
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

The lemon tree is GONE! It had been in our yard for about 9 years, and had become almost like one of our kids! It only stood about 4’ tall when we got it. But it had a few blossoms of hope on it when I dug the hole and planted it. We ended up with a handful of lemons on it the following year. For 3 years it had LOTS of lemons. Then a disease hit! I tried every bit of advice but… I cut it down yesterday.

We had enjoyed it SO much when it was doing what it was supposed to do. Truth be told, we gave away more lemons than we used. But that was part of the fun. We had lemons to give, and received the blessing of giving and thanksgiving with those we shared. When lemon production stopped, questions of ‘why no lemons?’ made me feel like a failure. Hope turned into truth and now… it’s gone.

A LOT of emotion came and went with that lemon tree. It had everything inside of it to do exactly what God had intended. But something on the outside got to it and it never recovered. Reading this verse today, so close to the lemon tree’s removal. I started thinking about MY purpose for being here and what kind of expectations, or disappointments I might be putting MY owner through!

If planting me here was just for decoration only, I would have been a waste of God’s time. Because a lot of time, expectation and effort went into me, and pretty I’m not! Rooting and fruiting a strong, productive Faith was meant to produce OVERFLOWING THANKFULNESS IN ME, toward Him! Just for the opportunity to SERVE The Master of the Universe. Mr. Stupid Lemontree reminded me of that!

God doesn’t want me bitter and sour. He prefers I look to Him everyday, in this messed up world, and to go out into it with a more saucy, joyful tang! The world is already a mess. And He wants ME to go out and tell others that THEY weren’t made to be bitter either! Reminding me of my purpose, I can actually feel the JOY and THANKFULNESS toward Him for being a part of His whole ‘Garden Plan!’

So today, I THANK GOD for the opportunity to grow, show and flow His life in… and through me. THANK YOU JESUS! Thank you for fertilizing me with your Word each day and sending me into a sour world to possibly bring joy into it. Let’s do it again today too… cuz I’m feelin’ saucy!!

Are YOU thankful to be His? Do you tell Him often? Do YOU want to be a bright shiny fruit for Jesus? Then think about these verses and grow baby!

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