
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 & 26

It’s sad how quickly anticipation can turn into expectation and then into frustration! “It seems to be a cycle,” I thought, as I turned the faucet handle to the ‘on’ position and waited…with anticipation!

Our Church is on a well system for its water. When it works, there is no anticipation…only expectation. When water is needed, a valve is opened and voila!! Expectation is met. It’s all good until one of the many parts that MAKE the system work goes kaput!!! Then frustration isn’t far behind. Such was the case recently, as I found myself working beside a fellow Church member who is a genius at water systems. NEITHER of us was frustrated!

Having been around wells for a LONG time…pumps, pipes, valves, pressure gauges, wires and switches aren’t a mystery. The repair process turned out to be a great time of fellowship as we put our heads together, figured out which part had failed and then took steps toward repair. But that was Saturday! Yesterday was Tuesday, and I was standing there, valve open, AGAIN in hopeful anticipation!

I have discovered that SO much of my life follows that same cycle of frustrated expectation. I stole a quote from Jerry Reed when he said in a song, “he who expects nothin’…AIN’T gonna be deceived!” It helps…but only temporarily! Personal expectations, the world, marriage, family, work, church and even leisurely events can QUICKLY become frustrating at the failure of even the smallest part! I am most thankful I have found the PERFECT Technician.

Jesus is the Husband, or Head of The Church. I marvel at the various methods He uses to get things up and running when they are broken. Sometimes He uses a personal touch. Other times he uses people and committees. But no matter the problem, He can get broken systems up and running again…GUARANTEED! Do You know Him?

If you’ll excuse me, He just asked me to put my finger on a leak…for a minute!

P.S. If you watched the Presidential debate last night you may be frustrated. Let me assure you, God is not! Tonight at our Bible Study, we will talk about that!  


…you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God…” Romans 6:22

The other day Katie told me she had some trouble getting home from work. Apparently her car started to shake and make strange noises. So…she did what any woman would do. She stomped on the gas and managed to get it home where it now sets! I don’t understand the problem? When I went out to the garage to look, it looked the same to me, as it ever did! And still does! Stupid car!

Going to the car with the key, I inserted, turned it and the car started. It was running rough though, and right there on the dash were the lighted inconvenient words…”Check Engine Soon!’ Lifting the hood, I did just that… and it looked the same to me as it ever did! So I don’t understand! But I KNOW that what I HAVE, sitting in it’s own private little room I call the garage, is a 4000 lb. paper weight! This was NOT what I intended when I got it!  (I say ‘I’ because when it’s broken…it’s mine) 

Obviously, how a car looks has NOTHING to do with how it RUNS! And so it is when it comes to my life. Yesterday I was sitting in a doctor’s office as the nurse was asking me questions… “Age?” “65,” I replied. “WOW, you look GOOD for your age!” My confused thoughts went to my ‘paper weight’ like car!  “Then why am I sitting HERE!”

For the car to get fixed I have to get it to a car fixer! That means it either has to be driven, or towed! If I take the cheapest route, I’ll drive it there slowly and take all the back roads. The BIG and theoretical question then becomes one which can only be exercised through FAITH! “Will it MAKE it!” Now back to my life!

There are days I’d just as soon forget. Days when I feel like a loser, a sinner, undeserving and just plain bad about myself! It is that precise feeling which becomes the indicator of the state of my inner soul. At times it flashes unmercifully, “Check Engine Soon!” It is then…as the thought rises in me, “Stupid K.C.,” that my Savior comes to my rescue with today’s Bible verse…“you have been set free from sin.” “NO CONDEMNATION!”

So I have a duty today. Well…two! 1 is to get my car to my mechanic. The other is to get my soul to his mechanic! BOTH tasks involve a work on my part. And until I do MY part, both my car, AND my soul, will simply sit in their broken states, in their own little private rooms. And even though they may be ‘lookin good,’ until I exercise faith, they’ll stay in there…broken and weighty! 

I think that the DIFFERENCE between the car and me is this.  God has PROMISED that “I” am going to make it because… I BELONG to HIM!!  So today I am going to DO something about this weighty matter!  So…here I come, Lord!!!  And I’m stompin on the gas!!!        Beep beep!


Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” Matthew 18:7

I was listening to an ad on TV for Amazon claiming that if we don’t change the climate we are doomed within like…20 years! The speaker’s position with Amazon was some fancy name that ended with ‘engineer,’ and his motivation was to protect the planet for his child… ”doing everything I can!” Well, according to the one who actually OWNS the planet…not everything!”

