
“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them… Does this offend you?” John 6:56 & 61

It was dark when I went to close and lock the front door. The day had been spent and it was close to the point of its end. A good thing too, since it was not that spectacular of a day. A lot of information had come to me yesterday and it had left me with a sense of caution. As I closed the door, outsside I heard a huge “BOOM!” I surprised myself that I didn’t even pause… click! The door was locked!

I do not know exactly what the sound was. SOMETHING had gone wrong! But there was one thing I had immediately assumed… the BOOM did NOT concern ME! This morning, though I still do not know what it was, I discover that I am more AM concerned that I was not concerned!

John 6 is a VERY troubling chapter in the Bible. It starts off with a good story of Jesus feeding the 5000. But it quickly dissipates into some rather dark, nasty and gruesome images. It begins with THOUSANDS of people following and getting fed by Jesus and ends with the vast majority of them closing the door on the miracle worker! In between, Jesus clearly and simply explains WHY He came and WHAT He came to do! His words and question to them then, is His same message and question to YOU! And it is SUPPOSED to sound like a sonic BOOM!

I have often said that the REASON people are told NOT to discuss religion and politics is because that is what we SHOULD be talking about. Those 2 entities absolutely define our lives. To dismiss or ignore either one renders us victims to those who press their point harder. I sense I am being prophetic when I say that our Churches and Nation are headed for trouble! Again!

I am seeing signs that the big picture is about to explode because I am noticing individuals are either not hearing the BOOM or are not concerned. But they will be affected by it. Far too many self described ‘believers’ I know are yielding to the sound of another boom. And though not so loud, it IS causing a change of direction. Doors are being closed, ears are being turned away, and just like that…Christ is on the other side of the door.

What do you believe? Or maybe I should ask, ‘what are you DOING?’ Is what you claim to stand on firmly under your feet? Or is it just noise? Can your faith be defined by what you will NOT do as much as it is by what you ARE doing? Because if Jesus message is true, and I KNOW that it is, eating His flesh and drinking His blood carries some VERY big requirements in the way you react to ‘BOOM!’ And Jesus STILL asks, “Does this offend you?”


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-24

(From Pete Briscoe) One morning, I drove my family into the raw beauty of east Texas where a close friend of mine was waiting with a trailer of horses, saddled and ready to go. We climbed on, uncertain at first, not sure of where we were going or what the ride would be like. The horses walked at first, carefully circling. Then we headed into the unknown for six hours.

Through the brush, up over hills, building up speed as we went down into a creek bed, galloping full speed in about six inches of water. In my mind, scenes from that day still play in slow motion, like a movie; water spraying into the deep blue sky, glittering like shards of crystal in the rays of sunlight. Hour after hour with my wife and three kids—it was as near perfection as life can get on earth, I think. Just an amazing day.

I always have a hard time coming up with a vivid picture of what life “in Christ” is like. But that day got pretty close to a life lived in the grace of God. I see that day very much like Kingdom living on earth.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Jesus, the Son, saved us by grace. God, the Father, like my friend, prepares good works in advance for us to do. He gets the horses saddled up for us. And then the Holy Spirit prompts us and pushes us, empowering us and producing fruit through us.

What’s your job? Get on the horse. Stay on the horse. Be carried along. Trust… and hang on.

Abba Father, thank You for this day. For a day full of Your mercies that are new this morning one more time. Take me for the ride, Lord. I saddle up, and I hang on, trusting You with whatever this day might bring my way, ready to allow Your Spirit to propel me into any work that You have prepared for me. Amen.


The Son of Man will return…… “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.” Luke 21:34

First I saw it… then I heard it. But neither made any difference. The marriage of urgent need, unexpected timing and just dumb luck found me in the middle of an outside job. Our church sign had broken and the man who knew how to fix it was in California. He had called me on my cell phone and was waking me through the troubleshooting process. As I stood outside, my concentration was on him. NOT the approaching nasty storm.

In the story Scripture above, Jesus had just told His disciples about ‘The Day!’ It followed His warning that ONE DAY, and NO one can know when, the clock of Earth time will chime ‘Game Over!’ THEN… the clouds will part and HE will return. Was it Good News for them? Well, it depended upon what was on their hearts! But the story is for ME as well.

