
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned.” Romans 5:12

I was taking a nap and had just fallen asleep when I heard my wife scream! Being a man of action I lept from the bed and ran to the front door where she was hollering and flailing her arms toward the plant hanging on the wall. “WHAT, WHAT IS IT?” I cried! “SNAAAAAAKE” was her response. “WHERE?” I shouted? “Right there above your head…. QUICK… THE BIRDS!”

We have been watching a nest in that plant as a couple very small birds had built a nest there. They had grown accustomed to our comings and goings and stayed hidden in the nest most of the time when we passed. They were so quiet we didn’t notice the babies inside right away. Now 2 little birds were trying to fly from the ground as a large black snake hung from the viney branches above. The danger of the snake flushed the birds out of the nest just a little before they were ready!

I knocked the snake down and chased it away while the baby birds were trying to fly without much success. Mommy and daddy birds were carrying on feverishly tweeting better than Donald Trump! It was chaos! Using gloves, we caught and put the birds back in the nest, but watched from the window as mom and dad kicked them back out. The rest of the afternoon was quite entertaining!

Mom and dad knew… and so did the snake… that as long as those babies stayed in that nest, they were not safe at all. They HAD to learn to FLY! And IMMEDIATELY was none too soon! All afternoon the tweets and bird yelling went on and on, as babies would make their way to the top of a chair and leap in an attempt to fly! It took a LOT of tweeting and determination, but by dusk I said to Katie, “they’re getting it down. They’ll be gone by morning.” And they were.

We are born into a life of danger and death. That ol serpent brought death to man’s door and rang the bell. And Man answered! Now we ALL face death’s door… immediately! Even from the womb! One of the most dangerous enemies of our young ones is to coddle and pamper them, when teaching truth and squawking are what is necessary for Life!

If YOU have found true life in Jesus Christ, please don’t sit on the fence and watch as brother and sister birds lie in danger… SQUAWK! The serpent is quite determined!

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