
Then He said to them, “’Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’” Matthew 4:19

My son booked a fishing trip, inviting his brother and me. His brother couldn’t make it, so he invited his nephew, my grandson. And we went fishing! By most accounts, it was a successful trip. We went to catch fish. My grandson reminded me that I caught 1… “and he was little!” But we didn’t really catch any ’keepers.’ Now the question… were we successful?

We had a fabulous time! The time spent together was priceless and made a memory that will never go away. I WILL hear, “remember the time we went fishing and you only got…?” Yea! Priceless! But a memory was made by fellowship. Spending time together. Watching and copying techniques and trying to duplicate success by mimicking the successful ones.

Jesus invited 12 guys to follow Him. To watch Him. To yield to and copy Him. All for the purpose of going out into the sea of God’s created ones to ‘FISH’… for PEOPLE! It was His idea, both in creation and within the Church, to try to get people to fall for Him… hook, line and sinker! He invited us to join Him… and even paid the price for the trip! It is His calling!

When I was a kid I LOVED to fish. I’d go out to a place and sit for hours in hopes of catching ANYTHING. These days, I’m a little more picky. My enthusiasm wanes when the catch, or the quality of the fish, is low. Lots of people who don’t like to fish… I get it. But fishing is bigger than just ‘reeling in a big one!’ It is a time to spend with Jesus Himself. And His folks.

So I’m going to move this last trip up to a 10 for quality time with my family. I look forward to Sunday when I will spend quality time in worshiping Jesus with His people. To learn more about Jesus and His fellow called ones. To learn how to show love and to duplicate what ‘The Master’ is trying to teach us all. Do you?


having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5

Going through a place of business, I had shaken some hands and said some hellos. Upon leaving I saw a very fancy, automatic hand sanitizing unit on the wall… the color of its contents adding to its appeal. It called to me! Placing my hand under the dispenser, nothing came out. I did it again… nothin’! Looking, I found no button. One more time… nada!

One of the employees saw what I was doing, so I asked if I was doing something wrong. Their reply was, “Oh that thing doesn’t work. It goes back to the COVID pandemic years ago. The stuff in there probably doesn’t work anymore!” “Hmmmm,” was all I could say. Glancing once more before leaving, I noted that it surely did look fancy on that wall… and then left.

In preparation for our upcoming Bible Study, I’ve been reading Leviticus Chapter 1 with guilty interest. Trying to get past chapter 1 without understanding my uselessness at cleansing myself from sin leaves me with no other option than to accept my dirty condition. I have NO way of cleaning myself! I am lost. No matter HOW clean I may look outside!

Paul warned Timothy to be aware that, people then, and especially these days, will come along and try to sell a bill of goods that may SOUND good for ‘religion’s sake… but their ways will be as useless as that hand sanitizer. Paul is very clear… know your Bible and your Savior… and stay away from people who may sound good… but aren’t!    Do you?


For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6

“Eh!” is now my response to any palmetto bug skittering from the light in my garage… or bathroom… or anywhere else. It doesn’t cause me alarm, surprise or anxiousness like it did upon my first encounter 50 years ago. Now it’s just “Eh!” An unwelcome irritation that needs to be taken care of. So I took care of it. Because that is what I’m supposed to do!

The age of Feminism blossomed a few decades ago. I was there and saw it… AFTER the decline of the age of Manliness. But Feminism cannot work. Proof is in the reaction to a roach! Some things remain the man’s job! I didn’t cry out “Oh Katie HELP!” I surreptitiously slipped on over… and destroyed the unwelcome visitor. Then sprayed to prevent more!

Having been convicted by the slinking out of darkness into the light, a lil bug of sin crept from the ‘dark side’ of my heart. I don’t let anyone fool me into the false sense of security of “once saved – always saved” where I can do anything I want without remorse, penalty or eradication. Jesus saves completely… but we’ve still work to do on the bugs of my life.

God’s light shines into the darkness of my heart to reveal the things that do not bring Him glory. He doesn’t share! His command to “Be Holy” still stands and requires action upon my part. My reaction to the glorious display of His Son in my life is to destroy the bugs of sin, and take measures to rid them from my life. It is ‘On Me’ to be ‘all in’ on His offer of Glory!

Fellow Exterminator…. are YOU ‘all in’ with, and for… Jesus?


Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10

“WOW! This place has been CRAZY!” We were standing in a long checkout line… and since we weren’t going anywhere fast, I struck up the conversation. “Yea,” he replied, “it’s that time of year!” I knew what he was hinting at so I asked him, “Resident or snowbird?” And the conversation was moving along. Things got real when I asked, “Go to church anywhere?”

