
“How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults.”Psalm 19:12 NLT

After living in this house for 30 years, I thought I’d experienced every known problem. From electrical to plumbing. Air conditioning to swimming pool repair… I thought I had seen it all. But a while back I noticed a dirt trail in my grass. Right away I knew what it was… but gave it no thought. I figured the problem would go away on its own. Now there are more trails than ever before. Conclusion? I have moles! And instead of moving on, they appear to have settled in!

Having grown up in parsonages, I have battled bats, rats and bugs of all kinds. But I have never had to declare war on a single mole. Now, it appears, I have a war! Going to the store I looked and researched mole removal methods. There are traps that slice and baits that entice. They even have mole stinky stuff that is supposed to stink them on to another location. I’m not sure which one will work best, but I now know NOT dealing with the problem… is a problem!

In reading the verse today, it struck me. If I had to CONFESS every sin to gain God’s forgiveness, would I ever be totally forgiven? Would you? The Bible is clear that the answer is ‘NO!’ Being human, I am like a teabag in hot water… steeped in sin! Any conscious effort on my part to separate the tea from the water would be utterly futile. I need a sin expert.

Sins are like moles. I don’t always see them, but eventually, I see their affects. Being uncomfortable, anxious, irritable and on edge are just a few hints that something is going on down inside my heart. I need an expert to RID the problem without completely tearing up the yard of my life with a bulldozer. Thank God I have one In Jesus.

Some sins take care of themselves. Like touching a hot stove, I immediately KNOW… “DON’T DO THAT AGAIN!” God and I settle that score quickly. But some of those nasty, ugly, little sins that I don’t easily see can become VERY detrimental to my life. They may APPEAR little to me… but they are not so to God!

I haven’t execute my plan to execute the moles just yet. For some reason I seem to have a lot of other things going on that are more important. But maybe they aren’t!? Do you see how sneaky and subversive the moles of sin are? “I’ll worry about that tomorrow,” is NOT a successful battle cry! I need to call for help! “Jesus…!!!!! “

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