
“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Proverbs 21:21

It is something most of us do every day 6 days a week… except for holidays. And though I am the one to usually do it, my wife will still want to know if I did! Without thinking about it, I usually have an expectation or anticipation as I make that daily journey. A hope that something of ‘benefit to me’ will be there… in my mailbox!

When I opened the mailbox yesterday, it was full. A couple of envelopes were so big they had to be folded in half to fit in there. I wondered! After carrying my bundle into the house, I started to go through it like a lottery player with a ‘scratch off.’ But when I was done, I felt like I had just been played for a loser! Literally EVERY single piece of mail was an attempt by someone to SELL ME something! In other words…organizations had just paid MONEY to the U.S. Postal Service… to try to get mine!

Advertising is an art. Companies spend a LOT of money to discover the best return for their investment. If it costs, $1000 to make $140, you can bet they will not ever do that again! But even if $1000 brings in $1200… there WILL be an attempt to stuff my mailbox again with a more carefully considered effort. Yesterday’s trip was an example of just that.

Sadly, being in ministry, I get a lot of junk mail. Having been in sales, I don’t like wasting people’s time if I have no interest. So when I PURCHASED a product from 3 different ministry sources in the past, I was NOT expecting that I would be placed on a list and badgered for more cash! But alas, that is how it works. I was disappointed because it seems that even ministry has become big business. From the marketing information, that these folks weren’t ‘pursuing righteousness and love,’ It seemed that they were pursuing the money in my wallet!

There is an old question that helps to guide a salesman to success. “WHAT does a person want and WHY do they want it?” helps keep from wasting everyone’s time. If your product answers those 2 qualities in a prospect, you are then offering a reasonable solution to their meet THEIR need. Honest salesmen are more like trouble shooters who solve problems. Until the SALESMAN’S need for money becomes more important than the needs of the customer. Like now! I threw the whole bundle of mail in the trash! Which is what I usually do… every day! This leads ME to a question. What am “I” pursuing.

God tells me through His Word that if I pursue HIS righteousness and love, I WILL reap something bigger than what I would if I did not! I have personally discovered this bit of wisdom to be 100% true. If I FREELY make YOU an offer you cannot refuse, will you refuse it? Or live in anticipation? Here it is… “Seek God and His desires FIRST! The rest just falls into place.”

 You’re welcome! No charge!

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