Growing up in SW Pennsylvania, I remember towns, due to the smoke from the steel mills, where you could hardly see to drive. Creeks were turned into places to pour sewage and even sulfur from the coal mines! At one point, it became a joke when the river in Cleveland had caught fire due to all the trash floating on it! If there was EVER a time when it would seem that the earth’s goose was cooked…that was it! But not according to today’s doomsayers!

It seems to me that as man has gotten further and further away from God, he seems to fancy himself smarter than God as well! The scientific and political scene around the world has risen itself ABOVE God, displaced Him from His throne and then taken His seat! And the greatest tool of change is the scepter of FEAR!

Scaring everyone into believing there is a major crisis and that only YOU can fix is a GREAT method of control and power. And it is a popular tool, especially in an election year. Global warming, a pandemic, injustice, inequality and the radical individual rights are just a few of the hot buttons pushed to get people’s attention. But NONE are anywhere NEAR the TRUE fear we SHOULD experience!

God is the creator of EVERYTHING and HE owns it all! And even though we are ALL born KNOWING it…that fact becomes less convenient THEY are the one causing their own children to live in fear! God notices!

How arrogant to God must it seem, to think that humans can control the planet! How much longer will His patience extend when fear is used to distort His reality and when elected government officials arise to create a perception of a problem only THEY can solve! It is a game born in the pit of hell from the Father of Lies! And Judgment is coming!

There is only 1 answer and 1 place we can and should turn for peace and safety. His name is Jesus Christ and His ways are NOT difficult to understand. HE is the one who belongs on the Throne of our heart and our planet. One day He is coming to set things right. For now, He graciously awaits for us to turn to Him and ASK… BEFORE He does! Will you? Our children deserve to know that HE is The Truth!


Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done…” Psalm 105:1-5

Visiting my daughter’s house, I had arrived in the middle of my son-in-law’s home workout. The heavy dumbbells were on the floor and I marveled that he could use that much weight! My grandson walked over to explain how dad did it, bent down and picked up the wedding ring lying beside the weights, rolled it around his hands…and then dropped it! My eyes rolled too…at the same time Charles said, “Hey bud…be careful with that ring!”

Katie and I got matching wedding rings over 43 years ago. They were white gold with enjoined circles engraved all around them. The circles have LONG since worn away from work and time…which is the reason Charles had taken his off during the workout. But now, my band isn’t worn for anyone else to see. Mine is there for ME… to REMEMBER!

I like to think of Psalm 105 like a wedding ring. A symbol of vows made to God by His people. These words MUST be important because they are in the Bible TWICE (see 1 Chr. 16:8-22). Like a wedding ring, they serve as reminders of vows made and promises kept by God. And while my ring can’t magically keep me out of trouble, my seeing and remembering can!

It is critical that Christ’s Church make specific effort to remember OUR relationship as well. Lately, as we have stood out on the corner of US. 41 with Gospel signs, AND as we prepare for our “National Day of Repentance Celebration” at Church (Sat from 10-2), we set aside times to REMEMBER what He has done and called us to! And… if we have gotten into trouble… to remember the way back home!

Our Nation is divided and Christ’s Church is wounded. Now is a perfect time to show up, stand out and REMEMBER whose we are and to remind our world of the Divine Pact we share with the Lord of the Universe. If things are going to change, it MUST be inside of us FIRST! Since we have made our vows and wear His Ring, it is high time we remember to “BE CAREFUL WITH THAT RING!”

I pray and hope to see you at the corner or at the church tomorrow!


“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” Revelation 22:12

It was Wednesday and I had to prepare for “FLAP (Fellowship, Learning, Asking, Praying) the name of our Bible Study held weekly at Church. Searching for my truck keys, I found my backup set. But I can’t use those because there is no ‘House key’ on that ring to get back in my home! Finding my 1st set, I walked outside, inserted the key and off I went. Arriving at the Church, I used a key on the ring and opened the door. ENTERING was PROOF that I had prepared well!

It sounds silly, but the wrong keys, the wrong vehicle and the wrong direction would not have proved a correct outcome. It’s just common sense! And yet, as we studied the Book of Daniel, I noted that Historically, mankind has MOSTLY operated on ‘NONsense! It was time for my daily personal assessment!

Today’s Bible verse should be written in red because JESUS CHRIST is the speaker! His audience is ALL of mankind… you and me! And the ‘reward’ He is going to bring is based upon MY OWN key ring! What I held as most important, what I focused on and where I served.

I remind myself that FAR too many people think that the judgment is going to be based upon whether they are mostly good or mostly bad in the area of personal sin. Which is not true! I am still AMAZED that how many people believe they are going to heaven because they are ‘mostly good’ people! If only it were that easy!

