
“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

Katie made the switch from reading books to a Kindle years ago. She hasn’t looked back. When she suggested I give it a try, I just couldn’t get the hang of it. She liked having all her books on 1 device that was easily carried. I like to write notes and skim around. Thinking about it, I believe our preferences came  down to a matter of convenience.

I had shelves of books that I could be read, refer to and put back. Stopping and starting was as easy as turning to a paper bookmark. A lot of my books were my dad’s and I love seeing his handwritten notes where he had visited years ago. I didn’t have that kind of ability with a Kindle. So I stuck to what convenienced me. Until yesterday.

95% of what I read is for my vocation. Unless on vacation, I don’t usually pick up a ‘fun’ book. But recently I had, and enjoyed it. So much so that I thought… “hmmm, what next?” A friend had recommended a book, Katie had downloaded, read and liked it. Her suggestion to me to read it meant doing so from her old Kindle. And so my fight with the learning curve began!

It took some time, and I’m still not an expert on the stop and start of the thing, but having read a third of the book, I’m getting it. Reading in the dark was interesting, and hitting the ‘off’ button was easier than finding my bookmark! So I’m picking up on the conveniences and slowly being sold on how easy a Kindle can be! Suddenly… I am stopped in my tracks!

This last week was NOT a good week for righteousness. The protests over abortion, LGBTQ and transgender education just had another ‘right’ thrown in when Johns Hopkins University hired a trans-gender professor who believes that a propensity to pedophilia really isn’t all that bad! And I’m sick! Because, I know, this is just the initial trial run of an evil idea trying to get out of the gate!

The easiest thing I can do when evil raises it’s head is to hide. Speaking to Christians about this latest issue facing our society, I am mournfully searching. But unlike my Kindle experience, every mark in God’s Book as to what He expects from me points to an IN-convenience on my part. It’s getting harder to see in the darkness!

What is God calling YOU to do?  Will you?

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