
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 NASB

I’m a sucker for a deal! The local Walmart has an aisle dedicated to cheapskates like me! It’s called the ‘Clearance’ aisle. I was walking it, killing time while my wife looked at fabric, when halfway down I realized I was NOT looking at the PRODUCT so much as the amount of $$$ discounted. $5 off $40 did NOT capture my interest! Then something did!

Before me lay a whole rack of Fram Air Filters for vehicles. It reminded me that I hadn’t changed ours in quite a long time! The initial price was about $19. Clearance price? $2! I dug out my phone. The reason for the phone was, that EVERY car filter has a special size. Was MY filter among the pile? Goggle could tell me, and after a few minutes… JACKPOT!

REPLACING my filter is NEVER as easy as it would seem. It sounds simple enough to unsnap the cover and swap out the filters. But theory and reality are rarely best friends. After some time I got it done and am happy that I can now drive unconcerned about dirty air getting into my car’s engine for at least another 12,000 miles…or 3 years! Whichever comes first! (that’s a joke)

Changing my air filter, It hit me that Christians have filters too! The verse above is the perfect proof. The convicting part is that OUR filter MUST be used CONSTANTLY.. AND renewed REGULARLY. Why? Because we are dirty creatures and Christ is in the business of purifying His stuff!

There is no gauge to tell me when my car’s air filter needs replacing. Jesus filter is even more state of the art because it COMES with a sophisticated warning system called ‘conscience.’ Whenever I find myself chugging out and feeling dirty, THAT is the sign that I need to apply God’s Premium THRPLGEP filter! Like a car’s filter, the MORE I use it, the less grungy I feel and act. Which, in turn, makes my life’s engine run smoothly.

I have to admit that changing my filter can is not as easy as I think it should be. Often I wrestle with coughs and chugs as dirt gets into my life and I don’t notice. But God’s filter is EXTREMELY fine. And even the SLIGHTEST micron of filth is detected. When I FINALLY realize what the issue is and go to my filter, it is easy to run the THRPLGEP test…

Is what I am thinking True? Honorable? Right? Pure? Lovely and…well.. you get the idea. Oh.. and the price?? Don’t bother trying to pay… it’s FREE!!!! Kinda! And automatically comes with your New Life in Christ! Yeah… I mean YEAH!!!!!!!!!! (That was a joke too!)

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