“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3
“Why don’t you just get a connector cable?” Those words, from my son-in-law, produced both hope and discouragement! Hope, from the possibility that there WAS an easier way. Discouragement, because it was too late! I had already CUT the wires, planning to splice and add length to them so I could connect a trailer to my truck! It took all of about 14 nanoseconds! NOW I had a busy mess.
Standard trailer lights have 6 wires. But those 6 wires reduce down to plugs with 4 connectors, with EVERY wire having a specific job. NONE can be out of place! Running lights, turn signals and brake lights are determined by colored wires… and I had just cut them! Now I had to splice them back together. Had I KNOWN about the special extending cable, I could have avoided a serious brain issue!
Right-brained and left-brained people are SUPPOSEDLY good at different things. It has been stated that right-brain people are more visual and intuitive, while left-brained people are mathematical and analytical. When trying to get the colors and order of the wires to go together, I started to feel like I was in algebra class. I finally gave up and accepted that I MAY just have to pay a traffic fine!
I found out that the old research about the brain is actually NOT true! While I may have a proclivity towards words, my old bad grades in math class had NOTHING to do with the physical makeup of my brain. The brain sends equal signals for both. Knowing this fact, I must humbly admit that when it comes to math, I’m lazy and don’t WANT to do it! Which is EXACTLY the point of this Bible verse!
God gives us EVERYTHING WE NEED for life and Godliness. EVERYTHING! But He CANNOT provide the WANT TO! The reason is simple. MAKING me want to be God-like would make me a puppet! And God doesn’t want a puppet, He wants a LOVER! SO CHOICE is key! Do I WANT to be more like Him? Do I love Him enough to prove it by giving Him my time, resources and efforts? Hmmmmm!
Do you love spending time with Jesus and His people for His purpose? Do you actually try to connect your life to His to produce light to those around you? Or do you find yourself being more drawn to personal want-to’s? Tough question? I can completely appreciate it! But ‘news flash’ – He is WORTH your efforts! SO if you’re feeling apart from God, this verse tells us… it isn’t HIS fault! He’s waiting!