One version of the Bible says to ‘NOT be weighed down with ‘dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life’ I had to look up the word ‘dissipation.’ It means ‘unrestrained indulgence in physical pleasure.’ Sounds bad, huh? But that doesn’t necessarily infer everything bad! It can just as easily mean wasting time or snoozing in life. The main thing Jesus is pointing to is our ‘Focus!’ ‘Be Careful about what your HEART is FOCUSED upon!’

What I am doing at the moment does not necessarily point to where my heart is focused. We ALL have to work, eat and sleep. But there is a predominant underlying motive that always dominates us as we do the normal everyday things of life. It can be found by asking the simple question, “what do I REALLY want?” It takes ‘courage’ to ask the question of myself. And shocking honesty to HEAR the answer!

There is a storm coming. Everyone knows it. Whether it comes by your natural death or ‘The Day’ holds little importance. What MATTERS is, what is YOUR overall heart FOCUSED on RIGHT NOW? Are you living to escape responsibility, seek pleasure or escape? Or are you focusing on bigger eternal issues? And yes… you already KNOW what those are!

Jesus is trying to say that the time to examine your heart’s focus is NOW. NOT when the storm comes. And friends… the storm IS coming! Where is YOUR heart?


Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; Isaiah 49:15-16

Our church has a nice LED sign that I enjoy changing. It continually proclaims God’s Word and principles to our community. I try to have at least a dozen messages a week rolling over and over… 24/7! Two weeks ago it got stuck with the same messages, which was an issue because some were dated! I received the new sign part and quickly set about installing it. I turned on the sign and… NOTHIN’!

If you’ve learned about computers you know what RAM, ROM and EPROM memory are. When I changed the sign last time, the messages were locked in. When I turned the sign off and on, the same messages came up. I just could not program anything NEW into it. Now that the memory part had been changed… the computer could not remember ANYTHING… since the NEW part had NOT been TOLD what to remember! Get it?

In a Bible Concordance the concepts forever, forgave and forgot are in just that alphabetic order! Interesting? ‘I’ think so. Because if you are in Christ and you have asked Him to be your Savior and Lord, that is EXACTLY what He has done with your sin. Past, Present and yes… even FUTURE sins!

This concept is a hard one to understand because we humans do not have the ability to do forgive that way. And KNOWING that we sin, it is difficult for us to FEEL like those sins have REALLY been forgiven and forgotten forever! But thank God… it is not our JOB to UNDERSTAND it. It IS our joy to receive it!

In the Bible verse today, it is HARD to imagine a brand new mother forgetting her new nursing baby. But the Bible says that it IS possible! But what is IMpossible is for Jesus Christ to forget about YOU. WHY?? He carries the scars and remembers the pain it took to redeem YOU! Your forgiveness was EXPENSIVE to Him. And YOU are more important to Him than some sin He came and died to remove!

“Lord please forgive me for my sin,” is a common cry to heaven. Guilt, shame and remorse feed that prayer. God knew how much BIGGER His Grace needed to be to overcome your weaknesses. So picture this… the next time you feel like crying out for forgiveness for a sin, for which He has already paid, try listening to Him saying…”What sin?”

Forgotten, forgiven, forever! What a Savior!


May my cry come before you, Lord; give me understanding according to your word. Psalm 119:169

Going out the front door to get the mail, I caught swift movement in my peripheral vision. Turning my head, I saw about a 4’ black snake ‘hi-tailing it’ in the opposite direction. I smiled, but didn’t stop my mission, as there was no need! When I returned from the mailbox, he was long gone. I looked for him, but saw no trace. It is the way things are SUPPOSED to be!

I am not afraid of snakes. The sight of it caused no surprise or fear in me because I have LEARNED some things over the years. ‘Learning’ requires taking the effort and time to study, absorb, test and verify information. My years of experience had verified that snakes in the wild do not like people! When a snake is surprised by a human, its first reaction is to flee. If too close… then it will bite! And that is how it is SUPPOSED to be.

The 119th Psalm is 176 verses long and is written around only 1 subject… God’s Word, the Bible! Like the A,B,C song, each section starts with a letter from the Hebrew alphabet, presumably for the same reason we use the process to teach our kids. It makes it easier to remember. We are encouraged to REMEMBER ‘IT’ because ‘IT,’ God’s Word, is VALUABLE!

