
I received this devotional today and LOVED it. I believe it hits at the very heart of all of our human condition. Since I have spoken and written on this very subject exhaustively, I thought I’d share another pastor’s view. The fires we face have been lighted by our own (humanity’s) hand. Regardless, Because He is God, He can take them up and use them to teach and discipline us for our own good and His own Glory. Blessings to you!

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. — Herm Albright

Lois was well into her 80s and just had one of her joints replaced with a new, artificial one. She had a couple complications with the surgery though, and she found herself in the hospital for about five weeks right through the Christmas season. It definitely was not what she planned.

So instead of immersing herself in holiday festivities, she found herself in exile in the hospital bed waiting to heal—a variation on the exile in which Daniel and his friends found themselves in Babylon.

When I went to visit her she said, “I’ve asked God a number of times why He’s letting this happen. And He hasn’t told me yet.” So I asked, “What have you been doing with that?” She said, “Well, I just shifted my focus to all these beautiful people that have to be in this room with me. We’re having incredible conversations, and I’ve heard unbelievable stories. And I’m getting to pray with people. It’s been such a blessing.”

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son… No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:28-29, 37)

Honestly, I’m still learning to apply what Lois and Daniel knew. While in exile they knew that backstage a loving God was working for His glory and for our good. Notice, I did not say “for our comfort.” Let me be clear, I said “for His glory and for our good.”

Many times—perhaps most of the time—what is good for us is not comfortable for us. But make no mistake: If it’s allowed by our loving God, then it’s for His glory and our good—even when it looks bad, horrible, or inconceivably tragic.

Lord, in the midst of my personal exiles—be they big or small—be my strength Jesus, and remind me of Your consistent care and power. Amen.

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