
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’” Matthew 14:30

Running into a friend yesterday I asked about his wife. He told me she was a little down today. They had just received a new couch, but the company had reneged on removing the old one! For her, 2 couches in the room was an issue. Discussing some options he asked, “What are you doing now?” And THAT was the exact question that got me!

I THOUGHT he was talking in general terms but HE was being specific. Now meant NOW! I IMMEDIATELY found myself following him home. Having never been to his house before, seeing he lived in a 2 story only confirmed that this couch must be pretty small. After all, 2 old guys and a big couch could NEVER happen. Until it did!

When I SAW the couch I started to laugh. “You’ve got to be KIDDING ME!” A tall counter, 2 – 90 degree turns and a high railing going down the steps were probably the REASONS the couch was still there. When I doubted, my friend pulled a Tim Allen.. “Arrr Arrr Arrrrh! We can DO IT!” Which seemed a reasonable motivator! So we did!

I wish I had it filmed. It was a laborious, slow, hilarious process. But I’ll leave that between the 2 of us, just like Peter and his walking on water! You see, Pete ALMOST got away with an embarrassing moment, until 1 of the 4 Gospel writers spilled the beans! And while the majority of commentators give credit to Peter for his attempt at water walking, I personally think he was being an idiot!

In the storm, ALL the disciples were afraid. Jesus used the same ‘God words’ spoken often in the Bible. “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” THAT was Jesus command. Apparently it wasn’t enough for Peter. “IF” is a VERY big word, and it landed Pete in VERY deep water. I often wonder if Jesus shook His head, or if He let Pete suck in some water before He grabbed and rescued him. You know… just to teach Pete a lesson about failing confidently!

Please note that at NO time did Jesus ASK Peter out onto the water! It wasn’t expected! Loud mouthed Pete did that to himself. Jesus never gave Pete an, “Atta boy,” for stepping out. Nor did He chide the other disciples for NOT following their pal. I am convinced that this is an embarrassing story, NOT about failed faith, but about attempting something you have NO business doing!

Peter is NOT Jesus. And neither am I. Lots of folks use the Peter story to show that faith can do the miraculous, JUST LIKE PETER! But Peter moments usually end badly! Don’t get me wrong. Jesus STILL does the miraculous. We just don’t typically see the REAL ones that way! And it shows in our day to day actions and attitudes.

When the Church was born Jesus gave it ONE command. “GO INTO THE WORLD, TELL THE GOOD NEWS AND MAKE DISCIPLES!” I’m like Pete and SO many other followers when it hits me…”How boring?” Where’s the flair and fantastic in THAT?” Then begin to DO what I was NEVER COMMANDED TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE!

There is NO greater miracle than seeing a soul saved from Hell. Jesus PROVED that miracles CANNOT guarantee those results. I believe Peter learned his lesson because, later at Pentecost, loud mouthed Peter preached a sermon on the ‘saving grace’ of Jesus Christ and 3000+ people were saved from hell’s storm! Not a bad day for ol Pete! So…What are YOU doing now?

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