
“…see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7

If Katie and I were presented a $500,000 check with our names on it… how much $ would we have? Without really knowing it, I had actually been contemplating that very question in the back of my mind. Because we were very close to that theoretical question becoming a reality. Thankfully, my answer matched EXACTLY with what we got! Which was ‘Nothin’!

We all seem to think of bad things happening as some kind of test. I have found that difficult tests can just as easily come in the form of extravagant blessing! We have been blessed with the hard work that comes with owning another house. After 13 years, it was paid off. As of yesterday, there was a contract pending for its sale for almost half a million dollars. As of last night… it’s worth nada!!!!

It’s OK to ask the question… “How did we sleep after a disappointment like that?” “Great!” was the answer Katie gave me. And I concurred. We can say that because long ago, from many tests and trials, we learned that we don’t really OWN ANYTHING! Because we GAVE our lives to Jesus, everything in our name belongs to HIM! And He still has the house!

I read something this morning that I shared with several individuals. It was a quote from Saint Irenaeus that stated, “the glory of God is man fully alive.” John 10:10 was quoted, “I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full.” An explicit statement of Jesus Christ to His followers. In other words, Jesus came to GIVE what HE owned… to ME… and you!

It was then that questions began to rise in my mind, evidence that the Holy Spirit was right there with me. If Jesus came to GIVE ME abundant life… then just what am ‘I’ supposed to do with it? Not surprisingly, further study landed me on the verse for today… and HIS answer, “give it away, silly!” His answer, naturally, produced even MORE questions… which is what God questions are SUPPOSED to do!

“What’s mine?” is a question that easily separates the sheep from the goats. A sheep is a person who gave their lives to Jesus Christ… in exchange for HIS life in THEM! Which… if you really know Him… has HIM coming out on the losing end of the deal. An interesting thought, unless I further consider the principle that I’M supposed to give it away as well!!

Jesus owns me… which means that Jesus owns my wallet! Which makes the answer to the ‘Capital One question,’ “What’s in your wallet?” not so much a question as a statement. Our answer is….. “JESUS!”

What’s in YOURS?

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