
“When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?'” John 5:6

As I leaned in to say hello to the toddler, she winced back, turned her head and began to cry. Momma looked at dad and said, “This isn’t a good sign. Maybe we should wait till next yer for the Santa picture!” And just like that…before I even knew I even knew it, my test as a Santa double was over… a failure even! Heck… hadn’t even known there was going to be a quiz!

If you really think about it, parents should be fired for scarring their kids over the Santa picture! The bearded, big guy in the red suit and funny hat is scary!! But it never fails! Mom HAS to have a picture because it’s TRADITION! The end result is typically tears and frustration. And why? Because NO ONE asked the tiny child if THEY wanted to sit in Santa’s lap in the first place! So what mamma wants… mamma gets… and by force if necessary! Enter Jesus!

The story in John 5 is intriguing. Jesus comes across a guy who has been paralyzed for 38 years. An old wives tale says that if he jumps FIRST into a certain pool when the water ripples, he’ll get healed. So Jesus asks him a strange question, “Do you WANT to get well?” This puzzles me because it is a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. But the guy gives Jesus an explanation… NOT an ANSWER!

Have you ever noticed that in spelling ‘Satan’ or ‘Santa,’ the same letters are used! And isn’t it interesting that BOTH are in the business of recording and reporting ‘bad behavior?” To me, it is no wonder we are all scarred! But Jesus isn’t interested in what we DO… He is interested in what we ARE!! And what we ARE is a direct reflection of what we WANT to be!

The Christmas Story is simple. Amid darkness and sin, the Son of God came into the world to bring new and abundant life! It is offered, by Him, as a GIFT.. not a reward! And it ONLY goes to those who WANT IT! Sadly, as I roam around asking the question “do you WANT the gift of Eternal Life through God’s Son Jesus Christ?” most people don’t give a simple answer. They give excuses!

Jesus wants to free us from a life of works and come and live His life… through us… by Faith! That fact will either make you smile and rest in His lap… or cry! So… do you WANT to get well with the Savior? He’s waiting for your answer.

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