
The righteous eat to their hearts’ content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.” Proverbs 13:25

This morning, like EVERY morning, reminded me that things have come a LONG way from where my mornings USED to start. From the automatically timed coffee maker, I grabbed a cup for my wife and I, then sat down to start my devotional quiet time. Opening my cell phone, I immediately saw 2 texts and at least 3 mails that told me I was going to be starving soon…or something worse! I reached for my Bible!

It USED to be that world news only came through the newspaper, radio or TV (with only 3 channels). And it was just that…information. Now, with Social Media as it is, ANYONE can be their own news channel! After seeing only a brief introduction about how we were all going to starve due to a coming lack of food, I turned off the video link and thought, “who is THAT guy anyway?”

I’m smart enough to see that ALL of us are engaged in a VERY serious war right now. And the ammo is not bullets and bombs, but something MUCH more powerful. WORDS! Words are being manipulated to form ideas and thoughts which, when used effectively, can easily lead to fear and anxiety. I’m smart enough to see that THIS war will produce a DEVASTATING number of casualties. So…I turn to my Bible.

I have a VERY STRONG and RELIABLE FAITH in JESUS CHRIST! I’m not bragging… just stating facts! It SHOULD and had BETTER be strong… since I’ve been working on it for well over 50 years! For all the work I have put into following Jesus Christ, should I be worried that starvation, disease or an organization with letters for a name will take me out of His hands or care? Excuse me while I snicker!

The Bible tells LOTS of stories that proved life to be FAR worse than where we are. Then God! I have HEARD stories of terrible suffering and pain. Then God! I myself have gone through difficulties I will NEVER forget. Difficulties that could have easily been used to write my downfall. Then God! As a 66 year old man, who often has days where I FEEL like I’m 86…I’m too TIRED to work up fear!

If you have personally known Jesus and followed Him for any length of time, you know what I am saying. If you’re new to this walk, may I just say…remain calm! The guy who wrote Proverbs may have been a loser in many areas of his life…but he got THIS point DOWN! God Wins!

So….. what have YOU heard?

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