
Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!. . . Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” Psalm 150:2,6

I couldn’t describe it, other than a response. I was thinking and pondering some worldly issue that was being amplified by the news. I was in my truck driving in heavy traffic and, as usual, it seemed that every person who ever failed driver’s education had gotten in front of me. Scooting around one, I hit the intersection in perfect time… for a red light! Then I looked up!

As I looked out my windshield my eyes were simply drawn to UP! There, in a cloudless sky with the sun in a full on shine, I simply was forced to exhale… AHHHHHH! The verbal response was also natural. I simply said… “Thank you Jesus!” And then the light turned green! It was a moment of reverence… solemn, real and just between me and Jesus.

Even now as I relive it, I am reminded to relax and let Him simply ‘have me.’ I mean, there really isn’t a whole lot I can do about world conditions. My opinions, rarely shared by the world, wouldn’t go very far in fixing much anyway. But for some strange reason, Jesus loves for me to keep company with Him… and He with me. Whod’a figured?

So today I’m going to borrow one of David’s favorite slogans and try to start with simply focusing, loving and looking to Jesus for the balance I need to get through this crazy world. If that is called Praise… so be it! I hope you have a wonderful day in Him as well.

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