
‘”Therefore, Jeremiah, go and warn all Judah and Jerusalem. Say to them, ‘This is what the LORD says: I am planning disaster for you instead of good. So turn from your evil ways, each of you, and do what is right.'” Jeremiah 18:11

This morning I heard my wife shriek! She likes to do devotions as she stares out at the side of the house where her flower garden lies. Birds and squirrels usually frequent the habitat… but not today. Her peaceful world was interrupted when 2 big rats ran in front of the glass door. “AAAAA!”

For the last couple weeks we have been hearing the pitter-patter of little feet at the same time in the morning! We knew where the sound was coming from. Rats had found a hole into our attic and made it their home! AGAIN! Being the man of the house, I did what any normal man would do. I put off the task of climbing up, in and around there for as long as I could! ‘Could’ arrived last night as I decided TODAY was the day of e-RAT-ication!

It was dark yesterday when I put on my headlight and asked my wife if she wanted to join me. She was creeped out at the very thought! I knew the rats had left to go out slumming in the darkness, so I went up, out and around the house to see if I could find their entryway. I discovered a new hole in some fascia and patched it. This morning, with full bellies from a night of carousing, they had lost their home! Having expected this result, when she shrieked… I smiled!

Lots of folks like to claim the Bible verse of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I have never heard ANYONE lay claim to Today’s verse! WHAT! It isn’t CONVENIENT? Picking and choosing is a poor way to approach Scripture. It is also a poor way to live!

ALL of us have songbird-squirrel times. All of us have rat times as well. Our natural reaction to a RAT is ALWAYS repulsive. We have been programmed to see them as the dirty, disease carrying vermin that they are. Until we ALLOW them entry and get used to their co-habitation. We KNOW they have to go…but inconvenience, lack of time, desire and money have a way of putting off their exit.

The moral of this story is simple. I have things in my life that have GOT to GO! Unfortunately I have allowed them to live in me so long, I am used to their presence. Heck.. sometimes I dress them up and even PLAY with them. But a dressed up rat is still a rat! And the CHOICE as to how long it stays is still in my court!

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