
We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 2 Thessalonians 3:11

Yesterday I had a plumbing disaster at my 50+ year old house. The drain pipes under the slab are not viewable. Therefore I do not really know their condition. I DO know that they are cast iron and, as we all know, cast iron rusts and deteriorates. After a flush of the toilet and the draining of a tub, a whole lot of nasty water backed up into my shower. I’d show a picture… but it’s too gross!

I know a great guy who is also a plumber. In cases of emergency, he usually accommodates me as soon as he can. When I texted him the picture, he called and said he’d be here in 3 hours! After about an hour of hot sweaty work, the line was cleared and I was left to clean up the mess. Noting several discussions over the last week, I was nudged by God to remember some other sewage issues.

There is no doubt that social media, the wagging of tongues and voicing of opinions are backing up and polluting our world. I was reminded that every time I join in any of those actions, I am polluting myself, and others around me. Like sewage in a shower, messes are difficult and no fun to clean up. Jus SEEING the mess is enough to stop me. When I found this verse, I took it personally.

I don’t watch the news or read the paper. But that doesn’t stop me from hearing things that people are quick to pass on… filtered through their own opinion. It takes time and effort to pay attention to social media and news. It does not take long to have its effect! As bad or discomforting opinion hits my ears, so goes my mood. My mood determines what I do next. If down and defeated… I mope!

What do YOU do with your time? Do you relish in the latest bad news or gossip? Are you quick to ‘pass it on?’ I am either glorifying and promoting God and His Word and Work… or I am being idly disruptive. SO now I have a NEW focus…. and I’m going to work on focusing on Him today. 

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