
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:16-17

“Living in Florida is a Tropical Depression!” That is what the bumper sticker used to say years ago. I was reminded of that slogan yesterday, as the days of a predicted hurricane were upon us. No…there was NO hurricane! But 1 minute it was sunny…the next… a pouring deluge! All day long! What kind of weather is THAT called?

Predicting weather is a (so called) science. But OBEYING the prediction can be FOOLISH! Thankfully, I had no pressing outdoor plans. I CAN tell you that we experienced EVERY kind of weather imaginable with any given hour! Except for anything related to cold since…it was a scorcher out there! Kind of like the weather of our country!

Surfing through the channels just before bed last night, we landed on the Republican National Convention. If you know ANYTHING about the liberal media, you’d know why I walked out of the room! The commentators and news casters turned EVERYTHING sour and spun the words to literally PREDICT a coming crisis! ‘Blowhards’ is a term that comes to mind! It made my mood foul!

Going through an old Bible this morning, I found this paper on Bible Character Songs. It made me smile at the reality of so many lives written about in there! ALL had faced storms of magnificent proportions. Their character and legacy being defined by how they responded. It was good to laugh and sing along as I remembered the stories and songs.

It is SOOO easy for me to adjust my mood to reflect what is going on around me. Up…then down! Bright…then gloomy! From cheerleader to fatalist, I can go there in lightning speed. But RARELY with ANY accuracy! The verses today helped me focus on what GOD expects me to use as my ‘MOOD’ Report!

I am living in GRACE! Wonderful, extravagant, amazing GRACE! The Law no longer even APPLIES to me! So predictions of my demise can only enter my world if I DRAG them there!! I am NOT a LAW liver but a GRACE Guarantor! And as God reminded me, His expectation of me is to LIVE like storms do not exist! REGARDLESS of the scene and activity all around me!

I have covenanted with God AND my wife…to laugh and sing more! How about you?

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