If you surf this Psalm you will find LOTS of trouble and problems. Side by side, interlaced with the author’s search for comfort, you will see words like wickedness, sin, persecution, fear, falsehood, hate, deceitfulness and… well you get the picture. It deals with the realities of life. Like snakes on my front patio, our mingling is inevitable. But FEAR is optional!

I have grown to despise even the THOUGHT of predestination! That ‘everything happens to me for a reason’ and is dictated by God is a Buddhist teaching… NOT a Christian one. Life and the things that happen in it are fluid. God, being God, can use anything that comes my way for my benefit or growth… even the bad stuff. So regardless from where things come, they can be a tool in God’s hand for our mutual good (Romans 8:28). That means God is even MORE awesome than the idea of His being a dictator of all life events.

It is a blessing to know that all the bad stuff that flows into my life, when placed against the backdrop of God’s Word, will have the natural reaction to flee or be temporary! But I can only SEE that when I KNOW that! Do you know God’s Word? Are you reading and learning it? God’s Truth, when learned, drives evil away naturally! He doesn’t even have to say ‘Scoot!’ And THAT is how it is SUPPOSED to be.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Yesterday, being ‘Labor Day,’ I did NO labor! And I’d like to say I feel pretty good about it! But I can’t… and I don’t really know why. The day was declared a national holiday back in 1888, designed to celebrate the working man’s contribution to the development of our great country. It is a day of rest… from working!

My wife and I lounged around the house. Well… I did. ‘She’ worked on all kinds of things. She called it ‘catching up!’ I read and napped! She was singing. I got lazier! By end of day, ‘she’ had a list of accomplishments, I had…. nothin! Our time had been free, and we were invited out to dinner. FREE! Somewhere along the conversational way someone said, ‘Ya know, God helps those who help themselves.’ And the guilt dagger stuck in my spirit… for about a second!

That Bible verse, ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ gets quoted a LOT. Which isn’t good. Because it isn’t in the Bible! I don’t know who invented it, but I know it wasn’t God. It SOUNDS good because in a world of entitlement, people are increasingly not sheepish in expecting a hand out. The ratio of jobs to willing workers is a national tragedy. But when it comes to eternal Salvation and the Abundant life Jesus offers, ‘helping Him out’ only gets me into trouble.

The Word of God says that ‘the wages of sin is death. But the GIFT of God is eternal life. Romans 6:23. We can no more earn or deserve heaven than we can create a perfect world. While we know it, it is a very hard concept for any of us to totally accept. I keep getting this feeling like I need to ‘help out’ in some way. And THAT is where I get into trouble.

God does not need help. His love for me is so big, and my situation was so impossible, that only HE could pave the way for my restoration to Himself. I have to keep reminding myself that anything I try to ADD to His plan of salvation only scars the painting! And I have provided Him enough scars!

It is a fact that the hardest thing I do is to simply ‘REST’ in Christ’s completed work and TRUST Him. I find I have to constantly fight the urge to earn His benefits or to become deserving of His Grace. It is HARD to simply REST in Him. But that is EXACTLY what He asks of me. THANK YOU Lord for taking my burdens, and giving me rest!


Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. 2 Corinthians 4:1

Taking, on Faith, that God was asking us to ‘pray and ask Him to remove the red tide,’ we did! And HE DID! I was actually more interested in ‘HOW’ He was going to do it, as opposed to ‘IF’ He was going to do it. The HOW turned out to be LOTS AND LOTS of RAIN! Then the calls started coming! Men with businesses where working outside is their way of making $$$ started calling and letting me know that… they weren’t! Making $$$ that is!

For me yesterday, a scheduled meeting had left me alone as the other party didn’t show. Two calls I was expecting, didn’t happen. Someone I had counted on to DO something, didn’t. Through the unveiling of the day, I had forgotten my phone, THEN my computer, and I had to go back to where I had been to pick up what I previously had!! Ever have one of those days?

2 Corinthians 4 HAS to be read and heard through the voice of a Drill Sargent. My attitude and how I hear it can ONLY be effective if I look at it as an expectation from God AFTER disappointment, failure or loss have blown through like a hurricane. Looking at the rubble, my response is expected to be… ‘”Let’s Git-R-Dun!”

Typically when I have a down day my wife is up. When she has a disappointing day, I usually can encourage her. But every once in a while… we hit down TOGETHER! And then… well… all we can do it focus toward God and His Word and wait it out! And remember that our hearts belong to HIM… and we CANNOT lose!