My new friend’s response was instant… “daily living in grace and mercy.” His answer assured me we were brothers… and would spend eternity together. Then he told me his wife was recently diagnosed with cancer and that his father was failing with Alzheimers. An instant desire to pray for him came, and I told him so. We were both blessed by our meeting.

Love and Honor can come naturally between people who share common History. Family, friends, co-workers and associates can share good, or bad blood, depending on the circumstances. God tells me to make sure that whatever the circumstances, I am to love and honor them anyway. A tough sell when one has been burned or mistreated. God says ‘do it!’

God calls me to make conversations and relationships with people in this world for HIS Glory and purposes… not my own! So when I find myself standing in a line with someone, I make it a habit to start a conversation to see if we have any commonality between us… and to share Jesus when a door opens. It’s a blessing both given AND received. 


Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

“Thump, Thump, Thump,” came the noise from my roof. It was LOUD… and sounded like an army was engaging an enemy right above me. In reality, it was 2 men loading roofing tiles on my roof for installation. They were moving FAST! Considering the terrible weather, I was in awe at their work ethic. I USED to be a hard and fast worker like that! But not anymore!

I had gone outside earlier to do a quick project, but immediately regretted opening the door! It was just plain cold and wet out there. In my opinion, any weather that starts with ‘forty’ something is not weather conducive to getting things done. The guys on the roof were not working according to MY standards. They had a job and a boss they answered to!

Looking back on life can be insightful. Looking forward… even more so. Looking at the issues and direction the world is moving forces me to pause and look at what I am doing through the lens of MY Father’s priorities. As the THUMP, THUMP, THUMP was going on above me, today’s verse jumped out and made me ask, am I doing everything The Father expects!

I remember way back when I was at school, then work, when I woke up and didn’t FEEL like doing either. Earlier in life, I admit to lying there trying to conjure up legitimate excuses that could pass for NOT doing what my parent’s, teachers, or bosses expected from me. As responsibilities of marriage, home ownership and parenting came, I quit the excuse search!

I live with God NOW… everyday! And while I don’t punch a clock anymore, I DO have expectations from my Heavenly Father that come with a warning. Some day my work ethic and Job completion rate WILL be evaluated. I will either have DONE God’s will for my life. Or not! And I don’t have to wait until I die to know if He is actually pleased with my efforts!

In the cold damp climate of the world, what kind of sound do YOUR feet make during the day? Are you obeying the Father and doing His will? Or making excuses? 


The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.” Proverbs 18:15

“ICK!” was my personal response as I looked out the window into a cloudy, cold dreary morning. The weather threatened more rain, on top of the already soaked everything that had already been drenched. But it was decision time. And I’m the guy that needed to make one. I recalled one of my slogans, “when you don’t know what to do, get more information.”

It was Wednesday. Which means different things to different people. For me and our church, it was the day we go out to share the Gospel by holding signs on a busy corner. At least a half dozen others were looking out at the same clouds and temperature… wondering. For them, they wondered what “I” would decide. Do we go… or not? I didn’t want to!

It was cold! Icky! Nasty! But those are NOT adequate reasons to avoid the mission God had laid on our hearts. Pleasing God is Priority one! At least it’s SUPPOSED to be. Secretly I was looking for more information to make a sound and logical decision that would be OK with HIM. Looking up the weather forecast, I saw there was a 91% chance of rain. I canceled!

Rain and painted cardboard signs do not go well together. Cold, rainy weather… and my going out INTO it… don’t either. But I had to BE WILLING to do what GOD wanted me to do. And I was. As were the faithful folks awaiting the decision that had to be made. I had to admit I was relieved when I saw the rain chance. I had done my duty, and called it off!

‘Ahhhhh’… was the relief I felt. I quickly messaged everyone and got zero responses. Which meant no one was going to argue the decision. Which was a good thing! All was well, for about 20 minutes, when the sun seemed to mess with me and just pop out after all! Do you wrestle with doing the right thing at the right time? How do YOU determine what God’s will is? 


For Christ also suffered for sins once for all time, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;” 1 Peter 3:18 NASB

“That’s just not right!” the gal said. I was in a classroom with a group of kids and asked the question, “How many of you here absolutely, 100%, KNOW FOR CERTAIN that YOU are going to Heaven when you die?” About a third of the class had raised their hands. The last time I’d asked, 100% responded in the affirmative! Confusion entered with the word “confession!”

