
“Even so the tongue is a little member, and it can boast of great things. See how much wood or how great a forest a tiny spark can set ablaze!” James 3:5

I had noticed a little rumble in my truck about 2 weeks ago and made a mental note to get it checked out. It seemed to get worse today so I called my favorite car guy… my son-in-law! He had checked on the red light that sometimes indicated a possible catalytic converter problem. Resetting the computer.. the light went out, which saved me using some electrical tape. I thought…”I’m good!” But the rumble came back.

I took the truck to him and he took it for a spin. When he got back his first question was, “when was the last time you changed the spark plugs?” “Spark plugs?” I asked. He smiled because he knows me well. Loves me too! He told me to go to the Nissan Dealer and pick up a set, change them and see what happens. I asked, “how much are spark plugs these days?” “Oh about $8.00,” he replied. “WHAAAAAAAT?” He then added, “well ya get what ya pay for! Iridium is expensive?” Huh?

At the Nissan dealer I bragged about my 15 year old truck and how much I love it. “It takes a beaten” I said! “How much for the spark plugs?” “$15.00 apiece” was his reply. “WHAAAAAAAT?” “Hey… they’re good ones, and everyone knows… ya get what ya…” “O.K. O.K. I get it!” But is it TRUE? When I told my wife this story she said, how long ago had you changed them? I stared at her and she said… “so about $6.00 a year right? THAT’S not so bad!” She had a point.

It is amazing how 1 little spark can fire in a cylinder, then when combined with 5 others, can move me and a load down the highway. What a concept! The Bible tells me that THAT kind of power rests in ME as well…right in my mouth. My tongue can do a LOT of good, or a LOT of evil. Apparently the implication is that to do either requires a decision on MY part. Left to itself… watch our forest!

In today’s world of social media, we have a SERIOUS problem. The grapevine of gossip and opinion is practically instantaneous. And the damage can be devastating. Today I am going to commit to watching my tongue… again! Because it only takes a spark…. and I WILL get what I pay for with my words!

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