
Meet Pastor K.C. McCay

Rev. Ken McCay, my dad,  answered the call to ministry 1960.   I like to tell people that, unwillingly, I did too.  Dad was a Bible guy.  Period.  I was just a ‘why’ guy with a chip on my shoulder growing up.  ‘No’ could never mean ‘no’ unless there was a good reason.  And ‘I’ demanded to KNOW that reason. As a kid that makes for hard learning.  But for a Christian who heard every little thing that went on behind the scenes in the church, I still expected truth to be truth.   Though MUCH of the time, it was not.

I know what I believe about the Bible and I know why.  I have fought God on the serious questions, like pain from the loss of loved ones, hurts caused by betrayal and sinful choices, and the to hear when God is clear. And I have found that God let me ask Him anything, fight Him for my own way, argue ’til my lungs hurt, bargain for better terms and even betray Him in anger.   And through it all I can honestly say that God has NEVER, EVER disappointed me. I have learned that He loves rebels and questioners… just like me, and maybe you!

His Son Jesus Christ has proven over and over again that He is reliable and worthy to be my God.  Without exception, He is the most precious Gift I know. And to be honest, I love Him so much, that if you don’t know Him, I’d like to introduce you to Him.  Just give me 45 minutes!!!