
For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:3

I received a text yesterday with an offer that would make us monetarily wealthy beyond anything we have ever imagined. While not in the millions, it would make a HUGE difference in our lives. But the problem it presented was just as huge…because Katie and I had already put this subject to bed! Having prayed and tested and tried and figured, we had received our answer and made our decision. NOW THIS??

Not sure what to do, we had come together and made the decision to pursue an answer. ‘Should we or shouldn’t we’ was the question we had for God. Since we don’t know the future, and He does, we had made the choice to seek an answer from Him. Being dedicated to Jesus Christ, we have been in the “What-to-do?” room many times. And even though we have learned a thing or 2, it’s still a tough spot to be in.

How does one make a decision when so much is at stake? If God is truly The Lord of my life, He has plans and intentions for me. Discovering what those plans are takes intention and faithfulness. All through the Bible there are examples of ways to find out God’s will. In the Old Testament, Gideon did it with a fleece! The Priest’s did it with basically a coin toss! But that was THEM. This is US! How do WE do it? And how do we know our decision is reliable and God given. To make matters more difficult, I have experienced God’s answer in the form of, “I don’t really care…you decide and I’ll back you up!” OY VEY!

What I eat for dinner, what car I drive, the house I live in, and even who I marry can carry a lot of angst! Going to God and asking ‘by faith…’ EXPECTING Him to give me an answer… is NOT unreasonable. Neither is struggling to stay on course AFTER the decision is made. The act of making a Godly decision ALSO GUARANTEES that there will be opposing forces pressing AGAINST that decision. And here we are!

We had asked God to help us make the decision and, in the face of unrealistic odds, we received the SAME answer…THREE TIMES! Now, here comes the test…”but are you REALLY REALLY SURE you want to DO that?” The only surprise is that we were surprised at The Test! “Heart, Head or Heaven!” Which is it going to be? Go ahead and call us crazy…but we’re sticking with Heaven! God trusted that we would!

Are YOU a sticking stead-faster?

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