For a middle-schooler, she was sharp! Sharper than most adults I’ve run into. When asked what it takes to be saved from sin, she had quoted 1 John 1:9 perfectly, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.” When I asked, “how often are we required to do that?” She said, “every time we sin.” Then I told the red-light, truck story!

“Suppose you’re driving, and a rude person cuts you off. You get angry and shake your fist at the driver. What sin have you just committed?” I reminded her, “Jesus clarified THAT sin as ‘murder!’ Now suppose you’re so angry you don’t see the light change, go through on red, and a semi-truck runs you over. Where are you going… since you haven’t had the chance to confess your sin and ask forgiveness?”

I LOVE watching the face of someone when they finally get it! Hers was classic astonishment and joy! When she repeated that she had been told, over and over again, that she’d HAVE to ASK for forgiveness before she got it, she finally responded with “that’s just not right!” Jesus was her Savior… ONE AND FOR ALL! No hooks, lines or sinkers! “THAT’S GREAT NEWS,” she said!

And THAT… is exactly the point! If YOU understand the Good News that way, you have EVERY reason to share it with anyone you meet! Do you? Is satan still trying to get you to accept the charges for sins Jesus has already paid for?


For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

What once was a walk across the hall, now takes a 400 mile round trip! It USED to be easy to see my daughter or son because they USED to live in the same house… under the same roof. When I wanted to see them I could quickly walk around the house and find them. Now that they are adults and have homes and families of their own… it’s not so easy!

The trip took time and planning… but we pulled it off. All it took was to rearrange our schedules, plan the trip, pack our bags and enter the address into our phone. 3.5 hours later, when we arrived at their house, they were at home waiting for us! When we got settled, we passed around Christmas presents we had gotten each other.

While there, I received a gift that I REALLY needed. A Key Finder! I am constantly misplacing my keys and have to hunt around to find them. This little gizmo, when attached to my key chain, will beep when I push a remote, helping me to find the keys I had misplaced. I attached one to my phone as well. Now, finding lost things should be easier than before.

We had GREAT time visiting our daughter and family over the weekend. We left earlier yesterday, taking the time to go visit our son in Tampa to celebrate his Birthday! 150 miles later we gathered together to eat, sing and celebrate, then left to come home from our 400 mile round trip. It was fun and enjoyable. But something’s still missing that the remote can’t fix!

Keys and cell phones don’t have desires. They remain where we left them! And they don’t even feel bad about it! God created us for Himself, placed us in a paradise, then after turning around, ended up with the problem of our being lost to Him forever! A situation NOT easily fixed by the pressing of a button. Because before I can be found.. I have to WANT to be!

Jesus has a very easy, or very hard task. The determining factor rests upon YOUR desire to be found by Him. Do YOU want to be found and rescued by The Savior? Or are you content to be lost and on your own? You CAN make it easier to be found. Just call Him. He’s closer than you think! What are you waiting for?


Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” 2 Timothy 2:23-24

“Whadayamean you’re not doing that!?” I was confused… then flustered… then angry! I was supposed to get an ‘entire roof replacement.’ Now that half the roof was off, I was told about a quarter of the roof, the flat part, wasn’t included in ‘The Contract!’ Having been in sales most of my life, I realized I either had a problem… or an opportunity! “Oh Dear Lord!”

There were 8 men working hard, banging out and destroying my old roof to replace it with a new one. Somewhere between my first conversation with the salesman and the banging of hammers, I realized I wasn’t getting what I’d signed for. Sensing God’s ‘opportunity mode,’ I made a phone call… which netted a couple more. It was clear we weren’t on the same page!

Now in my flesh I’m as good as anybody, and better than most, at arguing and getting ugly. When the sales-guy lobbed some insults at me to justify HIS position, I sensed the demonic world smile. Experience told me ‘do not follow!’ The men were here, and the roof needed done NOW. I could fight… or I could work on a fix. Asking God for Grace… He provided.

Like rain through the leaky roof, there were a couple times when ugly tried to re-enter and damage the process. Then I remembered, ‘I represent Christ.’ They knew I was a pastor, & I knew Jesus had more to lose than me. So I remained cordial and dedicated to resolving the issue. A misunderstanding had taken place. And misunderstandings come… with expenses.

It cost me more than I’d originally thought. But it’s Jesus’ roof anyway! He owns everything I have. I had the opportunity to lay down what I thought were MY rights.. and give Jesus HIS right to claim and manage what was His… which is EVERYTHING! As a kindness, I took the workers some coffee and ice cream bars… wearing a Jesus hat of course! Winner Winner!

What are YOU fighting for… and what are you giving up for your Savior?