
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2

Ever see a car with a curious bumper sticker that you couldn’t read? One that grabbed your attention and had you asking…”what’s that say?” It happened to me the other day. Luckily for me, up ahead the light turned from green…to yellow…to red! So I had a chance to get up real close to read.  You’re looking at a version of it!

I hate red lights! But THIS time, interest grabbed me and I had a chance to really think and ponder what that sticker meant. Thus distracted, God and I had a little conversation. If you want to call it that! You see, I know what the Bible says. I ALSO know the Author! So…going to Him I asked Him if that sticker was OK!

When I talk to God, I use words. When He talks to me, He uses practically everything BUT! Which doesn’t bother me. I have to admit that it took time for me to learn His language and to know when it is Him speaking. You see, God’s arch enemy ALSO tries to speak to me as well…with a goal of confusion and distraction! But I knew in my spirit God was talking when I broke out in a smile!

God even wrote it Himself…right there in Genesis!! Before He spoke, all was empty, formless and DARK. Kind of like a painters canvas…only black! And while you and I have absolutely NO power to CREATE ANYTHING, God created, simply with WORDS! LET THERE BE!!!!” And just like that…it was so!

One of the proofs of God’s existence is Creation. Romans 1:20 says, For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Simply looking at the beauty and complexity of creation SCREAMS GOD! The Universe literally has His fingerprints all over it!

As I sat at the light and talked with Him, I finally got around to asking the obvious question! His answer came in the beauty of His silence when the thought came…”Sure…you can call me that!” So I did:

“Dear Art: Thank you for bringing beauty, imagination and wonder into my life. I really appreciate and LOVE you and your work! I’d like to see more please!” And just like that…the light turned green!

How do YOU see the universe?

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