
But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Matthew 12:48

When my phone rings and my son Clint’s name and face appear on my ‘incoming call’ list, I have already started to smile. The first thought that comes to mind is, “’THIS’ could be a good one!” As a Harbor Pilot for Tampa Bay, he is licensed to pilot ships up to 650’ long…alone. He has a Training Pilot for anything larger, until he reaches the next level. He called the other day and had me ROLLING in laughter!

He was taking a ship out into the Gulf of Mexico through a narrow channel with 1 ship a mere 50’ to his one side (port or starboard he didn’t say…nor does it make a difference). Heading out into a basin where several other ships were docked, the unthinkable happened…the engine simply shut down! With this monster ship now ‘DARK’ yet underway, with NO way to power it, he told me the mental process that took place.

“Hmmm… this is unexpected… what do we do now?” That thought was echoed by the Captain as he asked, “What are you going to do now?” When all this happened, and in single digit SECONDS…it hit him, “I’m the guy who HAS to DO something…NOW!” And he did! I don’t have the right or capability of telling the story properly. That is HIS-story. But when HE told ME…I couldn’t stop laughing!

Naturally… it COULD have gone badly, making the news with pictures of failure and embarrassment splattered all over the media. Even though HE hadn’t caused the engine to fail! But it didn’t… and it didn’t! All remained quiet and under control because THAT is his JOB! No bells, awards or applause. Just doing what he signed up to do. Under pressure. Everyday! Even when he’s not piloting a ship. You see, he’s a husband and father too!

The verse today is HIS life verse! HE picked it…not me! He well understands the weight and pressure of what that verse means, as do ALL of my kids. We are children of ‘The King’…and ‘The King’ EXPECTS us to behave and serve like we are princes and princesses! ROYALLY!

Katie and I didn’t spoil our kids. You can ask them! I mean they never suffered poverty, ate regularly and had stuff of their own. But they learned like most of us learn…the hard way! Being their dad, I even made sure the hard way was delivered to the doorway of their lives! Just like MY Heavenly Father does to me REGULARLY!

What have YOU signed up for and what does God expect from YOU?

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