
Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.” 1 Chronicles 22:19

Wirrrrrrrrr.. WIRRRRR! Last night I HEARD the fire engines on the main road, but paid no real attention. When I realized they had turned onto MY road I took particular notice as they passed my house! Running outside I saw it… 4 houses down. The house was enveloped in smoke and fire was shooting into the air. Soon, it seemed the entire world was parked on my street.

I am neither a trained fire fighter nor EMT. I know enough to stay back out of the way to let pros do what pros do! As neighbors found each other, natural questions started to flow. ‘Are the owners OK? What started the fire? Who called it in? What were YOU doing when you heard?’

I can rejoice that the house is not mine. But some fear slipped into conversations of other neighbors when they realized that it COULD have been. Fire, like bad news, has no boundaries. As I reflected on the day, it was a solid reminder… we are living in difficult times.

I have several personal things that are peaking right now. Things I have prayed for, some for a long time, that just don’t seem to be moving like I have been praying. As I shook my head at the organized chaos last night, I could feel my soul reaching for its running shoes. It was like a siren jolt…I simply HAD to force myself to STOP.

When bad news comes, it is natural to want to run… flee… hide! ANYTHING to get away from the smokey darkness that seems to find its way around every corner. BUT GOD! The Word tells me OVER and OVER THIS ONE THING. “NOW devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.” As I have said before, this uncertainty is like a railroad crossing. And the requirements are EXACTLY the same. “STOP, LOOK, LISTEN!”

Whether it is an election result, a medical condition, a job change or even a fire! God’s has a rule for dealing with it. Look to Him and trust! Only HE knows what is coming and I just need to know that… WHIRRRRRR (NEWS FLASH!!!) my God is rather fond of me!!!

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