“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
It started a couple days ago, as it usually does every year. Boom! Bang! Wizzzzzz! With the 4th of July approaching, those who bought fireworks for the occasion simply can’t wait for the actual day to arrive. The temptation to ‘shoot off 1 or 2’ is much too strong. Today being the 4th, it is time to pull ‘em ALL out and let them fly! Spectators encourage sounds and display by their applause.
WAYYY back when I was in Junior High School, a friend gave me a couple ‘firecrackers.’ To this day I will never forget the anticipation and thrill I experienced as I leaned over it, struck a match and lit the fuse. And To this day I am not sure if there was something wrong with it, or if God was trying to teach me an early lesson. Cuz I didn’t get the usual time to ‘RUN!’ before it exploded in my face!
Every American knows that the sights and sounds of Fireworks are meant as a celebration of our Independence. The term ‘Revolutionary War’ describes what it took to free America from the financial hardship that came with the yoke of slavery imposed by England. Daily living was replaced with daily revolting until July 4th1776, when American Freedom was finally won.
Reading today’s Bible verse alludes to another date in history when man’s ‘spiritual’ freedom was won by God on a cross and through an empty grave over 2000 years ago. The first part of the verse is the ‘Wizzz Bang’ of celebration for those of us who have chosen to receive Life in Christ. The second part issues a warning. Freedom is, and never will be… free! The struggle continues.
Every person born knows that they are not perfect. Inside our being we KNOW what right and wrong are, but even though we have the rules written down, we STILL can’t keep from breaking them in our hearts. Anger, desire, lust, greed ALL convict us as slaves to rules that cannot be kept. This poses a problem! How can imperfect people share Heaven with perfect God? God answers!
Keeping rules isn’t the thing that sets me free. JESUS set me free when He paid for my revolting rebellion. When I gave him my life, I was set FREE from sin and death. But I was NOT set free from my selfish heart. Because try as I may… it still revolts. The remedy isn’t trying to be good! It comes by resting and trusting in HIM! Because only HE can keep me free! Are YOU free… really?
Don’t let life explode in your face… Follow Jesus.
Ahhh KC my brother, as I had the joy of spending many years with you in fellowship and devotional, I am proud to say nothing has changed. I walked in last week for the first time since my return and was welcomed with open arms. A congregation of believers, and a community of Christ is what I expected, and what I received. Thank you for your non waivering portrayal of Jesus and his word. Stick to your guns Brother and we will fight the good fight together, shoulder to shoulder seeking victory for His name sake.
Daniel Merritt