
“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:25-26

I was NOT a fan of the guy sitting behind the wheel. Having ridden with him often, and more often than not, I could never get around to liking the guy. He was foul, rude, crazy and mean. I KNEW he was a Christian who had dedicated his life to loving and serving Jesus Christ. And he DID! But he could turn into a monster, like The Hulk, in an instant. Riding with him was insane. Ask my wife!

He displayed his mean side at a little ol lady yesterday before he’d even gotten out of the Walmart parking lot. Without looking, she had backed up into the lane, JUST before he was about to clear get past her. She had to back up and pull forward 3 times before she felt comfortable to slowly drive about 40 feet… where she sat at a stop sign… for no apparent reason. Monster paid a visit.

Words, thoughts, ideas and penalties involuntarily invaded the guy’s brain. It took about 5 minutes of sitting behind her at another stop before Jesus was able to strangle him into submission and repentance. There was no sense asking WHY he transformed so quickly, because he had absolutely NO idea himself. All he knew was that Jesus REALLY loved and died for him anyway!

Good Friday is the recollection of the event of Christ’s death. It’s traditionally been chosen to be on Friday, but in realty it was more like Wednesday or Thursday. There are good arguments for both. It’s called ‘Good’ Friday because, up until that day, nothing but ‘bad’ was in store for every human being born… or yet to be born. For men to be freed from what they deserved, Jesus had to die.

Calling it Good Friday is like taking a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. The medicine is the cure, but the sugar makes it seem bearable. What Jesus did, made everything in the life of the nut behind the wheel.. disappear like it never even happened… in God’s eyes! Now, the lesson becomes.. becoming LIKE Him. Because the guy behind the wheel… was ME! 


Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani?’ which means ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?’” Matthew 27:46

The event happened a long time ago when I was a young boy. But the imprint of the memory remains fresh.  We were visiting friends of my parents out of state. Being bored and looking for something to do, I saw a wooden go-kart sitting in their garage. I had no way of knowing it would transport me to a place I would never forget?

I remember sitting in the go-cart on a downhill slope of a driveway. But it wouldn’t roll! When I began to rock back and forth to force it into action, my head hit a corner on the wooden frame. Instantly, blood poured into my eyes and I screamed… mostly out of fear! EVERYONE heard me, and soon we were rushing to a hospital.

I really don’t remember the pain. But when the doctor said I needed stitches, and then pulled out a huge syringe to numb my forehead… I went completely nuts and tried to get off the table. Overpowered and subdued quickly, I was placed on a rolling stretcher headed toward the emergency room. Still trying to get off, they strapped me down to hold me still. Screaming for my dad, I clearly remember them blocking him from coming along with us!

I will never forget my fear and the look on my father’s face, as the doors closed between the both of us. I cried out “Daddy, Daddy… don’t leave me!” But struggling, I could not move! Strapped to the gurney to hold my head still for the needle, the last thing I saw before the doors closed, and my dad was banned, were tears running down my father’s face.

Maundy Thursday is a big day for me, because it forces me to remember my own horrific event. When I think about Jesus and His prayerful agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, He begged His Father to NOT abandon HIM. For the first time ever Jesus, God’s only son, was about to experience separation from His Dad. He was going to have to trust His Father’s will and go it alone!

What if something had gone wrong and the prophecies could not be fulfilled. What if His enemy satan actually got a leg up and His sacrifice wouldn’t be good enough? As He felt His Father backing away, and after remembering the betrayal of Judas, He HAD to wonder. How could He be sure this would all work out if even His own Dad turned his back on Him?  

Back at the hospital, after the stitches were finally in, I was exhausted from crying. I was then rolled into a room where visitors were allowed… and my dad was the first in to see me. We hugged at the reunion and I was overjoyed that he hadn’t abandoned me after all. But we were changed by that event. He preached that experience many times over the years.  

Things have changed in medicine.  Now parents are welcome in the room with their children. I remember sitting with mine for stitches, grateful that they wouldn’t have to endure that sense of abandonment and fear. But I am also strangely grateful for my own experience… because it helps me realize the tremendous price both God, and His Son, HAD to pay FOR ME to be saved. Deep down, I never really FEEL like I’m worth God’s effort! But knowing the cost, and God’s willingness to pay it, makes me love Him all the more.

