
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15

Getting up every morning and putting on the shoes of my vocation is not really something that causes rapturous joy! But yesterday, I found myself at a Donut shop talking with one of my Jesus ‘tough guys’ with just that feeling! And though I almost missed it, the point didn’t miss me! We were having laughing and having FUN!

I got a video the other day from my son. He was laughing and having a ball ‘doing donuts’ on a Tugboat! Yea, I thought the same thing. Because I’d never think to put those things together either! But there he was, in recorded time, doing something even HE never would have been able to think up! The joy in the donut shop was kind of like that.

Our meeting started with, “hey, I’d like to get together and talk,” and turned into 2 hours of CHURCH time! As we talked, we laughed, got serious, asked questions, wondered and by worshiped through our attitudes. When the place closed down around us, we stood outside and carried on in the parking lot! More questions, discussions and laughter came as serious subjects and fears fell to the ground…one by one…all brought on by the HOPE that comes from following our mutual Savior.

The Bible verse today is quite presumptuous! It presupposes that when I DELIBERATELY put Jesus Christ FIRST in my life, then this other something will naturally follow. That something…Peter calls HOPE! It’s a strange and fuzzy kind of emotion. I know when someone is happy when they are laughing or smiling. I can SEE sorrow and pain in tears. But what kind of face screams out HOPE??

There MUST be an air or aura of hope that somehow gets displayed when I am focusing on Jesus, because the Bible tells me to ‘BE PREPARED’ with an answer for it when it happens. Which leads me to wonder and question, “do ‘I’ show it when I am out in the world?” And if I do…HOW? And can I turn it on an off? Am I even making SENSE now?? I’m going to have to end here and talk to the guys about this…because right now, I’m just doing donuts!

Is it better to do something than to do a lame nothing??? HMMM I wonder… and HOPE so.

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