O.K… I admit I am not an expert at bird-comms. AND, it is HIGHLY suspect that bird was trying to tell me something. BUT…I have a sense the Bible verse that landed in the dry spot of my spirit was from the Holy Spirit…trying to get my attention! What’s hers IS mine. And what’s mine IS His. And if there’s some filling that needs to be done… it IS MY JOB to see that it gets done!   Tweet-tweet!


Remember the nation you purchased long ago, the people of your inheritance, whom you redeemed– Mount Zion, where you dwelt.” Psalm 74:2

A while back Katie and I were in Walmart heading toward the check out when our eyes met the eyes of some folks we hadn’t seen in YEARS! It didn’t take long to realize that we needed to move off to the side, as we were blocking people from the self scanning ‘check out’ lines. After talking for about 10 minutes, I gave one of them a card with my cell number and asked if they would be in touch.

You know how things go these days. You’re never really SURE if they will call… or email.. or text… or Facebook, Instagram or Tweet! In 2020 we have more ways to get in touch with people than ever before. But opportunity does NOT guarantee a touch. I am happy to say that yesterday I was blessed in the present, with another connection from the past, of a promise for tomorrow!

It was crowded when I was running around the church yesterday. I only got to say hello to a few folks when I looked out the window saw them coming up the sidewalk. I was INSTANTLY elated! Only 1 other person in the place shared the joy of the reunion because, our relationship is unique and goes back over 44 years! We were ALL smiling!

I was driving the other day when suddenly… I remembered my grandfather! His face is still vividly etched into my brain. No one in my whole town would know him if he were to cross their path. But “I” would! And I think this Bible verse today is just right for what, I think, God is trying to tell me.

There is mystery surrounding “Mt. Zion” in the Bible. A dispute as to where is it, was, or its history. But not to me. Years ago my dad told me that, while Mt. Zion is a real place in Jerusalem, it isn’t really REAL… YET! It is the name given to the City of God where Christ returns and when His Saints gather together. A place were we (God’s People) will congregate and be together… FOREVER! I can hardly wait!

It really isn’t silly for this Psalm to ask God to ‘remember’ His people. After all, it is impossible for God to forget! But the word really means to “bring to the front of the mind.” “To put up in front and first.” I know EXACTLY how that word feels… and so do you! I was reminded again yesterday… of our mutual tomorrow… when all the people I have known and loved because of Jesus Christ are united in 1 single place. Because of yesterday, my heart cannot help but YEARN for that Day… and for HIM! And I don’t mind saying as I am getting older, hopefully sooner than later! What about you?


Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

I didn’t really understand the question. I had copied some files for a church member onto their own flash drive and handed it back. The following week she brought the flash drive back to me, along with her MP3 player, saying she couldn’t get it to work. I took it home and a few days later handed everything back to her with a, “here ya go!” Her baffling question to me was, “how did you DO that?”

Last night at Bible Study, we were covering the technical aspects and current applications of ‘The Feasts’ in the Old Testament. Afterward, someone came with a question and then added, “how do you KNOW all this stuff?” Again, I didn’t understand the question enough to give an answer.

Years ago, before the IBM PC, I went into computer sales and I was required to learn 3 different operating systems AND programs for 3 different computers. Learning was long, hard and grueling. Today, with Windows, it is a lot easier process…but it CAN get technical if someone doesn’t know HOW to copy or transfer a files. To learn takes time, study and perseverance. It is the same for learning the Word of God.

I was blessed to have a pastor for a father. One who loved to learn the Bible and its applications. From the age of 5 he taught and drilled it into me. When I got older, I learned how to find answers to my own deep questions because of the training I had previous. It’s not that I am smarter, I just may have more time and experience at it. But the MAIN motivator that brought me along was ‘desire!’

Back in the day, I HAD to find a good job because I had a wife, 2 little kids and a mortgage. My DESIRE to provide pressed me forward to learn hard stuff that I wouldn’t normally need, or care, to learn. The difficulties I had faced in life led me to the Word of God because I had learned that the answers are IN THERE… if I would just take the time and desire to FIND THEM.

I discovered that the real answer to the flash drive question would require me teaching a class on “How to use Windows.’ At both her and my stage of life, neither of us really desires that. I simply said, “when you need something copied, I’ll just do it for you.” The answer to the Bible question is not as easy.

I like the King James Version of this verse better. It says “YOU (implied) STUDY!” Most of the other versions say, “Do your best!” Having discovered that if ‘MY DESIRE’ to learn something is not there, ‘MY BEST’ will be tiny. What it takes to get close to God is simply the ‘WANT’ to! After that, it is simply showing up every day with desire, and putting your face in His Book and His Church! The BEST is just ahead! I guess the best answer to “how do you know this stuff,” can be answered with another question. “How badly do you REALLY WANT to know?


Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2

It was MY fault really. Having taken too much time to write out my lesson plan, I had run out of it… time that is. But I had JUST enough of it to send it to the printer. I hit print and… it didn’t! THIS was NOT part of the plan!

We have several computers in the house but only 1 printer. When we bought it we were happy to have joined the new fangled world of ‘wireless printing.’ Since no cables were needed, we would be able to print from anywhere in the house! Which was AWESOME… until it wasn’t!

Back in my old computer sales days, technicians had to wire up special printer cables if they hooked up to a serial printer. Each wire, or ‘pin,’ had a specific job. I remember asking and being told, “that one is the ‘clear to send’ pin.” Which was kind of like a batter in the box saying… ‘I’m ready… pitch it!’ All the other pins did something similar and, working together, they were able to get the signal from the computer. It’s the same today.. but different!