So on this Maundy Thursday, I ask this… will YOU betray the one who paid so much for YOUR redemption? And after what He did for you… will you turn your back on The Savior? Thank you God for your marvelous gift of Grace. I can’t believe you paid such a great price… for me!   I now realize you HAD to turn your back on Jesus… so I could hop on! 


We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4

About 1500 people… 1 band… 2 dancers. And the dancers, were us! The event was held at the Port of Tampa for the promotion of the maritime industry. Gatherings, like this one, are meant to connect organizations and people with the shipping industry to help them learn about available resources to network, grow their businesses and enhance the community. We went for the fun!

The whole fling was set up by an organization, who’s President is our son. Knowing our love for him and that kind of thing, he got tickets for us. When we were done eating, and while everyone else was intermingling and connecting, we went dancing! Typically, when someone starts dancing, others join in. This time, no one did. It took a bit for me to realize they were doing their purpose!

From small to large groups, I noticed that people had formed up to converse, meet and engage other people. They were actually DOING what the goal of the club was meant for. Katie and I were simply non-typical… dancers. We stood out like a rock band at a funeral. But who we ‘knew’ made all the difference. All we really had to do was answer any question with our son’s name!

At one point I saw a man standing with his wife. Over his Maritime Company’s shirt he wore a cross. Dancing up to him I pressed my finger into the cross on his chest and asked.. “do you LOVE Him?” The man’s smile was immediate and telling. I immediately knew that… yes he did! Much of the night I met people who were in the Maritime business, but who loved Jesus. It was like Church!

When it comes to Jesus, there is no such thing as ‘typical.’ Living each day with Jesus is like living in a constant state of security. New life out of the old dead one brings a peace and rest that just cannot be placed on a business card. It is a life that can never die, but only grow forward. Mingling among the deadness of the world… we carry the invitation to dance!

Are you alive in Christ and Dead to sin and the world? Are you joyfully dancing with, and praising, the Savior?


By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” John 5:30

Standing below the attic stairs, I looked up, then down. Before me was a very heavy box that, I had determined, needed to go… up there! Before I even picked it up, I KNEW I was going to have a problem. Getting it down was one thing. Getting it up… another. Very quickly my ego kicked in and loudly announced, “you can do it!” Picking it up, my brain kicked in gear… then shot my ego!

Thankfully, I had Rob here to do some work I had previously determined I had no business doing. Hearing him behind me, I turned and asked, “Hey brother, will you give me a hand?” And it was done. The problem didn’t lay in the weight of the box. The difficulty sat squarely between my ears and behind my eyes. Raised to be a ‘can do’ guy, I’ve been on a journey called, ‘No, you can’t!’

Having been a student, then a teacher of many, the art of rising above limitations with a ‘Gir-R-Dun’ attitude is a serious life lesson. Now, learning the lesson of, ‘no you can’t’ is a hard and humbling process… often accompanied by humiliation. Today’s verse shows that even Jesus… the Son of God… had to learn the art of eating humble pie. Yet He did it with style… and deep love!

I stole a steal-able saying from Pastor Chip Ingram. It goes like this… “I can’t! But He never said I could. He can! He always said He would.” It is a lesson that even God had to volunteer to learn. Though Jesus said, “with God, all things are possible,” even God can’t step across the line of His love directed ‘Free Will.’ Admitting my weakness, and dependence on Him, always precedes God’s help.

This Easter, I am gratefully reminded, and relieved, that God doesn’t EXPECT me to ‘Man-up!’ He expects me to admit my weakness and lay down my life… putting it into HIS capable hands and allow HIM to do what only He can do. His Word tells me that’s the whole reason He created me in the first place. HIS power in my weak vessel shows HIS strength. And I’m going to let Him. Will you?


I didn’t want to do it… but the grass needed to be cut. Neighbors on BOTH sides of me must have plotted to make me look bad, cutting their grass 3 days before. Now, my yard looked like a field of hay! Finally guilt and shame made me lean towards getting behind the lawn mower. Finally, reluctance turned to anticipation when I found the album and grabbed my headphones.

Music has always made me work and feel better. The type depends on my mood. What I needed was some rock n roll with a touch of nostalgia. Hitting ‘Find’ in the settings, I’d typed in ‘The Captain and Me,’ by the Doobie Brothers. As the music played, I walked fast behind my fast moving mower. Making progress, finishing became the goal. Then, I remembered to remember.

