
To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd.” Psalm 18:25-26

Something was different! Pulling into the Osprey Car Wash to get Katie’s car cleaned showed something I hadn’t seen before. At least 8 men all in red shirts that read ‘Osprey Car Wash imprinted on them working. Not seeing that many workers, or a standard for clothing by anyone there before, I asked, “are you under a new owner?” He replied. “yes sir, how did you know?”

I mention the car wash by name because it is the ONLY one I go to. Along with Storage Units, Car Washes are a business that supposedly pays for themselves rather quickly. The problem is, now there are WAY TOO MANY OF THEM! The reason I still go to this old place is because it sets itself apart. Those workers actually clean and vacuum the inside FOR me. No other place does.

Walking out to sit in the waiting area, 4 women were already there. Soon, another came out with the new owner, her voice getting louder as conversation continued. I just ignored it… until I couldn’t. The owner was pleading with the unhappy woman, whose face and tone were growing uglier. Having already asked, I guessed her problem “Is this about him honoring your old punch card points.”

2+2=4! That is until someone throws a fit to get their way! The woman was wanting a free car wash and the new owner had simply asked her to buy a couple car washes ahead to offset his costs. She became indignant. “I’ve spent hundreds of dollars here!” she yelled. So I spoke! “This is the best car wash in the area and under NEW OWNERSHIP. To think HE OWES YOU something is STUPID!”

I was wearing a hat that said “Jesus Christ” on it! I remembered that before I spoke… but did so anyway. If the man in the red house borrowed $100 from me, then moved away, the new owner does not owe me $100. It’s simple! But selfishness can force 2+2 to equal 5 if it gets loud enough. The situation called for bold truth! She reacted to me like I do when ‘I’ hear it. She got quiet!

I thought it interesting when the other women chimed in, “Yea… he’s right!” Something that didn’t need to be said, but became a kind of ‘vote for righteousness’ situation. ‘Truth is,’ therefore ‘JESUS IS!’ Righteous, Pure, Graceful, Perfect, Merciful, Holy and True are titles for Jesus because He does what He is! Trying to accuse Him otherwise, because I don’t get ‘my way,’ only proves me stupid!

Are YOU mad at God, blaming Him for poor service because you aren’t getting your own way? Are you demanding and devious in your business with Jesus, or are you smart enough to know when to lay down self and receive His Mercy and Grace? He wants you to speak up so He and the world can hear you!

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