
He (Jesus) replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.” Luke 21:8

As I have stated before, I am going through the painful process of signing up for Medicare. Since my wife and I turn 65 within 3 months of each other, our mail box has been STUFFED with solicitors promising that THEY have the answer for this time area of my life. I get phone calls, texts and have had 3 folks, unsolicited, walk right up to my door and ring the bell! ALL of which only makes me smell a rat!

Having been and honest salesman, I HATE the dishonest. It is obvious that there is money to be made off the ‘Medicare Supplement’ system, and EVERYONE wants it. What “I” need is someone who can EXPLAIN it to me, plain and clear. What I need is someone to look out for MY best interests. Having just come off Palm Sunday, it is my opinion that Jesus has the same issue!

Just like Moses, God led Jesus across the Jordan River, through Jericho and into what is called Israel, the promised land. The children of Israel plucked 12 stones (see Luke 19:40), one for each tribe, out of the middle of the river and set them up as a memorial to God’s promised deliverance from slavery. All the symbols of the Old Testament should have been CLEAR to the Jews that ‘The King’ was coming.

He came through the Sheep Gate, also called the Golden Gate, on the 10th of Nissan. The very day that ‘The Lamb’ was to be selected for Passover sacrifice. He then prophetically went right up to the temple (see Psalm 118:27), on a Colt… and the only question Israelites had was… “Who is this?” (Matthew 21:10).

People TODAY still miss the Lamb. Like the solicitors for ‘Medicare Supplements,’ many claim that THEIR way is the only way. The picture above is the perfect example. THIS is a picture of the Sheep Gate today. All sealed up with the ‘Dome of the Rock’ behind and a Muslim cemetery (and a Jewish one) in front. All because Jesus Christ said that He was coming back someday, and through THAT very gate. They forget He said… “I am the door for the sheep!” Bahhhhhh

Here is a website explaining the Sheep Gate shenanigans:

And for a great video series, watch “Jerusalem, City of Tears City of Hope” on Rightnowmedia.


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