
“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2

There has been a war going on in my house. A battle of wills! This morning, in the darkness, as the alarm clock went off, my wife asked…”will there be coffee?” Arising from the warm bed, my response was… “I believe!”

There has been trouble lately with the coffee pot and its cooperation. It is getting old and sometimes it hasn’t brewed the coffee in advance of our rising. There are SEVERAL things that can cause the problem. Age, loss of power, timer reset, failure to hit the ‘Auto’ button! Any one, or combination of thereof, can prohibit coffee from being there when we awake. Last night I went through ALL the possible scenarios and was confident it would work. If there was NO coffee… it would be time for a new machine! Going to the kitchen… I hit the JACKPOT!

The news in our country is getting more grotesque and horrific by the day. I deliberately do not watch live news as it just angers me. But closing a blind eye is not only foolish… it makes me, in effect, complicit with evil if I KNOW and don’t DO anything in my power to stand up to it. As a member of God’s creation, created to bring His light into the darkness, I am either DOING it or NOT DOING it.

The verse today lays out a promise from David to God. Four times he says, “I will!” He states that ‘I will give, tell, be, rejoice and sing.’ But SAYING isn’t DOING! It is all well and good to INTEND to carry out our God ordained activities. It is another thing to shutdown after the claim! It has been said that, ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ How true!

The state of Virginia elected a Governor who is proposing a bill that would allow a baby to be killed AFTER it is born. The mother and to doctor would have the right, and power, to make the decision and carry out murder… all by their lonesome! Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse! On another note, the Speaker of the House is proposing that “So help me God,” be taken out of the oath of office for members of Congress! Being a God guy I can say, “Yes.. there is a connection!”

My coffee pot either makes coffee as it was intended to do.. or it doesn’t. I either programmed it correctly… or I didn’t. Either I have coffee waiting when I awake…or I don’t. If I DON’T… there is only ONE explanation.. It is MY fault! When I stand before God and face Him, I will either hear, “Good Job,” or “You wicked, lazy servant.” Either way… His judgment depends COMPLETELY upon me! There will be NO surprises!

I have some choices to make today and like David… I’m shooting for ‘JACKPOT!’

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