
Reach down from on high; set me free and rescue me from the deep waters… (then) I will sing to You a new song, O God.” Psalm 144:7-9

‘LOOK UP!’ That was the first thought I had when an urgent call came with a need to provide a tarp for a blown off roof from Hurricane Ian. What had been, in this area anyway, the worst storm in history, where black skies churned with as much as 155 MPH winds, now displayed a sky with not a cloud in sight! After looking up, I determined I needed more information, so I started looking around.

Quickly going to my smart phone and seeing I had been blessed to not lose cell service. I typed in ‘WEATHER’ for my local area. The forecast called for ZERO rain for the next 7 days! Not only that, but Hurricane Ian had actually sucked the heat and humidity out of most of the air, leaving the weather beautiful! Then I learned, today is the beginning of Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement. I smiled.

Reading the Old Testament can be difficult. Which is why I suggest that new believers avoid most of it, until they have a working understanding of the New Testament. In the Old Testament Law, Yom Kippur was a time of fasting and praying for the forgiveness of sins from God, along with a LOT of regulations, rules and LOTS of BLOOD from sacrificed animals. It used to be LOT of WORK to get free!

In reading today’s verses out of Psalm 144, I can hear David calling out to God for help and rescue from the perils of deep waters as well. Thinking about that, it hit me that when those deep waters hit, God’s command to David HAD to be the same one He had given me… “LOOK UP!” And David did! But the blessing of God’s presence didn’t, and couldn’t, come to David until he first LOOKED UP!

Once David looked up and perceived the presence of God, he was able to look around and see the benefits of what God had already supplied! Instead of freaking out, David was able to rest in the love and deliverance God had already supplied. Today, I do not work hard to keep rules and spill animal blood, because Jesus Christ has already paid the complete price for my sin. COMPLETELY!

There are times when the storms of life seem to deliver a dark cloud, followed by what could seem to be a ‘knock-out’ blow! Because Jesus Died for me and sent The Holy Spirit to live inside of me, I have the ability to hear His voice through His Word as He gently whispers… ‘Look Up!’ It is then I can drop my cares and rest in the arms of His provision. So I’m glad I’m not an Old Testament guy!

As I write, there are organizations and people FLOODING into our area by the THOUSANDS! They are bringing help and resources I have NO way of meeting myself. Every power or tree truck I see, I wave and give a thumbs up. Because, whether they know it or not, they were sent by God to help us all out of deep water! SO I look up and thank God, humbly asking for His love, joy, and patience.

Are you looking up or freaking out in your storm tossed life?


I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy (I) will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:1-4

A B C D…. L M N Ohhhhhh! The lesson is elementary. My Katie is a preschool teacher whose job it is to teach children the basics… like the alphabet! It’s harder than imaginable because, once memorized, it becomes basic common sense. But initial learning is tough! 1 letter off or out of place… and oops! Like last week when ‘I AM’ became IAN! 1 letter off… and we’re blown to hell!

I THOUGHT I’d memorized the basics, until Category 5 Hurricane Ian visited. The long hard lessons of following God for decades found me giving… not taking. As a pastor, selfishness had learned to shift to give way to Service. When calls of inquiry turned into “I need,” my focus began to moving by a ‘1 letter off’ shift in priority. From I AM to IAN! Looking back 1 letter, I see I must return to the basics.

Writing a letter to God after being so exhausted this last week, I started with, “Help Lord!” then stopped. Funny and presumptuous, those 2 words. Because why should He? After all I was created BY Him for the purpose of HIS Glory and HIS ability to live and reign in me for the purpose of showing the Devil… WHAT? DO I really need or deserve to know? Is it my place or right to demand or expect equal rights with God? How dare I!

In living in a worldly hell of people fighting to have their way, do I follow their lead to add my 2 cents? How foolish! Yet in my search and climb to fall into the Maker’s lap, I can see how glorious He is, then slip back to! But then it is easy to slip, turn my head around and see and judge the greedy sin of others! A place I had just left! My focus has shifted 1 position to look at them instead of Him!

I AM… YOU ARE! Joining with Isaiah, the writer of this Scripture, I cry out, “I love you Lord, and I long for you! I wish us to be us again. Not because I deserve or add anything to your equation. But because ‘I’VE’e tasted your ‘L’ove and LIVE for another. Be exalted, Oh God, in, by and through me. For I need and want only you! My JOY only comes from I AM. Ian deserves NONE of my attention.

What is it you think YOU need or want?