
For this I labor and struggle, in accord with the exercise of His power working within me.” Colossians 1:29 NAB

Jesus had a problem! In this case, HIS problem became the problem for several of us. Since Jesus owns everything I own, including me, when Katie’s church computer broke down, she came to me. This computer is used to generate and produce Sunday’s Bulletin every week. Like me, it is getting older and slower. I looked at it, and determined it needed another of Jesus’ tools. I called Mike!

Mike belongs to Jesus. When Mike listened to me explain the problem with the computer, he asked questions. Then Mike made suggestions… which blew my mind. As too many explanations and options came hurling at me, I found myself struggling to keep up with his ideas as to the problem and solution. I just wanted the problem fixed. “I” didn’t want to PERSONALLY be part of “The Fix!”

Mike called me with an update last night, after I called him and left a message, after Katie asked me when she’d be getting her computer back to make Jesus’ bulletin for this Sunday! As Mike talked, I felt myself drawn back into the swamp of ignorance, information and decision. I didn’t want to go there again so I interrupted him with… “Let’s do lunch… I’ll buy!”

Struggling with people problems is, in my opinion, harder than going to the gym. When I go to the gym, I pick up weights and move them around methodically and with a certain number of reps! SUPPOSEDLY, in that work, I am chiseling my body into shape. Looking in the mirror, I don’t see it. But in struggling with people problems, I KNOW when a solution has been reached! I can see and feel it!

Jesus’ description of Paul’s work, to grow Faith in the followers under his care, is agonizing. I can easily break out in a sweat and get worn out just reading what Paul went through in trying to make spiritual warriors out of worldly babies. The struggle is real! Sitting in the same position as Paul, lots of advice and suggestions come my way. Along with sweat and labor. Results are slow.

I’m going to have a power lunch with Jesus today. I’m realizing that I’ve been trying to do some of this stuff in my own strength! It’s time to get some power and suggestions from HIM!

Are YOU operating on your own strength and wisdom?

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