
Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14

Today I have the honor of meeting Grandson Cash at the shooting range. About 3 months ago, Cash expressed interest in learning how to shoot. That being a hobby of mine, I was honored to have the opportunity to teach him how to safely handle, and properly discharge, a firearm. But boys being boys, I saw an opportunity to take full advantage of his interest. Then I called in a friend!

I appreciate that some people have a fear or loathing of guns. I also know that the feeling comes from ignorance. As the old saying goes, “guns don’t kill people, people do!” Too often, accidents of ignorance about how to handle a gun have led to tragedy. Though I believe EVERYONE should know HOW to properly handle a gun, I don’t have influence over everybody. I DO over my grandson. So, it was time!

At 10+ years old he’s at the perfect age for me. He doesn’t poo his pants, can hear, understand and speak. He can also walk and doesn’t drool! The way I see it, we have about 7 years to prepare him for the world. So let the fun begin. Because FUN can ALSO be used as a tool to learn OTHER things. I figured if he wants to shoot, I can also teach him manners, how to write and how to treat people in the process.

When we started, I told him I wanted him to write at least a 50-word paper, 6 days a week, on any subject he wishes. When he comes into the range, he must bring his journal and greet other instructors and adults with a clear voice, a look in the eye, a handshake. His agreement to these terms at the start constituted a precept, or standard. It also initiated a promise!

2 weeks ago, after school had gotten back from Christmas break, Cash came in empty handed! The look on his face was priceless! HE KNEW that no excuse would be acceptable to me. Having taken a break, he just didn’t remember that he was supposed to write. Handing him a broom and a task, he was about to learn!

So, a question needs to be asked… is Cash a ‘promise breaker’ or a ‘liar’?  After all, he hadn’t kept HIS end of the deal! After reading Charles Spurgeon’s thoughts on the difference between a ‘promise’ and a ‘precept,’ the answer is emphatically ‘NEITHER!’ The terms we have are a standard code of conduct that overrides everything else. When there is a variation, it is only used to strengthen the precept AND his character.

The Bible is FILLED with PROMISES of God’s protection and provision. But those promises don’t extend to EVERYONE ALL THE TIME! Often, precepts or conditions must be met or applied FIRST. Like Cash, I am God’s son in training. I have learned that demanding God’s promises, without following or understanding His precepts, can be more dangerous than waving a gun around! Something Cash will NEVER do because, my friend and I will see to that! As for the mullet…Cash is trying to get ME to grow one!

Are YOU expecting God to supply you a car without first learning to walk?  

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