
…cry aloud for understanding… look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure.” Proverbs 2:3-4

If God is ever interested in getting a laugh, all He needs to do is turn to the Channel of MY life! The older I get the more hilarious the show seems to become! That is, if ridiculous and nonsensical are considered funny! Why yesterday, for example, I managed to misplace a set of keys, a thermometer, a wire brush and the TV remote… TWICE! Which to me, isn’t funny!

In my experience, there are 2 kinds of lost things. One I call ‘JUST!’ Like, “I JUST had my keys in my hand!” Or, “I was JUST talking on my phone!” These kind are absolute brain scramblers because they imply personal stupidity on top of the frustration. The harder I try to remember, the dumber I feel as recent memory fades to black.

The other kind of loss is ‘GONE.’ My garage has DRAWERS FULL of tools and supplies in a loose kind of order. There’s a ‘fastener’ drawer that holds screws, nails, rivets etc. The rivet gun is in there (or supposed to be) for obvious reasons. When I looked for my old wire brush in the paint drawer, it wasn’t there. It was… GONE! I have at least 8 hammers, until I need one. Then… they are GONE! If a hammer was used recently, it is ‘JUST GONE!’

The Book of Proverbs is a Book about finding something that you never really had in the first place. Apparently it isn’t enough to keep track of your own stuff, God expects us to keep track of what we don’t even HAVE yet! Solomon, the writer of most of the Proverbs, spends 2 whole chapters telling us how important it is to look for, find and KEEP something that we don’t even own yet! Then he adds warnings to those who won’t even bother! Why? Because to our Creator, it’s important stuff!

The Bible is God’s Word and throughout the whole book of books there lies a clearly spelled out expectation from God Himself. ‘Dig into Me! Search for Me! Find Me! Catalog Me! Remember Me!’ Then follow His PROMISES of what will happen when I DO! Promises of an abundant life, Peace, Joy and even riches that the world knows nothing about! Unfortunately a better memory isn’t among them!

Today I have resolved to spend some quality time digging deep for God’s wisdom and understanding. As I do, I hear Katie ‘crying aloud’ in the other room. She JUST lost her keys and sunglasses… and her patience is JUST GONE! I think I’ll go help her first.

Are YOU looking for Wisdom and Understanding?

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