
The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 1:14

Guess who got a little taste of Heaven last night? Yup! I had seen that the famous band from my young years was going to be in town. I thought fondly of them, remembering that, as a kid, I had learned to play drums while playing along with their music… in my bedroom. Time slipped by, but then I thought, why not! So I called for tickets and I was told that the concert had been sold out.

Suddenly, the ‘I had missed something’ spurned me on. When Katie got home from work I said, “Wanna go have some fun?” My spur of the moment gal said ‘sure!’ I asked her to make a sign and, with a quick change of clothes, we were off. We got there before anyone else. The first person I met happened to be a famous teacher of one of the band members. Got tickets?” I asked. He didn’t

Katie went to have a seat in a corner while I held up my sign… “Looking for 2 tickets!” I tried to play it cool. After all, I was an outcast looking for a break. All the folks around me had pre-planned and HAD their tickets. I was a nobody. But I was a determined Nobody. Suddenly, an envelope was thrust into my chest. “Can’t use ‘em,” he said. “Wife sick.” Grateful, I paid him more than he had.

Now, I didn’t HAVE to pay more. He just wanted what he’d paid. But I was grateful and offered the price for that gratefulness. The tickets? Row 15. Dead center of the stage! Then the band started! I’ve seen a lot of concerts. But this one was the best, BY FAR! EVERYBODY was OLD and knew the words… kinda! We sang, applauded, got drawn in, and were united with our youth AGAIN! WOW!

I STILL can’t believe it! The spot that got touched in me, I hadn’t even realized existed. But there it was. It felt a little like what I think Heaven will be. The past, present and future reunited with every good memory and joy coming together, along with the people that made them joyful! All because the Master of the Universe handed me a ticket. Overjoyed, I pay more with my life. He’s worth it!

How grateful are YOU? Do YOU have a ticket to Heaven?

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