
…you are not your own. For you were bought with a price…” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

It was Sunday morning and time to wake up the kids for church. Going to the door, I opened it… halfway! The door stopped when it hit something. Looking in, I saw my 2 grandsons lying just inside the door… on the floor! Looking at the blowup mattress, I immediately saw the problem. Half inflated, they must have rolled off of it in the middle of the night.

We have 2 mattresses, but the one we grabbed apparently was the one with the slow leak. Being late the first night, I tasked the oldest of the 2 with a job saying, “Duncan, put your finger here. This is the button that blows up the mattress. If it goes down in the middle of the night, just press this and it will inflate.” The first night he had it down. Saturday? Nada!

Finally, waking up, they both laughed. Apparently they had been in such a sound sleep, they hadn’t noticed the mattress collapsing. When they rolled onto the floor, they didn’t realize they had a problem and slept right through it. Had he noticed, it would have been a simple 15 second task to hit the switch and fix it. Now… this is just a funny story. But it’s not always!

Losing sleep and not even noticing doesn’t count as an oops. But there have been MANY times when, failure to take responsibility or perform a simple task, cost me plenty! It doesn’t take much for an oops to become a catastrophe. I remembered to drop my taxes in the mail yesterday. Had I missed today’s deadline, it would have cost me dearly! Life has lessons.

As I read Psalm 24:1 today, “The Earth is the LORD’s and everything in it,” I remembered the New Testament verse that I used for today. As I meditated on that verse, I was led to remember the First Commandment as well, “You shall have NO other Gods before Me.” It’s a rule that was handed down from God to me, with an expectation that I CHOOSE to KEEP it.

Putting Duncan’s finger on the switch and showing him how to take care of himself should his bed collapse, is not much different than today’s verses. The cost of NOT seeing God as my Creator and Master will result in MORE than just an oops or a night sleep. The decision to live life to the full, with God as My Master, is MINE. I can choose Him, or sleep right through Him.

Are YOU choosing to Choose Jesus?

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