
You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You be born again.’ John 3:7

Moving about the store, I ran into an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a long time. Immediately the teeter-totter of conversation began as questions and answers moved back and forth. “How are you? What have you been up to? What are you doing now? How is your family?” Words flowed between us and were personal. Until they weren’t! “How about getting together… what are you doing Friday night?” THEN…It got complicated!

If you know me well you know I am married and that Friday night is ‘Date Night’ with Katie, my wife. If you try to call me then, I don’t answer my phone. If any other night would have been picked, the complication would have remained because I do not do ANYTHING without coordination with her. And WE also have Church commitments. Not so simple right?

This verse of scripture is kind of like that. If you have studied Scripture for long you probably already know that the first ‘You’ mentioned is singular. Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus personally. The second ‘you’ in the same sentence is plural… Y’all! Go ahead and re-read it and work it out. You can see where I am going.

This chapter becomes even MORE complex when you read 3:11… “Very truly ‘I’ tell ‘you,’ ‘we’ speak of what ‘we‘ know, and ‘we’ testify to what ‘we’ have seen, but still ‘you’ people do not accept ‘our’ testimony.” Who is this ‘WE’ and ‘OUR’ Jesus is talking about? If you look through the chapter the answer is simple. God the Father, Son and by proxy, the Holy Spirit. The Trinity!

So let me just simplify this a little. A Joint Committee of God, put forth a mission and a call to the masses of the World, in order to invite 1 person to Their place…forever! In summary. John 3:16! If Y’ALL ever heard of this verse, ‘YOU’ should know that the ‘WHOSOEVER’ is to be taken personally! ‘WHOSOEVER’… is YOU! And that the invitation to be ‘Born Again’ and to have Eternal life is a SINGULAR and VERY personal invitation indeed.

So… what is your R.S.V.P. reply? The Savior is setting the table and THEY are waiting!

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