
“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:25-26

I was NOT a fan of the guy sitting behind the wheel. Having ridden with him often, and more often than not, I could never get around to liking the guy. He was foul, rude, crazy and mean. I KNEW he was a Christian who had dedicated his life to loving and serving Jesus Christ. And he DID! But he could turn into a monster, like The Hulk, in an instant. Riding with him was insane. Ask my wife!

He displayed his mean side at a little ol lady yesterday before he’d even gotten out of the Walmart parking lot. Without looking, she had backed up into the lane, JUST before he was about to clear get past her. She had to back up and pull forward 3 times before she felt comfortable to slowly drive about 40 feet… where she sat at a stop sign… for no apparent reason. Monster paid a visit.

Words, thoughts, ideas and penalties involuntarily invaded the guy’s brain. It took about 5 minutes of sitting behind her at another stop before Jesus was able to strangle him into submission and repentance. There was no sense asking WHY he transformed so quickly, because he had absolutely NO idea himself. All he knew was that Jesus REALLY loved and died for him anyway!

Good Friday is the recollection of the event of Christ’s death. It’s traditionally been chosen to be on Friday, but in realty it was more like Wednesday or Thursday. There are good arguments for both. It’s called ‘Good’ Friday because, up until that day, nothing but ‘bad’ was in store for every human being born… or yet to be born. For men to be freed from what they deserved, Jesus had to die.

Calling it Good Friday is like taking a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. The medicine is the cure, but the sugar makes it seem bearable. What Jesus did, made everything in the life of the nut behind the wheel.. disappear like it never even happened… in God’s eyes! Now, the lesson becomes.. becoming LIKE Him. Because the guy behind the wheel… was ME! 

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