When I asked Jesus to take my life in exchange for His, I became HIS! I am His Heir with a purpose and mission. Each day I have the choice to show up at Dad’s business to do my part, or not. The job I have is not the same as yours. I like words, you like math! Having a say as to what I will do or where I go is a daily blessing…or a curse!

There is a big issue with folks about what the last word ‘done’ means in the verse. I cannot be ‘sinful’ verses ‘virtuous’ things, since Christ already PAID for my sinful. The things I will be judged on will be the preparation, planning and execution of The Master’s overall plan. Did I ‘do my part’ and ‘how well did I do’ will be the issue. Here is where NONsense makes NO sense!

MOST people do not do ANYTHING for God or His Kingdom plan. Life here is a day to day, ‘do what you can to get through,’ kind of existence. When death comes it will be a Lottery…with eternal fate coming like a chance flip of a coin! Jesus’ final words prove it is everything BUT!

What I CHOOSE to DO in HIS Business MATTERS ETERNALLY. God has plans that He wants me ‘in’ on and missions where He expects my participation! Doing my own thing, not following His ‘Plan’ as laid out in the Bible or not regularly talking to Him is like heading out the door with the wrong set of keys! NONsense!


The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:21

It was close to Katie’s Birthday last week and I overheard her talking about shoes. Specifically the old wooden Dr. Scholl’s wooden sandals that were popular back in the late 70’s. I remember her LOVING those things, but had a hard time understanding her laughter while remembering the pain after she’d slip off of them sideways! But her Birthday was coming so…I searched, found and ordered her a pair. They arrived yesterday!

She was SOOOO happy! Even though these one weren’t made of wood, she slipped them on and smiled. Later when we were out walking she turned to me and asked, “When you look at my feet, don’t they just take you back to when we were first married?” Realizing my wife may have just discovered a secret to ‘time travel,’ I simply agreed…quickly adding, ‘Yea honey, they do make you look younger!” We laughed.

I received news yesterday that Lee, from our church, is not doing well. That is…if going home under Hospice care is a true indicator of such a thing. Family is being called, courage mustered and prayers uttered as sorrow looms in every corner. What does one SAY in a situation like that. What words can REALLY be uttered to lessen such pain? The only thing I have found that can provide any kind of levity, is to focus on the future!

Things change. What we have learned to love and cling to can evaporate into an air of sadness quickly. This whole Covid thing has disrupted the very fabric of our lives, as fear and the pursuit of a false safety has become the mindset of a majority. In truth…we are NOT SAFE and never have been! Left to our own imaginations, it is popular to invent false realities that trick our minds to help us FEEL like we are O.K., even as our very world is slipping into decay and in need of liberation! What can we say?

The Word of God is the ONLY place we can turn. It is HIS perspective that gives us hope and courage for a better and different future under HIS kind of normal! Focusing on what ‘will be’ is a good thing. But ONLY if it is REAL! Born again believers, like Lee and Hazel, KNOW that ‘there’ holds NO comparison to ‘here!’ As I talked with Hazel yesterday it occurred to me that… “In the end, doesn’t looking forward make things look SO much better!?” Time travel indeed!

Please pray for their courage and strength.


I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8

WHAT A MESS! And the SMELL??? As much as I did NOT want to clean it up, no one ELSE was going to do it! So reluctantly, and minus enthusiasm, I got started since, it WAS MY fault after all. I had set the garbage bag, WITH food leftovers, in the corner of the garage. Pushing in the lawn mower in a hurry, I didn’t see my old garbage lying there. Have YOU ever noticed how a plastic bag and a metal mower don’t go well together?

Garbage day around here is Thursday and it was Friday morning. Which meant that I had missed setting this bag out, AND that the now stinky contents had to be SUPER wrapped… since it was going to lie around for almost another week until NEXT trash day! It was a nasty job.

Last night, listening to some good Christian music, I found myself in a VERY trashy mindset. Listening to songs about the ideal Christian Life, something started to smell…REALLY bad! It took a few more reminders from satan about what I had recently said, done and felt before I realized…that smell was coming from ME! I hadn’t noticed satan’s lawnmower storming through the backdoor of my mind. Soon, I had BECOME what I was smelling! Garbage!

One of the hardest concepts any Christian can grasp is the one concerning who I AM in Christ. “There is NO condemnation to those who are in Christ,” Romans 8 says. But at the moment, I sure didn’t feel or SMELL that way! I FELT like a piece of rotting garbage. It was time to take out the trash!

If you point out to a Prince that he is a failure, you’ll have a failure for a Prince. Point out that the Prince is ROYAL and NOBEL by BIRTH, and you’ll get a Nobleman! The difference is in the power each point of view holds. According to God, there is ONLY ONE view that matters. HIS!

