“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him.” John 3:14
I recently got back from summer vacation, having flown to rest at our cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I love flying because it is SO much more convenient. Having flown for many years, I have learned a few things along the way.
There are only 3 essentials to Fly in an airplane. 1. A Destination. 2. The time necessary to make the reservation and 3. the money to pay for the trip! That’s it! Simple right? A place, a plan and the price! That said, I have learned that EVERYONE who gets ON a plane in 1 city, will get OFF TOGETHER in the next! Seating makes ZERO difference. That is…until it does!
I like to save money by flying an inexpensive carrier where I don’t PAY to pick my seat in advance. I prefer to take the one the airline offers to me for free. I don’t usually begrudge people who pay to sit in a particular seat. Except THIS time, when I landed with a prejudicial view that shall continue until I figure out the reasoning behind it. I no longer trust people who CHOOSE to sit by a window, but then keep the window shade down!
The airline NEVER gives me a free window seat. Those are reserved for PAYING customers. But this trip I noticed MOST of the window sitters never even peered out at the view!!! And as I sat in the mostly darkened plane, I wondered WHY someone would pay to have the opportunity to look out at God’s fascinating creation, and from a SPECTACULAR view… but would choose not take advantage of the opportunity!
But maybe It should not surprise me! God exists! That fact is plain and foundational because… God has MADE it plain (Romans 1:9)! That said, all humans are born with the same 3 essentials for a trip to His home with a guaranteed SAFE landing. To make it easier, there are really only 2 destinations. Heaven or hell! We are born with knowledge enough to see, then given the time needed to plan the trip. The price, according to our verse today, has already been PAID by God Himself! Which leads to a wondering question!
By Birth and creation alone, we all are sitting by a window seat with the opportunity to see The Spectacular Beauty of God Himself! Why? Because God has PLACED us there. The essential answers are available to anyone who simply seeks for them by asking! But I can’t figure why so few bother! Are you sitting by God’s window with the shade drawn? If so, my wondering question is…WHY??? Can somebody PLEASE tell me WHY!!!! Because it seems to be getting much darker around here, and the trip is getting bumpy for us all!
What do YOU see?