Yesterday I was told by my working guys that the weather was supposed to be raining badly today. As I write, the sun is shinning as bright as can be. How about THAT? I am reminded that the tick tock of time and God’s plan’s RARELY takes into account my attitude. He EXPECTS my attitude to adjust to HIS plans. Not the other way around.

Sometimes I have to go back to where I had been to get what I previously had. I am SOOO glad I have the written Word of God to help me do just that! Please do not lose heart!


We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them. 1 John 5:18

It just happened AGAIN yesterday! There I was, minding my own business, near-perfectly in sync with God… when BAM! Mr. Temptation popped up from the dark alley, unannounced, and mugged me! It was so fast I totally forgot about my defense plan. And as I lay on the ground…broken and bleeding, here they came!

I have 2 junkyard dogs that I have been working with for sometime now. They are MEAN, well-intentioned and NEVER fail to pounce on Mr. Temptation, my sworn enemy. The PROBLEM is… they are ALWAYS TOO LATE! By the time they get there, the mugging is over! All they do then is hang around and lick me out of either embarrassment or failure. I have named them ‘Guilt’ and ‘Shame!’

You know the drill because it has happened to you. It seems that before Mr. Temptation arrives, we feel pretty good about ourselves and even believe we have the power to take care of that enemy all by ourselves. Until AFTER the attack. Sulking in sorrow, ‘Guilt’ and ‘Shame’ come running and bring with them a pity party!

Gu(i)lt comes from what I DO. Sh(am)e from what I am. Being human sinners, we are well aware of their viciousness. But also of their failure. SOMETIMES, when I see Mr. Temptation in time, I can call upon them, and their presence reminds me to take a detour! But honestly I am not always that vigilant. I need something better!

The verse today can be confusing. But it DOES hold the power I am looking for. The ‘ONE who was born of God’… is Jesus Christ! ‘HE’ gave me new Life and keeps me safe from ultimate destruction. NOT the dogs.. and NOT my abilities. It was JESUS who said, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.(John 10:28). HE is the one that assures me that, since I am His, NO THING will ultimately take me out of His protective custody. Not even temptation or Sin.

I am working with ‘Shame’ and ‘Guilt.’ I have noticed that when the smell of Mr. Temptation is around… they tend to growl. I am learning that they are actually NOT MY DOGS! And that they are doing what they were meant to do. WARN! But because I am HIS, I am no longer a shamed, guilty sinner. And I do not HAVE to go down that dark back alley anymore! Woof… woof??


Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

I was asked by my daughter Calah to babysit while she and Charles went for her baby doctor appointment. They were going to find out the gender of their baby this time. So it was just me and Coast! And that is when the fun began!

It has been a LONG time since I spent time playing with a 16 month old. Some may even have doubted my abilities. BUT… I had 4 kids of my own. AND… I’m kind of a kid myself. I thought, “How hard can it be?” ARRRRR… SIMPLE! How did I do it? I simply watched his eyes! Whatever “he” looked at, “I” looked at! And what he saw was what we played with! As he went from one thing to another, I recognized his genius! When his eyes fell upon one thing… I heard, “Land Ho!!!!” And we were off!

I can’t tell you what it was. I mean I WON’T tell you. I am sure my daughter will drive me nuts trying to find out. But no! I am not so sure she would like it as much as WE did. Not that there was any danger… but… well… some things are better left in mystery!

Today’s Bible verse follows a 100 megaton verse of its own. Verse 15 says,For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.And friends…the ‘priest’ this verse is referring to… is JESUS! Can you see what HE saw?

What do YOU see when you look at God? Do you see a BOSS? A DICTATOR? A TYRANT? Is MEAN DAD your image when you face toward Him on the lost horizons of your life? If so, you ARRRRRN’T enjoying your trip.. are you? If punishing God is your vision, then you ARRRRRN’T REALLY looking for Him.. ARRRRR you?

Sinners who KNOW they are sinners are LOOKING for a Savior. It is like finding dry, hard ground after sailing stormy seas. When found, EVERYONE knows! “LAND HO!” MY Savior is a lover, a friend and a rescuer! HE has been looking for ME! HE wants to save ME. And what a refreshing thought that is.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

It seems to me… O could it be… that Jesus and His Dad are actually ‘enjoying’ the process of salvation? “Arrrrrr… ye wit me matey? Have YE experienced the playful mystery of God’s love?”