
Jesus told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15

In retrospect, this could be considered silly. But there I was, getting up from a perfectly comfortable chair, getting dressed, and preparing to go OUT into the world! I do it everyday! Having places to go, things to do and people to see, off I went. When, and wherever I GO, my mind goes with me. If I’m not filling it with radio, I’m chewing on whatever is already in there… like a cow chews its cud. So walking up to the store counter I wasn’t really paying attention to the lady speaking to me. “HUH?” I said. “How are you today?” she repeated. And I froze!

I had a list and conversation was not on it! Not prepared to ENGAGE with anyone, I had to come up with something quick! “Blessed,” came out of my mouth, and then, for a lack of brainpower, I countered with, “and how are YOUUUUU?” as a diversionary tactic! She did NOT respond as expected and said, “I guess I’m blessed because my husband is blessed… and I live with him…so!” And just like that… I was focused!

I am certain she was not expecting to have THIS conversation. Sadly, neither was I. Usually I LOOK for openings like that! But this one had caught me like a sucker punch in the stomach. When I took the time and noticed, pain surrounded her eyes. When I asked her why she felt that way, she lowered her eyes and said, “I’m not a very good person.” I realized in an instant that THIS was a Divine Appointment!

Yes…I shared the Gospel with her! I only had about 2 minutes, but got it done, handed her a ‘Good News Band’ from my wrist, and explained how to look up the verses concerning Eternal, Abundant Life and how to get it. I left in a MUCH better mood than when I came in. I smiled at the thought that while I had been ‘chewing cud,’ Jesus had been WORKING! I was honored that He wanted me to join Him.

I got to thinking that as far as jobs go, Christians are more like a ‘UPS truck’ than a ‘Septic Removal Truck.’ The Good News is a package to be delivered. NOT a clean out service. When I tell the ‘Good News‘ that JESUS can change and give NEW life, I have done what He has asked of me in this verse and HE does all the cleaning. I am simply to DELIVER the PACKAGE!

I left with a different attitude and prepared my mind… and got a TWO-FER! In my next conversation, I paid attention. When a subtle hint came up, I heard it and made another delivery. If you asked me how my day was… I’d HAVE to say I was Blessed! And all I did was ‘Go!’

Looking back, I can honestly say that ‘going’ is NOT an option. But going PREPARED is better!

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