
When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.” Ecclesiastes 8:11

It was a Trifecta of terror! The possible collision of 3 separate bodies of motion, operating independently, yet at the same time. I was seeing it almost in slow motion. As ‘right turn on red,’ crossed into ‘U-turn has right of way,’ ‘Lady on bike’ decided to cross the highway… AGAINST the light! This was not going to end well.. so I SCREAMED… “HEYYYYYYYY!“ And whistled!

I whistle very loudly! As a kid I heard stories of my grandfather’s whistling prowess and how EVERYONE could hear him across several streets. I wanted to learn how to do that… and did! It just came naturally in the wake of what was about to happen, when instinctively, I put my fingers in my mouth and blew… HARD! Everyone STOPPED!   WHEW!!!!!

Mine wasn’t the only noise on the street though. The drivers of the cars, vying for right of way, had let their selfish desires be known by honking their horns! They wanted THEIR OWN way. Blinded by desire, they did not see that cars and humans do not merge well under movement. They all, Bike Lady included, just wanted to keep moving their own way. Toward destruction.

It was a relief to see that all 3 parties had stopped. The warning had worked and no one died or went to jail. For my part though, I received ‘the bird’… a ‘California Howdy’… a ‘flip-off!’ ‘How dare you,’ was the message! Though I didn’t like it, I’m used to it! Someone had to go down and it was either going to be me… or dumb bike lady!  I’m not a fan of the sight of blood.

Standing on a busy corner holding Gospel signs to point people to ‘Jesus, the Way, Truth and Life’ is an honor for me, because Jesus has proven Himself in those areas of mine… many times. As the world of evil and darkness grows, ‘Truth’ has become relative, and people fighting for their own way are careening toward a cataclysmic crash. Sadly, whistle-blowers have become few! Which makes me wonder.

What makes YOU concerned enough to whistle and shout out GOD’s Truth? 

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