Time is something that can play tricks on my mind. Suddenly I remembered where I was in 1973 when that album came out. It was a FAR cry from where I was now! In fact, I could never have imagined I’d be where I am, looking ahead from back then! Remembering from where I came, I could only thank God for what I have, then where and who I am. I was filled with gratitude.

Earlier in the day I saw someone in a wheelchair that was less than half my age. I could just tell that ‘why’ he was in there, had also been made a permanent arrangement. Suddenly my old sore body felt just fine. Rejoicing, I know the difficulties of life where I am, are nothing compared to the struggles of so many. So I did what a hymn said, and ‘Counted my many Blessings, naming them one by one!’

‘The Captain (Jesus) and Me,’ have been like a ‘Long Train Running, for over half a century. The only time I’ve ever gotten into trouble is when I tried to take control of the throttle on the Engine. I’ve learned, the hard way, that only HE knows how to drive this complicated machine to its safe destination. My job is to stand behind Him and gratefully hand Him everything I’ve got, until we’re done.

Are you running with Jesus? Do you remember to take the time to remember and be grateful.


…by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.” Galatians 5:5

Avoiding traffic and red lights is a passion of mine… I hate them both! It more closely resembles an obsession, because no matter how short the trip, I can never stop trying to scoot around those 2 momentum busters. I’ll even take a longer route, just to avoid stopping or sitting still. It drives Katie nuts. And based upon today’s Bible verse, and others like it, I’m sure I drive Jesus nuts as well.

Yesterday, I was at a gas station with only 1 traffic light between me and home. But the light was red! Not wanting to wait, I took a different road that had NO red lights. The only POSSIBLE obstacle could be major southbound traffic that ‘might’ slow my crossing the main highway. But stopping (not my thing) made sitting at the red light unacceptable. So turning up the radio on a Jesus song… I moved.

The road I chose was long enough that I couldn’t see to it’s end. As I drove, I came up on a truck that was moving at least 10 MPH UNDER the speed limit. I was unhappy. Unable to pass him, we drove until, on the horizon, I spotted a school bus approaching. It seemed that the obstacle presented itself to my brain at the same time the yellow, then red lights, of the bus did. It stopped to let kids off!

I’d chosen wrong! Had I taken the red light, I would have been home before the 4th of 15 kids exited the bus. But there I was… stopped. Waiting! I was eager to move on! Maybe too eager! Because Jesus must have sensed my frustration, and chose to join me in the cab of my truck. Trapped, the only thing I could do was close my eyes, rest my head on the steering wheel, and listen to Him.

This morning, as my eyes traveled onto the page of my Bible, this verse, laying yet unmarked, jumped out at me. I sensed the Spirit gently prodding me to do the math, like a kindergarten teacher to a pupil… “2+2 = ??? C’mon K.C., you can do it!” And I did! What I am meant for is not yet. The price He paid for my righteousness has been credited, but it has yet to be received. It is COMING! AHHH!

As I sit in the messed up, war torn, crazy, evil world, it appears I must choose HOW I will wait for what will be in the future. Jesus WANTS me to be eager… but not anxious! There is nothing wrong with hating the stops and congestion in my life, but my focus is to EAGERLY LOOK FORWARD, by His Spirit’s help, to a righteousness that has my name written all over it.  Lesson learned… for now!

How eagerly are YOU waiting?   


For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” Psalm 36:9

Opening the garage door, light overtook the darkness. There are no windows in there, so as the door arose, what was in darkness became revealed. And what it revealed was out of place! Water lay on a floor that was SUPPOSED to be dry. Waking to the back, I followed the dampness around another dark corner where I could not see. So I returned to my truck to get my glasses and a flashlight.

Wearing glasses didn’t used to be necessary. Age brought that little gift. And I’ve NEVER been able to see in the dark without some kind of light. To try to figure out what was wrong, I needed both glasses and a flashlight. Unfortunately for me, neither of those, alone or together, helped me to see what was causing the problem. I needed more information. So I went looking for additional clues.

It didn’t take long to see that water had backed up and overflowed into the garage from another source. But I didn’t need a flashlight or glasses to see the cause, because the cause was big enough all by itself! Water had backed up into the house and overflowed from every possible location. But it took glasses and light, along with intentional desire, to find and see just what was really going on.

