“For Christ also suffered for sins once for all time, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;” 1 Peter 3:18 NASB
“That’s just not right!” the gal said. I was in a classroom with a group of kids and asked the question, “How many of you here absolutely, 100%, KNOW FOR CERTAIN that YOU are going to Heaven when you die?” About a third of the class had raised their hands. The last time I’d asked, 100% responded in the affirmative! Confusion entered with the word “confession!”
For a middle-schooler, she was sharp! Sharper than most adults I’ve run into. When asked what it takes to be saved from sin, she had quoted 1 John 1:9 perfectly, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.” When I asked, “how often are we required to do that?” She said, “every time we sin.” Then I told the red-light, truck story!
“Suppose you’re driving, and a rude person cuts you off. You get angry and shake your fist at the driver. What sin have you just committed?” I reminded her, “Jesus clarified THAT sin as ‘murder!’ Now suppose you’re so angry you don’t see the light change, go through on red, and a semi-truck runs you over. Where are you going… since you haven’t had the chance to confess your sin and ask forgiveness?”
I LOVE watching the face of someone when they finally get it! Hers was classic astonishment and joy! When she repeated that she had been told, over and over again, that she’d HAVE to ASK for forgiveness before she got it, she finally responded with “that’s just not right!” Jesus was her Savior… ONE AND FOR ALL! No hooks, lines or sinkers! “THAT’S GREAT NEWS,” she said!
And THAT… is exactly the point! If YOU understand the Good News that way, you have EVERY reason to share it with anyone you meet! Do you? Is satan still trying to get you to accept the charges for sins Jesus has already paid for?