
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16

“OH NO!!!! LOOK AT THE LEMON TREE!” Katie was pointing to the tree that was really never much to look at anyway. But now, it was even worse! Hurricane Ian had blown it down to about a 45 degree angle! Not much to look at, it had produced over 300 lemons last season. Now, production was in jeopardy. My sons came to help and said, “we’ll take care of that mom!” And they did!

Since everyone was in need and in a hurry, they placed a chain around the tree and attached it to my truck. Spinning tires and smoke resulted in an upright tree, but we lacked anything to keep it that way. Then ingenuity hit! Grabbing a borrowed trailer they propped it up against the tree, using palm trunks as wheel chocks! I’m proud my sons are wise and industrious. They will never starve!

Going about recovering from Ian, we all set about helping others get out of emergencies and back to normal. Which ultimately meant the owner of the trailer needed his trailer back. Needing a more permanent solution, I was strapping it up when my neighbor came over to help. Little did I realize that event would lead to yet another Gospel sharing opportunity within a couple days.

Coming out of his house to walk his dog last night, he asked me, “are you going to put some Miracle Grow on that tree to help it root and stand straight?” My IMMEDIATE response was somewhat rehearsed and came out, “Nah… I don’t need a miracle, I have Jesus!” And with those words, other words came out like, “Tree of Life, sin, leaning on Jesus and standing up to storms” followed.

For months I have been telling people to prepare with food and necessities for at least a month, since economic conditions required it. When Hurricane Ian was forecast, further preparations had to be made. As a believer in Christ, His Word had commanded me to prepare for tough times ahead, get ready for Heaven and to share The Gospel with neighbors in my world. So I had, then simply did!

Sharing the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ should be automatic, since it is the greatest gift on Earth. But those who do not know Jesus are often opposed to hearing about Him. That means we need to work out our own way to prepare and share our own Good News with those who come into our world. That takes work and planning to BE READY! Rewarding results will be out of this world!

Are YOU leaning on Jesus and standing up to share the Good News at any time He gives you the opportunity?

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