At first glance, today’s Bible verse is one that can be easily read, but just as easily missed. It begs a question, is God a fountain… or is He light? The answer is YES… and BOTH! Life is the opposite of death, and a fountain spewing life is critical for those living in death! Those living in darkness have a need for light. This verse shows me that He is both. But it also reveals something easily missed.

For me to SEE the light, I must first have HIS Light. It is only in His light that any of us can actually see Him. While my natural 5 senses can see the evidence of God, they are useless in actually seeing and knowing Him. It takes HIS light in order to see that, He IS light, and that I am dead and in need of His ‘fountain of life’ in order to live… in Him. Which is all too confusing to lost people!

Reading God’s Word takes His Light, along with eyes that WANT to see… to actually SEE. When I read it, I ask Him to show me how to break it down, asking questions of The Spirit to understand what He wants me to see. Which sounds like a mystery. Until it isn’t. For anyone who WANTS to see and know Him, it only takes a little effort in His direction to do so. Do YOU see?  


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“The toilet isn’t flushing and it’s backing up in the bathtub,” said the renters, to me, the owner. That caused me to call my plumber friend for some advice. Which he gladly gave for free! “Just open the clean-out and poke around!” was my friend’s advice. “If it’s clear into the house, the clog’s toward the septic tank. If it’s clear to the septic, it’s in the house. Got it!” “No kidding!” Was my thought!

Opening the clean-out revealed that there was no sign of ‘CLEAR’ ANYWHERE! As I probed the clean-out with a drain snake, stinky water filled up the clean-out and went in BOTH directions. Which only meant one thing… my Septic tank was FULL! Since people were renting the place, I didn’t have the privilege of time to shop around, but called the company my plumber recommended. $700 later!

The plans I’d made last night did NOT include the price of air travel and a hotel room in a different city. I was not too happy to hear that the renters had had problems starting more than 2 weeks ago, but never called, exacerbating the problem and increasing the cost. I had tried wearing rubber gloves and old jeans, but when I was in the thick of it, I remembered, “it is what it is!” and surrendered all hope!

Experience is a good teacher. Having found myself in similar, and often WORSE, circumstances MANY times in my life, I’ve learned that life has many troubles. Which should not be a surprise. Jesus, my Savior, already TOLD me that! In fact, it was life’s troubles that led me to Jesus in the first place! I remember that with Him, when trouble showed up, so did He! And He always brings peace WITH Him.

This next week has me remembering the degree of difficulty Jesus faced in His suffering, arrest and horrific death. In fact, He knew it was coming… yet went anyway. Yes, it was the Father’s will. But He also was going to pay the price of redemption for His Bride… The Church. Stink and all! SO today I am going to remember that life is neither pain nor stink free! But Jesus is with me every step of the way.

How about YOU? Are you on His stinkin’ crew?  Then Smile!!!!  It’s only up from here!


“‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:4-5

‘HOOOOOOT! HOOOT HOOOT!’ After that announcement, the big ship pushed off the dock and out to sea. With it, went every personal, priceless and precious piece of Earthly cargo that I love… my family! As the music blared, the tune hinted us onward with the promise of upcoming family fun, joy and togetherness. Standing on the top deck, we watched in amazement as land disappeared.

All 20 of our family had been looking forward to this journey. Having been unable to get together for our annual McChristmas celebration, Katie and I dipped into the retirement fund and announced plans for a springtime ‘McCruise’! A splurge of family fun that would be well remembered forever. A favorite line to my grand-kids was, “you look like you’re miserable.” ”No WAY,” came the reply!

We ate. We played. We danced and ‘hung out’ together as a family for 4 days! And not one of our kids… original, in-lawed or grand, had a bad time. “Thank you”, though not looked for, came anyway. Time proved that ‘McCruise’ was something so outrageously joyful, that it just naturally evoked the response. Every need, care and desire was met on that ship, with the promise of even MORE!

When the ship HOOOOTED it’s departure to return home, I looked around and thought of only 1 thing. ‘Jesus!’ All the time, work, hardships, difficulties and responsibilities that come with being a Child of Most High God, living far from home, took on the perfect picture of what to look forward to when Jesus returns, or I die and move to my Heavenly Home. The only thing I can say is… THANK YOU, Jesus!”

Are YOU headed to Heaven? Are you living now AND looking forward… trying to please Jesus in your relationship, just as though your ticket there depends upon your response to His Love here? Because… it does!