I was feeling down, like a failure…stinky, smelly, disgusting and ripe! But that was satan talking at me. I knew that the ONLY way to eliminate that trash was to TAKE IT OUT…by REPLACING it with what GOD says about me because of what His Son did on MY behalf! And “I” HAD to be the one to DO IT!

I AM the Righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). And the ONLY person who can make me feel like garbage… is ME! I just felt like that surpassing knowledge was worth passing on! 


When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalms 11:3

I am a Felon! A willful, arrogant, non-conforming rule breaker who was being threatened with forceful compliance (or else)! When I tried to bring reality to bear, “Um…that’s not really a law or rule you have the power to enforce,” the self appointed judge continued, only louder, with disdain and disrespect. Standing my ground, I ventured onward!

Society is being shaken loose with the erosion of foundational truth. A SMALL minority of our population has become radicalized… burning, looting and destroying the very foundations of our Country. With no power to legally establish law, they use the power of ‘perception’ to control the masses. If ‘they’ determine something is bad and against their agenda, society is demanded to adopt their standards. To NOT heed is to be labeled and ridiculed.

Obviously, the concept is not new. David wrote Psalm 11 while fleeing for his life in the wake of Saul’s flaming disregard for God’s way of doing things. When what was right was called wrong, and vice versa, and when faced with a hostile takeover, David asked, ‘what do I do NOW God? Because heading for the hills just seems ridiculous!”

I find it very easy to feel isolated and alone. When the feeling of feeling sorry for myself begins to crowd in, the ‘Facts’ are easily distorted and untruth can begin to look reasonable! It is there that the Holy Spirit cries out, “STOP, LOOK and LISTEN!” “AHHHHH There He is!” I am reminded. GOD sees EVERYTHING. He KNOWS it all too! And though David didn’t have the whole picture in the Old Testament…WE do today!

God’s patience and grace are buying time for the REAL felons to HEAR, REPENT and TURN from their rebellion. While I may think God’s patience sometimes goes a little too far, it is HIS determination to do so. MY response to evil is to be the messenger and representative of HIS Word so God’s enemies can at least have something to HEAR!

Please Pray for our Country and petition God for an assignment. As our church folks stand out on ‘The Corner’ with the Gospel, may His Spirit invade the hearts of those who don’t know Him. Please consider joining us! What God calls for is more Spirit-led felons for HIS cause!


Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.” Daniel 2:27-28a

Starting a Bible Study series on Daniel last night brought back old feelings and remembrances, along with some new ones. Reflecting on the overall study, and discussions that followed, I am forced to ask, “Do I honestly like the way God does things!” Before you become outraged, I’m willing to bet YOU aren’t! I also bet that Daniel wasn’t either! Please allow me to explain.

I didn’t say I didn’t like God. I LOVE Him. But ‘His ways are past finding out’ (Romans 11:33). We saw it in the story of Daniel as we had heated discussions about what the heck is going on in the story of OUR world. Not that we disagreed! Good People are emotionally exhausted and spent over the ridiculousness of the increasing evil around us. Back to Daniel.

Daniel and his 3 friends were actually from the Royal Family of Judah (see Dan. 1:3). Though they proved to be more wise and handsome than a Valedictorian Quarterback, it is obvious they hadn’t had much influence at home. Evil King Jehoiakim was responsible for bringing God’s Judgment and the subsequent Babylonian exile of Judah…seemingly without warning from Dan and the boys.

Had they been praying? Had they been warning? Had they tried to influence at all? After being taken captive, tested and castrated, they were placed into a forced 3 year boot camp to ultimately become an influencing army as Nebuchadnezzar’s ‘Wise Guys!’ Yes I said ‘castrated!’ After seeing the results, castration seems to DO something to motivate a fella’!

As we talked of Daniels world, we slipped into our own, as frustrated parents began complaining about our local ‘Nazi -like’ school board! All I could do was listen in sorrow, remembering how several of us started protesting and warning parents to ‘get involved’ YEARS ago when 3 women on the board made horrific decisions over our kids. But the majority of the public remained silent. Now, like Daniel, we find ourselves… here!

I have learned that God doesn’t simply ‘take out’ His enemies. He SEEMS to prefer to let them go on to dig deeper holes! AND to see if those who call Him God will do THEIR part in His business. Unlike humans, He isn’t as immediately concerned about ‘castration-like’ abuse if His people aren’t! Which leaves me where I started. With a question…

“Do I honestly like the way God does things?” is probably not the right question. Looking at Daniel, I’m rethinking MY place in all this mess. Maybe MY question should be, “knowing what I know, what does God expect ME to do about it!?” And what do YOU say?