“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthews 5:8
Being a faith Guy, I had little faith that this week’s Bible Study was going to be spectacular. With too much on my mind and too many things to do, I was frazzled. Coming up with an interesting topic of discussion was like trying to stuff a 13th can into a 12 can container. So I asked some of my ‘street preaching men’ for help…“If you can come up with any interesting questions, I’d love the help tonight.”
Every week, we start Bible Study with questions. “What have you been wondering, or what would you ask God if you had 5 minutes with Him?” If no questions come, ‘I’ throw out a topic. This week, I didn’t think my subject was all that interesting. When it got quiet, my friend Dan said, “Alright…here’s one…will there be Hope in Heaven?” And with that…we were OFF!!
The subject wound its way around every part of the Bible. It touched off other questions, which led to clarification of misunderstood Bible verses. Having ALL the items I like to see in a great Bible Study, it was a BLAST! When someone asked Dan, “did you get your answer,” He smiled and said, “I personally didn’t really have a question!” Dan had just rescued us all from boring!
I like learning a LITTLE about Physics. If I had to sit down with a teacher for any length of time with pen, paper and formulas, I wouldn’t! I like dabbling in the mystical ‘what if’s,’ just not real deep ‘proofs!’ The people in our Bible Study are awesome. They don’t just want to HEAR about God, they want to KNOW Him! I guess we could literally call them ‘Pure in Heart!’
Today is the first day of Purim. This Holy day comes to us from the Book of Esther and alludes to this concept of being ‘pure in heart.’ Esther had Jewish roots, but they weren’t really very deep. Her involvement in saving the Jewish race went from casual observer to active participant when she learned that HER fate, and her peoples, was literally determined upon HER next move!
I’m thinking that ‘pure in heart’ has little to do with how perfect or sinless I am and EVERYTHING to do with how close I want to get to The Savior! The closer I get to Him, the more I have to lose of myself! Becoming like Jesus and making Him my Master is kind of like that 13th can thing. He isn’t going to fit unless something else goes! The question is, ‘how serious am I in really wanting to know and SEE Him in the first place!!!??? Literally??!
NO one gets to heaven, or gets to see God, on a wish!