“Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” Hebrews 12:13
In the effort of preparing to bring joy to my lovey wife, I found myself doing something I have never done, with the goal of meeting an exact specification, of which I have NO idea! I’m sure it’ll turn out just fine!
Living for 32 years in a house with my artistic wife has had it’s challenges. She gets tired of things looking the same and likes to change them to meet a standard only SHE knows. And she KNOWS it when she SEES it! I’m not complaining. Just stating facts. With new pavers going in next month, I have been working to get everything ready. I discovered that leveling ground is an art!
Our patio area must have been built on a Monday. While it LOOKS good, the runoff from major rains pool water in places we do not want. Even the gutters were hung wrong! The water runs and pools to the middle! We hope to eliminate where rain rests with new pavers. One area REALLY needs to be re-leveled to do that. Using my eyeballs, I found that task more challenging than it looks!
Hebrews 12 has been coming up to me a lot lately. It’s subject is about my cooperation with God to meet His standards in order to properly grow. If you’re like a lot of folks who think, “it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere,” you will not like this chapter. It is full of exact details of what God expects ME to DO, with disciplinary warnings if I DON’T! It, too, is harder than it looks!
What I believe, and do, CAN HURT ME. AND…it can hurt others as well. That is why ‘measuring’ my faith is not only possible, it is a requirement. God provides the tools and help to do what He expects, and His expectations do not change! But He is clear as to WHO is the one to do the sweating! It’s ME!
The world, even the Christian one, is FULL of ridiculous fairy tales that, when applied, will NOT help when the floods of pain, hardship or testing come. So God tells me, when it comes to being SURE I am walking in His ways, that ‘I’ am the one responsible to make sure the way I’m going…really IS…level! And I too, will know it when I see it!