
“I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.” Proverbs 4:11

Today will be the start of something big! At least for our house. Having lived here for well over 30 years, the pathway and drive will be ripped up and replaced with new pavers. Though the physical experience of driving will remain unchanged, my lovely wife will LOVE coming home to the new look.

The choice for this project came because of her emphasis on the visual. She has an artist’s brain, so if something is messy, crooked or even old, she wants to see it replaced. I am the ONLY physical thing that has escaped that refined eye… so I TRY not to push my luck! I can appreciate that seeing, and HOW we see, has HUGE ramifications.

Because needs and wants are subjective, it is easy to confuse and distort someone’s view on almost any matter. Sometimes that can cause more problems than the actual problem! (just look at our political world today).  Katie and I have a fine driveway right now and we don’t NEED a new one! But HER vision and the way SHE sees it, tips the scales from ‘want’ to ‘need’ in a rather creative way. So I CHOOSE to get a new driveway because… ‘I’ need AND want… a happy wife!

God chose a rather colorful man to send us messages directly from Him. Solomon was given the wisdom to hear and communicate God’s heart to people in MANY matters that matter. But because God is loving and considerate, He did not make His wisdom MANdatory! Man chose, with the aid of ‘first loser satan,’ to press the “free will” button and go his own way. Unfortunately God, out of love, was forced to abide by the terms that man’s choice brought.

One of my favorite sayings comes from an old Scottish preacher named George Moore who said, “The difficulty in life… is the choice!” HUGE truth! God, who INVENTED nit-picking moms and wives, uses Proverbs as a method to … well pick! And He does so in Proverbs… over and over and over again. In a nutshell, God said… “pick me and get wisdom!” As the original salesman, He then goes on to lay out the features and benefits of doing just that.

Through the centuries, preachers, prophets, kings and commoners like me, have confirmed that God really MEANS what He says. His benefits to me are BEYOND counting and CANNOT be dismissed. “Jesus WORKS” is one of my sayings. “Try Me” is one of His. I did, and He does!

Now… How do YOU see life?

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