The computer has to contain that particular printer’s ‘drivers’ for it to work. If another computer, hooked up to it previously, had not finished it’s task, the printer wouldn’t even CONSIDER MY instructions. And when I get impatient and hit the print button a bunch of times, the robotic brains of both components goes insane and shuts down…confused by too many instructions! It is the same with Christ’s Church!

The purpose of God’s salvation is to make us into the “image of His Son”…Jesus Christ. Though each page from a printer may be different, they are ALL supposed to have the same clear image as was directed from Daddy God. If only that were ALWAYS the case!

As an individual, I have my own microprocessor (brain) that often get in the way of God’s intent. When that happens, “God wants” gets replaced with “I want, I need, I won’t, I can’t etc!” Unfortunately, a human operating in human mode can NEVER effectively display what ‘God’ wants. It takes a reboot, or reset, to get hooked up, online and ready. And ONLY the human can reset itself.

Because of His love, Christ gave Himself up as a sacrifice FOR ME! I get embarrassed when I realize I have been operating in K.C. mode. Then, when I don’t sacrifice MY stuff to receive HIS stuff, I STINK… and am FAR from being a fragrant to Him. When that happens, it doesn’t matter what time it is or how much I have. It is up to ME to yield and get back online with Him. And THAT is how I, you and me… work!


I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10

The place was PACKED, but since we had a rewards card and weren’t in and REAL hurry, we chose to stay and wait. After being seated, the waitress came and asked us the standard question, “What can I get you to drink?” Being prepared, I immediately declined her offer… and made a counter offer! “We know WHAT we want, we’re fast, and good tippers too.” The gleam in her eye proved she liked MY offer better.

It was fun to watch her countenance change, as she turned to my wife and said, “ya gotta love this guy, right?” It was ‘game on!’ We quickly gave her our menu INCLUDING food, and she scurried off… all because of my WORDS. The food came fast, proving HER commitment to our deal. When we were done eating, I thanked her and requested the check. Her response was, “you weren’t lying when you said you were fast.” To which, according to our agreement, I then asked, “Soooooo…what ELSE did I say?”

In her response to my last question, she did not blink or hesitate, She verified what SHE wanted when she said, “you are a good tipper!” The ball then was in my court to PROVE what kind of a person I was. Pulling out $20 for a $30 bill, I handed it to her. Then, with the agreement completed, and she smiled. But I wasn’t done! Because of MY Promise to Him, I simply HAD to go further… signing my name to verify my promise to the restaurant that my bank would promise to pay. Then I wrote, “John 14:6 and left a Gospel Tract.

My credit card came to me years ago because of an offer and a promise. The company OFFERED to ADVANCE me money… as long as I PROMISED to pay them back… with interest of course. It’s been a rather good benefit! After proving faithful to my commitment over the years, MY bank as Awarded me with higher credit limit AND given me “reward points” that even help pay for some of my meals! ALL because of an offer made and a promise kept.

LONG before I had a credit card, I discovered Jesus. The Gospel was presented to me and His offer was made clear. Because I agreed to HIS terms, he has both ‘awarded’ AND ‘rewarded’ my faithfulness to HIS commitment. Because I gave Him MY life, He has given me HIS. And because of His great benefits, I CANNOT withhold the ‘Good News’ that Jesus Christ MAKES and KEEPS His promises! ALWAYS! My signature, tip and tract simply proved out those facts.

Martin Luther King Day!

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, King is best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs.


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Christmas is over and it was time to take down all the decorations. It took time to decorate, so it takes time to UN-decorate. Fortunately, when it comes to my outside Christmas lights, I created a quick and easy system meant to save time. And EVERY YEAR it goes well… UNTIL! This year was no exception.

Instead of using nails or screws to hold up my lights, I inserted screw hooks under the fascia board. Putting up the lights requires a step ladder AND an extension ladder to hook the string of lights into place. To REMOVE them, I take a long stick and simply lift the string of lights out of the hook from the ground. NO ladders needed! Well that’s the plan anyway!

There are 40 hooks around my house. Yesterday I easily unhooked ALL of them with a stick from the ground. Except for old #25! You can see from the picture where that one is located! Yup… right at the top of the peak of my gable. What does that mean to me? Well, to unhook my sting of lights from #25, I have to go get, extend, climb, unhook, un-climb, un-extend and put away my big ladder. Which takes longer to do than unhooking all 39 other hooks… combined! It’s troubling!

Jesus made it CLEAR that there would be trouble in this life. Since He didn’t qualify what kind, I just lump EVERY kind into the mix. #25 is just a tiny one! I have the same problem with rope, string and cords that ALWAYS get tangled when I touch them. It’s like a curse, and it may sound silly… but inanimate objects can easily bring out the real beast in me! Lately I have been forced to try a new system.

Inevitable trouble has a way of bringing inevitable anger and frustration that are NOT inanimate! It has taken me DECADES to learn this… but I have seen a connection that can’t be coincidence! In fact, I have come to believe that a little demon just watches to see if I am heading toward a cord or string… and then laughs hysterically as he pulls mine! You laugh? But using that mentality, I have come up with a solution to MY ‘string theory!’

When ol #25, a string or cord come into view, I have learned to be prepared for it. In my head I have PRE-determined that TROUBLE IS COMING (Jesus said so)! At the very second the tangle or snag hits… instead of getting angry and saying bad stuff, I am practicing smiling and saying… “Praise the Lord!” Hey… since trouble is coming… I may as well use it to Glorify the one who warned me… Jesus. Which… silly as it may sound… is EXACTLY the point of the verse!

You think that’s silly? What demon follows YOU? You may want to try out my string theory! It’s free!